Fgen Weekend Beta Compatibility List


Tales From The Big Room
Jan 1, 2004
Essex, England
Visit site
Ok, after looking at other threads, i've gathered up a list of all the games that have so far been tested, and arranged them into 3 areas.

Unplayable, being games that show no life at all, black screen, rebooting gp32, etc.

Working / Unplayable, being games that work to an extent, but with bugs that crash it or prevent it from being playable

Working / Playable, being games that can be happily played despite minor bugs.

PLEASE NOTE - As far as i'm aware, PAL roms (E) are still unplayable. Let me know if this isn't the case.
I'll update when I try new games out. Which i'll probably spend most of today doing.

Sonic Wings - Unplayable - Black Screen
Gunstar Heroes - Unplayable - Black Screen after sega logo
Aladdin - Unplayable - Garbage graphics
Road Rash - Unplayable - Freeze when loading
Shining Force - Unplayable - No boot.
Mean Bean Machine - Unplayable - Reboots GP32
Golden Axe - Unplayable - Reboots GP32
Golden Axe 2 - Unplayable - Reboots GP32
Sonic & Knuckles - Unplayable - GP32 Crash
Sonic 1 + Sonic & Knuckles - Unplayable - Garbled graphics before crash
Sonic 3 - Unplayable - Black Screen?
Rock 'n' Roll Racing - Unplayable - Black screen
Gain Ground - Unplayable - Black Screen
Populous - Unplayable - Reboot or Black Screen
James Pond 1, 2 and 3 - Unplayable - Black Screen
Duke Nukem 3d - Unplayable - Black Screen
Flashback - Unplayable - Black screen
Zombies Ate My Neighbours - Unplayable - Reboots GP32
Super Hang-On (Standalone rom) - Unplayable - Freezes fGen, no response.
Comix Zone - Unplayable - Reboots GP32.
Sonic 3 + Sonic & Knuckles - Unplayable - Black Screen
Ranger X - Unplayable - Shows sega logo, garbled title graphics, black screen.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Unplayable - Reboots GP32
Fifa Soccer 97 - Unplayable - Black Screen
Fifa Soccer 98 - Unplayable - Black Screen
Mega Bomberman - Unplayable - Black Screen
Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament - Unplayable - Black Screen
Mortal Kombat - Unplayable - Black Screen
Mortal Kombat 2 - Unplayable - Black Screen
Mortal Kombat 3 - Unplayable - GP32 Crash
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Unplayable - GP32 Crash
PGA Tour Golf 3 - Unplayable - Black Screen
Pirates! Gold - Unplayable - Black screen after 'Pirates! Gold' logo
Sensible Soccer International Edition - Unplayable - Black screen
Shinobi 3 - Unplayable - Crashes GP32
Speedball: Brutal Deluxe - Unplayable - Black Screen
The Terminator - Unplayable - Black Screen
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story - Unplayable - Reboots GP32
Dragonball Z - Unplayable - Black Screen
Space Harrier II - Unplayable - GP32 Crash
Moonwalker - Unplayable - Game crash on Sega logo
Sonic Spinball - Unplayable - Black screen
California Games - Unplayable - Black Screen
Earthworm Jim - Unplayable - Black Screen before GP32 Crash
Xenon 2 - Unplayable - Black Screen
Lemmings 2 - Unplayable - Black Screen
Sparkster - Unplayable - Black Screen

