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  1. J

    Setting Volume Via /dev/mixer

    That's it, it's your code, got from lemonboy :) Any ideas to make it sound louder?
  2. J

    Setting Volume Via /dev/mixer

    I tried 255 too.
  3. J

    Setting Volume Via /dev/mixer

    I'm stuck with this code, there's no way of get a higher volume, still very low when volume = 100 unsigned long soundDev = open("/dev/mixer", O_RDWR); if(soundDev) { int vol = ((volume << 8) | volume); //ioctl(soundDev...
  4. J

    Wizfrontier V0.1

    Here is my port of Elite 2:Frontier to the Wiz: WizFrontier v0.1 WizFrontier v0.1 source Enjoy :lol:
  5. J

    Wizfrontier V0.1

    Hi, I've ported Elite 2:Frontier to the Wiz. Here are the files: WizFrontier v0.1 WizFrontier v0.1 source
  6. J

    Caanoo / WIZ Porting Gpfrontier To Wiz Problems

    Hi, I'm trying to port my gp2x port of Elite 2: Frontier to the Wiz and have several problems. On gp2x I used open2x toolchain, and linked statically, altough I got this warning: warning: Using 'getpwnam' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc...
  7. J


    Hi, I would port it to the Wiz, but I don't have one.. so..
  8. J

    Gpfrontier V0.4

    Hi, I know I said v0.3 would be the last version done by me, but I've got a F200 and couldn't resist to get the touchscreen working on it :) You can download it here: GpFrontier v0.4 GpFrontier v0.4 Source
  9. J

    Gpfrontier V0.3

    Hi, I've released my last version of my Elite 2: Frontier port for the gp2x. This will be my last version, since I don't have a F200 to simulate the mouse. I've released the code so anybody can do this. CODE CHANGELOG ------------------ V0.3: - Several optimizations GpFrontier v0.3 binary...
  10. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

    Uh.. no.. that's the debugging version.. you can delete it :P
  11. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

  12. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

    It's already fixed: CHANGELOG ------------------ V0.2.1: - Fixed load/save problem. The virtual interrupt vector was broken with the changes done with music. Thanks to Chris Handley for the point ;) GpFrontier v0.2.1
  13. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

    At least, I'll try to get some decent gameplay, do a menu to control volume, exiting game... And I'd like some more speed :) I dunno... maybe using the 940 for some code... Time will tell ;)
  14. J

    Gpfrontier V0.2

    I've just finished a new version of my Frontier port. Those are the improvements: v0.2: - Changed button to avoid code protection to START, adding compatibility with F200's - Rewritten sound engine to SDL_mixer - Music support, disabled by default, you can activate it on the game menu by...
  15. J

    Gpfrontier - Elite 2: Frontier Ported To Gp2x

    Hi I'm aware of the F200 joystick click issue. I'll release an update to this soon. Other things like music & speed improvement will take more time, but I'll try to improve it as much as I can ;)
  16. J

    Gpfrontier - Elite 2: Frontier Ported To Gp2x

    That will be done on next releases. At the moment you can rely on diagonals to pass those errors (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT are mapped to the ST UP, DOWN... but not the diagonals) ;)
  17. J

    Gpfrontier - Elite 2: Frontier Ported To Gp2x

    Sorry, I didn't think you had to be logged in to gp32spain to download the game, I've just updated the link to megaupload. About the controls... (pasted from readme.txt) 2 .- Controls: Joystick - Move mouse pointer A - Right mouse button (Hold to mousegrab) X - Left mouse button (Normal...
  18. J

    Gpfrontier - Elite 2: Frontier Ported To Gp2x

    Hi, I've just ported the ST version of Frontier to Gp2x. You can download it here: GpFrontier v1.0 :D EDIT: Download link changed to gp2x file archive - no registration nor waiting :)