Irc Gp32x Room THE POLL

would you like to see a gp32x irc chat room

  • Great idea - would use it all the time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Good idea - would use it alot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • not bad lad - would use it now and then

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plain bad idea - much like the last release of snes9x by that french guy (as people thought it was g

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

sensible GP32

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2003
suburban once more
ok so if i made a chatroom it would be a no question is too dumb sorta place, from previous experince if your not into dev' and you have a nacky habit for asking questions that might annoy Dev's as i know from previous experince its quite easy to annoy em if you know fuck all.

plus it would be nice to have a place where we could all meet and talk shit and have all that interesting "your mp3 collection is shit etc etc ............................"
It be nice if there was a lot of people on it... some chatrooms can be quite empty.. :(
There are at least two gp32 IRC channels already. They are #gp32 and #gp32dev, both on efnet.

you know what i'd not noticed that..... really?

the point is i'd just like to do something connected to this site...... mebby introduce some people that had not used irc before get them in on the game.
sensible GP32 posted on Apr 20 2004 at 09:30 PM said:
the point is i'd just like to do something connected to this site...... mebby introduce some people that had not used irc before get them in on the game.
People can also be introduced to IRC when using already existent channels. I don't see the point in splitting a user base into a lot of different channels in a lot of different networks.
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sensible GP32 posted on Apr 20 2004 at 08:30 PM said:
There are at least two gp32 IRC channels already. They are #gp32 and #gp32dev, both on efnet.

you know what i'd not noticed that..... really?

the point is i'd just like to do something connected to this site...... mebby introduce some people that had not used irc before get them in on the game.
After a little time on this site, anyone is sure to know that those two channels already exist. If they're not as busy as you'd like, why would a third one be any better? They have an established user base, and are busy at certain times, particularly if someone sets the ball rolling by actually bothering to say something. Why not work on them?
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again good point i'd love to work on those but im not connected in anyway to those channels... mebby this will kick start those channels if nothing else but ive always thought that gp32x was quite a bit different from the other gp32 sites and it would be my pleasure to get that recreated on a mirc chatroom....
sensible GP32 posted on Apr 20 2004 at 09:48 PM said:
again good point i'd love to work on those but im not connected in anyway to those channels...
I don't get what you mean by "connected"... Is it just the fact that you don't have ops there (hey, no offense)? If not, just try to get connected! I really like the atmosphere in those channels, it's much more relaxed than the boards IMO.
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I've been on the effnet chans. tbh they are filled with ignorant arseholes. they offer no help and barely say a word.

go for it, I'd be there
Every one here is aware of those channells, but they hardly recreate the atmosphere felt here on these board.

on #gp32 no body ever seems to talk and on #gp32dev the talk is between developers. This channell on the other hand would be a place to recreate the gp32x atmosphere, it has to be the most popular english gp32 forum, its the only gp32 site i ever go on. just make it on efnet and call it #gp32x, then people can sit on the other channell as well as this one if they insist.
As people said there are already two of them. I will not talk about atmosphere or feeling, I'll talk about dispersion. I think that a third one would be overkill. And furthermore there isn't many people in others one so it would surely be worst for the one you want to create.
But if you really want to, we can't prevent you from doing a /join #GP32 on whatever server you want and to advertise your channel.
I think it would be good idea, but I think that most of the time people won't be active (Maybe not for the first couple weeks) and they will talk about things unrelated to the GP32. This was the case when I was in the #gp32 channel a long time ago. One time, I had a question and I typed it in like 5 times (over a period of like forty minutes because new people would come in) and nobody answered. Another time when I joined, everybody was just talking funny internet media, like ebaumsworld.
I mentioned this in another thread. The #gp32 channel is usually so idle that people leave after a time, and nobody bothers to reply. Not a fault of the channel, but I have many times brought together 9 or 10 people in a smaller, regular channel and it's been much more active. I think that if we brought together people who are likely to talk a lot with others of a similar disposition, the new channel would be much more popular and friendly.

Not only that but some people just plain don't like the links between #gp32 and GP32Emu. They're tenuous at best, but it may be preferable to have gp32x's "own" channel. I'd give it a try at least.
What is the point of having a poll which has three options meaning the same thing, and the only way to answer "no" is by also saying a snes emulator is a bad idea?
Um, why make another channel? We only need one, and we already for 3, the only time I thought we needed another channel is when we had a Super Mod running one, but now theres no problem.
Mikey posted on Apr 20 2004 at 03:33 PM said:
Off topic but I just remembered where I've seen your avatar GPJosh.

Badger, Badger, Badger, Mushroom, Mushroom, Snake :blink:

Sorry was bugging me ;)

Look here to see wtf that means ;)
THANK YOU!!! i always wondered what thouse damned things i know...

and i would use a gp32 irc...but not that parents think that they are bad bad bad :rolleyes: somehow they (mostly my dad) think that just becuase i was in a chat room (which i RARELY DO) i will be picked up by some 85 year old pimp :blink:
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