Jungle Strike - Working / Unplayable? - Might be playable, intro fine, goes all black for some screens of briefing.
Castlevania Bloodlines - Working / Unplayable - Bad Graphics
Ristar - Working / Unplayable - Due to graphical garbage?
Altered Beast - Working / Unplayable - No controls
Streets of Rage 2 - Working / Unplayable - No directional controls, minor graphics glitches
Sonic 1 - Working / Unplayable? - Annoying jumping bug
Sonic 2 + Sonic & Knuckles - Working / Unplayable? - Annoying jumping bug
Turbo Outrun - Working / Unplayable? - Garbled road graphics, no lap timer, no countdown time.
Streets of Rage - Working / Unplayable? - Loses immediately without playing?
Shadow of the Beast - Working / Unplayable? - Textures are buggy.
Golden Axe 3 - Working / Unplayable - No directional controls
Doraemon - Working / Unplayable? - Works for a moment then crashes?
Super Hang-On (Mega Games 1) - Working / Unplayable? - Messy Graphics
Road Blasters - Working / Unplayable - Title screen works fine, in-game it freezes.
World Cup Italia 90 (Mega Games 1) - Working / Unplayable? - Buggy but without gfx problems.
Klax - Working / Unplayable - All graphics seem fine, controls won't register.
Toejam and Earl - Working / Unplayable - All graphics seem messed, controls won't register at title screen.
Madden 95 - Working / Unplayable - Graphics and control errors
NBA Jam - Working / Unplayable - Reboots GP32 after menu
Road Rash - Working / Unplayable - Garbled graphics during gameplay
Road Rash 2 - Working / Unplayable - No bikes, blue road
Road Rash 3 - Working / Unplayable - No bikes, blue road
Rolling Thunder 3 - Working / Unplayable - Crashes after weapon selection
Samurai Shodown - Working / Unplayable - Controls don't register
Shadow Dancer - Working / Unplayable - Characters fly to top-left of the screen (?!?!)
Super Volleyball - Working / Unplayable - Crashes on serve
777 Casino - Working / Unplayable - Becomes unplayable through time due to mangled graphics
Virtual Bart - Working / Unplayable - Becomes unplayable through time due to mangled graphics
Splatterhouse II - Working / Unplayable - GP32 crash after menu
Splatterhouse III - Working / Unplayable - GP32 crash as action is about to start
Sonic 3d Blast - Working / Unplayable - Garbled graphics on startup
NHL 95 - Working / Unplayable - Major graphical problems
Talmit's Adventure - Working / Unplayable - Trademark Sonic error. Sprite flies through level on occasions.
Outrunners - Working / Unplayable - Major graphical problems
Fatal Fury - Working / Unplayable - Major graphical problems
Fatal Fury 2 - Working / Unplayable - Very messed controls
Contra Hard Corps - Working / Unplayable - Controls don't register
Outrun 2019 - Working / Unplayable - Major graphical errors during gameplay
Probotector - Working / Unplayable - Can't go past title screen
Soleil - Working / Unplayable - Minor garbage on title screen, everything past choosing name is black.
Outrun - Working / Unplayable - Garbage road / HUD graphics

Strider - Working / Playable? - Stops at / after level 2?
Robocop Vs Terminator - Working / Playable - No reported bugs
Batman - Working / Playable - Good graphics, playable but main character disappears for a second when hit
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Working / Playable - Works fullspeed without any glitches
Air Diver - Working / Playable - No bugs?
Dynamite Duke - Working / Playable - No bugs?
Whip Rush - Working / Playable - No bugs?
Phantasy Star 2 - Working / Playable - No save
The Punisher - Working / Playable - No bugs?
Revenge of Shinobi - Working / Playable - Perfect emulation
Superman - Working / Playable - No bugs?
Flicky - Working / Playable - No bugs?
Super Off Road - Working / Playable - No bugs?
Beavis and Butthead - Working / Playable - Freeze bug if you walk left at beginning
Ball Jacks - Working / Playable - Player goes invisible for a second on hit.
Columns (Mega Games 1) - Working / Playable - Perfect emulation?
Alien Soldier - Working / Playable - Graphical glitches but playable
Rainbow Islands - Working / Playable - No bugs?
Prince of Persia - Working / Playable - No bugs?
I'll add a couple:

Sonic 2 (UE)- jumping bugs, Emerald Hill Act 2 near-unplayable - boss goes offscreen (and therefore can't be beaten); level select/debug mode can skip past, though

Sonic 3 & Sonic and Knuckles (JUE)- unplayable/black screen. Can return to ROM selector, at least.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (U) - unplayable/reboots.

All on EuroFW - Gamepark-distributed beta ver.
fifa soccer 97 :::::::::::::::: black screen on startup
fifa soccer 98 :::::::::::::::: black screen on startup
madden 95 ::::::::::::::::::: graphic and control errors - unplayable
mega bomberman ::::::::::: black screen on startup
micro machines 2 turbo tournament :::::::::::::: black screen on startup
mortal kombat ::::::::::::::: black screen on startup
mortal kombat 2 ::::::::::::: black screen on startup
NBA Jam :::::::::::::::::::::: gp32 crashes after progressing through the menu
PGA tour golf 3 ::::::::::::::: black screen on startup
Pirates! gold :::::::::::::::::: black screen after "Pirates! Gold" splash screen
Road rash 3 :::::::::::::::::: garbled graphics during gameplay
Rolling thunder 3 ::::::::::::: gp32 crashes after weapon selection
Samurai shodown :::::::::::: controls don't work
Sensible soccer international edition ::::::::::: black screen on startup
shadow dancer ::::::::::::::: characters fly to top left of screen (similair to sonic)
shinobi 3 :::::::::::::::::::: gp32 crashes
speedball: brutal deluxe ::: black screen on startup
super volleyball :::::::::::: game crashes when player serves
the terminator ::::::::::::: black screen on startup

