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    Dos Hasn't Got Source Code For My Port

    DOS is an operating system, not hardware. If DOS itself was ported (there is a FREE-DOS project out there), you would be able to do command line file management (deleting, renaming, etc.) but not run old DOS games. What you're looking for is an x86 emulator, but they're just finally getting...
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    I Was Jsut Wondering

    On an IRC channel for PC abandonware games I was serving in at the moment, followed by lots of cat calls that the GP32 was a fraud (a handheld that emulates X, Y and Z... its a hoax!)... those spurred on my research to determine it was legitimate. And how could you not buy one once you know...
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    Neogeocd - Sdl Port, Now Available On Dreamcast

    Excellent information, and what I was afraid of, but worth the suggestion. Thanks!
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    Neogeocd - Sdl Port, Now Available On Dreamcast

    I believe someone was once working on an SDL port to the GP32, if it is at all up to it, would be cool to look at porting over NeoCD/SDL, a NeoGeo Cd emulator, recently ported to Dreamcast: Not sure on the technical details, but since it "loads" off...
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    Favourite Snes Games........

    Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts Smash TV (controls aren't quite right on the GP32, but I still love it...) Zombies Ate My Neighbors plus many of those mentioned above...
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    SNES on PS2

    Any suggestions/links for best places to buy a mod-chip to be able to boot up an emu?
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    Why didn't you tell me about....

    Ghouls 'n Ghosts on the PCE is uses SuperGfx, which is not supported by the current emulator. Also one of my all-time favorite games, and very disappointing, it is a great version, but not playable on the GP32 (give it a whirl on your PC though!). As mentioned above, Genesis is probably the...
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    Super Famicast

    As for ? 4, it truly isn't hard to setup emus for the DC. I've found two major ways so far: if you find a .sbi file, you can use a program called Self Boot Inducer to setup a disk image. I had to copy the files from the disk image, add roms, and run the second method below to get a bootable CD...
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    New fMSX32 out !

    My apologies for leaving out the European and South American areas, merely my ignorance that the MSX had achieved noticeable popularity in those areas. I was primarily thinking in regards to where the computer originated and was primarily produced, in other words Japan and Korea...
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    New fMSX32 out !

    Kudos Rlyeh! Love the MSX and appreciate your great work. MSX is a computer sold mainly in eastern countries back in the day, do some searching on the board and you'll find lots of posts with info and game suggestions...
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    syndicate wars port???

    Heck with the source... if I remember correctly, Syndicate was one of the first great SVGA games... that means a resolution too high for the GP32 (from the PC version that is). I believe there's a remake for one or more of the consoles emulated on the GP32, although I haven't tried it myself...
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    Ghouls N Ghosts

    This will be pointless if we get the Genesis emu released soon, but the two working versions I've gotten for Ghouls 'n Ghosts is on Atari ST and SMS. The SMS version only worked for me on Rlyeh's emu.
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    Which emulators can play zipped roms?

    Rlyeh's SMS emu fMSX32 - Rlyeh's MSX emu One of the NES emus, I don't remember which one as I haven't taken advantage of the zipping yet until I take the time to decide which emu I like Those are the ones I remember in addition to the previously mentioned two.
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    King's Valley is a good puzzle game, and one of my all-time favorite games is Thexder, available on the MSX (it's sequel, Firehawk, is MSX-2 and also works on the emu). Give it a try, its not for everyone, but I love it (colored by my impressions of playing the game back in the day of course).
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    Piracy Eithics

    First off, I amazingly agree with almost all of the posts here. Just goes to show how thin the line is. Personally, I think everyone should just adhere to their own moral code, or as has been stated on another thread: "Do what will let you sleep at night." My personal code is to buy a game if...
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    MAME or...?

    With no offense to the makers of XCade, I'm aware of it, but I would like an Arcade Emulator closer to MAME... not all MAME games will be ran on a GP32 due to system limitations, but that doesn't mean that the only ones that will are Donkey Kong and Pac-Man. Hooray for the CPS-1 emu if it comes...
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    I love rlyeh's work, and do not want to downplay his contributions, but great kudos to Scherzo - he's created an awesome emulator here! I haven't had any problems with the controls, but I don't like punchout and so haven't tried that one. I love the fact that the games can be played...
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    Will my commercial games work if i buy a new GP32?

    Okay, the way GP32 game encryption/registration works, there are two possible legal methods for getting games: 1) You buy the games on an SMC and have them imported: Result - Games will be playable on ANY GP32, but only on the SMC you purchased them on (back up the files just in case!)...
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    firmware Qs

    I could always play commercial games, but I did have to choose to go into the original firmware first, windups itself doesn't support them. But, no problems from there with the commercial pinball dreams (not the demo) and dungeon & garder.
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    hando, regarding your other posters

    Well, if your comments were intended JUST for hando, why didn't you email hando instead of making a public post? I understand your concern about the "news" being accurate, but as was posted earlier, the posts were accurate if you just remove the "new" portion of "new game". The post of new...