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  1. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    I'm away abroad for over a month atm. I was going to use the time to connect and express my spirit, by being in nature and playing my ocarina/creating music etc. But I'm thinking it's more than that that I should do. I need to start gathering my thoughts and thinking about my life, my future...
  2. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    @ kasp Leatherhead where?
  3. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    @ kasp: Awww congratulations! :D (Oh and don't let people tell you you won't be able to travel much when you have a baby - it's not true :) )
  4. Løra (Lolla)

    (Bad)Joke Appreciation Corner

    ^ "even the cake was in tiers" lololol I now have the giggles. Thank you
  5. Løra (Lolla)

    Conclusion / synthesis of the keyboard poll results

    I think a single compose key would be very useful: Firstly, it's much easier to type quicker with it. Secondly; those who don't need it can use it for something very useful also. It's better to have two keys: International users will benefit by being able to write easily in their native...
  6. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    @Gadgetoid: Oh nej :( I'm so sorry to hear about your father, and his passing *huggles*. Have you really spoken about it to anyone? I think in a way, our mind protects us - to a degree - when dealing with trauma etc, by gradually coming back to it bit by bit, like slowly lifting a veil. Is...
  7. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    ...He turns into Barney the purple dinosaur :D
  8. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    I fear we may have gone slightly off the Caring track. Back to work, Care Bears. People are in need of huggles, care and glitter and happy rainbows :D
  9. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    This reminds me of the scene in Godzilla...or is that Aliens..? Or both?
  10. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    My huggle-pods! Wait..wait...ewwwwwwwwww! This is most unacceptable for the Caring Corner. Let us all start again. *huggles!*
  11. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    That's true; they do stay in the Corner. Mind you; I'd be lying if I said a few didn't go outside, here and there too :P Eek, rygD! Please don't cut me down..I'm already short :( *picks up her roots and lays them down elsewhere* hehe
  12. Løra (Lolla)

    The Caring Corner :)

    Well..nej, but I'm a huggle-tree. Actually, on second thoughts the 'huggle tree' and 'pods', makes it sound like I drop my huggle-pod babies all over the place... I definitely don't do that. That would not be appropriate for the Caring