*gp32 crashes = mr. spiv's bios monitor

i might have dupliacted some of the games already on the list but it would take too long to check
Adding games to list now.

I am currently looking for test results for the following games.

Devil Crash
Galaxy Force II
Gley Lancer
Hard Drivin
Langrisser Hikari
Langrisser Hikari II
Lemmings 2
Marko's Magic Football
Mega Lo Mania
Race Drivin
Shadow Run
Super Thunder Blade
Theme Park
Zero Tolerance
sonic 2 & sonic and knuckles :::::::::::::::::: works but same bugs as sonic 2/sonic
sonic & sonic and knuckles :::::::::::::::::::: graphical errors then crashes
sonic and knuckles ::::::::::::::: gp32 crashes
space harrier 2 ::::::::::::::::::::: gp32 crashes
splatterhouse 2 ::::::::::::::::::: gp32 crashes after menu
splatterhouse 3 ::::::::::::::::::: gp32 crashes as action is about to start
mortal kombat 3 :::::::::::::::::: gp32 crashes
ultimate mortal kombat 3 :::::::: gp32 crashes
Sonic 3D Blast :::::::::::: garbled graphics on startup - unplayable (possible bad rom)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker :::::::::::::game crash on sega screen
NHL 95 :::::::: major graphical errors - unplayable
talmit's adventure :::::::::::: sprite flys through level (sonic error) when stannding on a see-saw thing
outrunner :::::::::::::: major graphic errors (unplayable)
I have tried out 777Casino and Virtual Bart from your list both become unplayable after a bit due to mangles graphics.

DBZ had a black screen

I iwll download and try some games in your list.
The Mole posted on Apr 24 2004 at 07:55 PM said:
I have tried out 777Casino and Virtual Bart from your list both become unplayable after a bit due to mangles graphics.

DBZ had a black screen

I iwll download and try some games in your list.
Excellent, thank you very much for the corrections. :) I'll change them right away.

Thanks for all the testing by the way, Bringoutthegimp. I'll get to adding those straight away.
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contra hard corps ::::::::::::: controls dont work
california games ::::::::black screen on startup
earthworm jim ::::::::::: black screen on startup then gp32 crash
outrun 2019 :::::::::major graphical errors (gameplay) (unplayable)
xenon 2 :::::::::black screen on startup

and thats all im doing because i cant be bothered to download any more
You've done more than enough, Thank you. :)

Yep, a LOT of unplayables. :) But as a technology demonstration to show the differences in speed it succeeds, and that was it's purpose as far as i'm aware :)
I was able to fix the jumping bug in Sonic 1 & 2 by running forward for a little while (In 1 I believe it was all the way until you are blocked by the rock).
Here are some results (rom names are those from goodgen)
Probotector (E) -> cannot go further than title
Sonic 3D Blast (F) [!] -> garbage graphics with a verified good dump
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (U) [!].zip -> black screen ()
Soleil (E) (Eng) -> title with little garbage, near everything on the game screen is black after the name has been chosen
Sparkster (UJ) [!] -> black screen
Azure posted on Apr 24 2004 at 08:50 PM said:
I was able to fix the jumping bug in Sonic 1 & 2 by running forward for a little while (In 1 I believe it was all the way until you are blocked by the rock).
:blink: Slightly messed up though
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Ballz - unplayable, crashes after Sega logo
Family Feud - Works perfectly
Fatman - Works fine
Vectorman - unplayable, does not start
Vectorman 2 - unplayable, does not start
Zero Wind - unplayable, does not start
Twinbee posted on Apr 24 2004 at 02:02 PM said:
Azure posted on Apr 24 2004 at 08:50 PM said:
I was able to fix the jumping bug in Sonic 1 & 2 by running forward for a little while (In 1 I believe it was all the way until you are blocked by the rock).
:blink: Slightly messed up though
How's it slightly messed up now?
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