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  1. slygamer

    Usb Charger

    I remember way back when you responded to someone about powering the GP2X from USB that you should be able to do it, but you might need to use two USB ports into one DC adaptor because each port can only supply 500mA. Must be old age making you forget things. :)
  2. slygamer

    Is Complete Control Over The Hardware Possible?

    HH SDK is where the hardcore SDK seems to have finished up over a year ago. There wasn't much benefit that it gave over having the program run in Linux. Here's a quote from July about the state of the HH SDK... Here is a fairly accurate memory map.
  3. slygamer

    Minilib + Hw Blitter

    Those two lines, plus many more. The minilib currently available does not have native support for the blitter, so you have to set all the registers for the blitter yourself. I've got HW blitting in my engine, which was loosely based on minilib, and I don't use SDL. Native HW support is being...
  4. slygamer

    GP2X Toolchain

    I emailed details of the problem to, based on the first page that comes up in Google for Open2X.
  5. slygamer

    GP2X Open2x Toolchain On Windows

    Performing the SVN checkout will not work within Cygwin because Cygwin sits on top of the native Win32 file system and thus it will still have the same case-insensitive issues, as shown by Gary Miller in the previous post. DevkitGP2X works just fine for me, and it's Win32 native. The interest...
  6. slygamer

    Coding On It

    I am going to have a go compiling on the GP2X with BVRDE. This is a Windows IDE that works with the source files on the device, compiles them on the device (using whatever compiler you want), and then debugs it on the device (using GDB). The best thing is that you do it all through a Visual...
  7. slygamer

    Need Major Help With Networking

    Did you follow the Wiki article?
  8. slygamer

    GP2X Toolchain

    devkitGP2X does not have SDL full stop. You download it from the GP32x file library I believe. So it's not the fault of devkitGP2X.
  9. slygamer

    GP2X Toolchain

    I tried coLinux with both the Gentoo and Fedora distributions and could never get the networking to work. This was despite working through the wiki and documentation. So unfortunately that didn't get very far.
  10. slygamer

    GP2X Toolchain

    I use devkitGP2X from devkitPro, but it seems to have been relegated to the bastard child category since they do not wish to acknowledge it on the devkitPro webpage or in their updater, and it has not been updated since its first release. It is great for me, being a Windows user, because it...
  11. slygamer

    Powerslide - First Screenshots

    So it's nothing like Powerslide by Ratbag Games on the PC several years ago. Nice work anyway. Getting something this far is a worthy achievement itself.
  12. slygamer

    What Is Minimal Sdk 0.c ?

    You can compile for GP2X using rlyeh's Minimal SDK. You cannot compile for any other platform. Minimal SDK is a library written in C for use in a C or C++ application to access the hardware on the GP2X. It allows you to set the screen type that you want, to quickly draw images on the screen...
  13. slygamer

    New Bob ???

    Correct. It's amazing how often facts get mutated in these forums.
  14. slygamer

    Payback - Initial Thoughts

    I also downloaded the playable demo only recently, after the full game was released. I guess if we find bugs in the demo now, we shouldn't report them, because it's been out for so long and we hadn't bothered downloading it sooner.
  15. slygamer

    Linux Flavour

    Who cares what "flavour" of Linux it is? It's Linux-based. They all cause pain and misery of some flavour. It should have zero effect on what flavour of pain and misery you decide to inflict on your PC.
  16. slygamer

    GP2X Anyone Got A Backtrace Working In Code?

    I'm not using -s or arm-linux-strip. I guess glibc supplied with devkitGP2X just simply does not support function names in backtrace_symbols(). devkitGP2X seems to have been dropped and forgotten by devkitPro, which is a shame because it was a breeze to get working. See my other thread about...
  17. slygamer

    GP2X Open2x Toolchain On Windows

    No it's not. It's just a POSIX-like layer over the case insensitive Windows file system. To prove this, I installed MSYS 1.0.10, ran the msys shell, and entered the following commands: $ echo hello >hello.txt $ echo HELLO >HELLO.TXT $ ls hello.txt $ cat hello.txt HELLO Which is exactly what...
  18. slygamer

    Payback - Initial Thoughts

    Having a limit of five lives for a game where you are supposed to be able to run/drive around and do anything really cramps your freedom to do anything. I just crashed the demo by getting the car onto the city wall and exiting the vehicle. The game stopped, then dumped me back to the GP2X...
  19. slygamer

    GP2X Anyone Got A Backtrace Working In Code?

    I can't build for PC because I'm using the hardware registers directly in my GP2X application and I do not have gcc for Win32. I have even tried just the simplest example that the GNU docs provide, with -g, -rdynamic, -export-dynamic and all combinations of said parameters and there is still no...
  20. slygamer

    Payback - Initial Thoughts

    Does the full version have the limited number of lives that the demo has? For a game where you can either do the missions or just run around and do crazy stuff (usually resulting in your death), the limited number of lives made the "run around and do crazy stuff" option quite restrictive.