Recent content by JoJo_ReloadeD

  1. J

    Setting Volume Via /dev/mixer

    That's it, it's your code, got from lemonboy :) Any ideas to make it sound louder?
  2. J

    Setting Volume Via /dev/mixer

    I tried 255 too.
  3. J

    Setting Volume Via /dev/mixer

    I'm stuck with this code, there's no way of get a higher volume, still very low when volume = 100 unsigned long soundDev = open("/dev/mixer", O_RDWR); if(soundDev) { int vol = ((volume << 8) | volume); //ioctl(soundDev...
  4. J

    Wizfrontier V0.1

    Here is my port of Elite 2:Frontier to the Wiz: WizFrontier v0.1 WizFrontier v0.1 source Enjoy :lol:
  5. J

    Wizfrontier V0.1

    Hi, I've ported Elite 2:Frontier to the Wiz. Here are the files: WizFrontier v0.1 WizFrontier v0.1 source
  6. J

    Caanoo / WIZ Porting Gpfrontier To Wiz Problems

    Hi, I'm trying to port my gp2x port of Elite 2: Frontier to the Wiz and have several problems. On gp2x I used open2x toolchain, and linked statically, altough I got this warning: warning: Using 'getpwnam' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc...
  7. J


    Hi, I would port it to the Wiz, but I don't have one.. so..
  8. J

    Gpfrontier V0.4

    Hi, I know I said v0.3 would be the last version done by me, but I've got a F200 and couldn't resist to get the touchscreen working on it :) You can download it here: GpFrontier v0.4 GpFrontier v0.4 Source
  9. J

    Gpfrontier V0.3

    Hi, I've released my last version of my Elite 2: Frontier port for the gp2x. This will be my last version, since I don't have a F200 to simulate the mouse. I've released the code so anybody can do this. CODE CHANGELOG ------------------ V0.3: - Several optimizations GpFrontier v0.3 binary...
  10. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

    Uh.. no.. that's the debugging version.. you can delete it :P
  11. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

  12. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

    It's already fixed: CHANGELOG ------------------ V0.2.1: - Fixed load/save problem. The virtual interrupt vector was broken with the changes done with music. Thanks to Chris Handley for the point ;) GpFrontier v0.2.1
  13. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

    At least, I'll try to get some decent gameplay, do a menu to control volume, exiting game... And I'd like some more speed :) I dunno... maybe using the 940 for some code... Time will tell ;)
  14. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

    I've just finished a new version of my Frontier port. Those are the improvements: v0.2: - Changed button to avoid code protection to START, adding compatibility with F200's - Rewritten sound engine to SDL_mixer - Music support, disabled by default, you can activate it on the game menu by...