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  1. F

    Gpxile Magazine/site Launches!

    Kicking me is probablly the correct response. You're right on with the "popular among developers who lack the time or inclination to write and maintain their own GUIs" comment. All of the "features" of RACE! have an explanation. Unfortunatly, many of them are along the lines of "I'd rather...
  2. F

    Apex Design Interview

    Nice work again, Hooka.
  3. F

    Powermanga 0.80

    Yup, this seems like a common problem for SDL ports. The PC versions usually set the buffer much higher, and it causes lags on the GP2X.
  4. F

    I Need Some Coupon Codes For

    I have a $5 (off of $50+) coupon. The first to ask me for it (on this thread) will receive it via PM. That way everyone knows that it's been given away already.
  5. F

    Question About Heavy Barrel

    If you're feeling bad about not owning the ROMs, I have a Heavy Barrel mainboard and marquee sitting here that I'd sell. :rolleyes: I pulled them out of my arcade machine before I converted it to something else and then sold it.
  6. F

    Race, Changing Controls?

    If you're asking these kinds of questions, then I would say that the code would not be easy to change. Even if you did, you'd need to re-compile the project when you were done. There were actually 3 buttons. On RACE, you'd use A, B, and Select.
  7. F

    Race, Changing Controls?

    Yup, I know. It's in the RACE! source code. In other words, it's not user-configurable.
  8. F

    The Gp2x Rap

    Even though I didn't read most of it, I'm glad to see that someone is keepin' it real!
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    Final Frontier Trader

    I was looking for some more info about the Final Frontier Trader game, and I came across this page. It's quite a list of free (and open-source) games. Check this one out. Perhaps these are old news, but I've not seen a list this nice...
  10. F

    Race! Released

    There should be an NGF file in that Battery directory inside the ZIP file. Though, if you use WinZip, and you just drag-n-drop the files, it won't create subdirectories. In WinZip, you need to use the "Extract" button. You're right about it not working without the properly cased "Battery"...
  11. F

    Race! Released

    There is a "Battery" directory that is necessary. Though, it should be included in the ZIP file. That is, if you unpacked it with directories as opposed to just pulling the files out of the ZIP.
  12. F

    Race Updated

    MotM looks fine to me, but make sure your ROMs don't have spaces in the filenames. Name it something like SVCMotM.ngp and it should work. I think that the fullscreen option only works on the GP32. As for the changes, mainly it's just a bugfix for a graphics problem that some people reported.
  13. F

    Port Request: Abuse W/ Source Code!

    The guy that did the original Linux port has a GP2X and is on this board. He has also tried to port it to GP2X, so the code is at least partially ported. I think he got into problems with it writing to NAND, and I haven't talked with him since then. I think he was frustrated and gave the...
  14. F

    Neogeo Pocket Emu + Selector

    Yeah, it's because Linux doesn't like the way that Windows ends lines. If you can edit it on a Linux PC, you'll be better off. The other option is to run the file through some utility that will strip off carriage returns. I have a little DOS app called strip_cr.exe that will do it. The only...
  15. F

    Race! Released

    I've just uploaded a new release of RACE to the RACE! SourceForge page. Download that, unpack it to your SD (wherever you want) and then plop in the "selector" executable from Selector v1.1. Let me know if it works for you. Selector should be a bit easier to use, now. If you've got it all...
  16. F

    Neogeo Pocket Emu + Selector

    I've just uploaded a new release of RACE to the RACE! SourceForge page. Download that, unpack it to your SD (wherever you want) and then plop in the "selector" executable from Selector v1.1. I think it should work, and it fixes a couple bugs in the emulation, too. It turns out (after a bit of...
  17. F

    Neogeo Pocket Emu + Selector

    I spoke a bit hastily in my previous post, so my example was not a good real-world one. In your case, try something more like #Full absolute path to base directory for file explorer baseDir=/mnt/sd/emulators/neo-geopocket/roms Anything that asks for a "full absolute path" should start with...
  18. F

    Neogeo Pocket Emu + Selector

    RACE was no "quick port." Let me know your SourceForge name. I'll add you as a RACE developer, so we can get a decent GUI. That says, "Full absolute path." ./roms is a relative path. Try something like baseDir=/mnt/sd/Emulators/NeoPocket/roms or baseDir=/mnt/sd/roms/NeoPocket Also...
  19. F

    What Is The Best Original Gb Pokemon Game?

    Was that before or after she asked, "What's Garfield doing, daddy?"
  20. F

    What Is The Best Original Gb Pokemon Game?

    I was wondering along these lines, myself. Wouldn't a GBP (or GBC) with any Pokemon cart run around the $10 range, anyway? Maybe I'm way off, but I can't believe it'd cost that much. Also, wouldn't you feel better having her carry around (and potentially break) a GameBoy than a Palm?