Tomak Compo 2004


Certified Guru
Feb 16, 2004
So whos entering?

something which puzzles me is this rule..

"No splash screen or a mention of the competitions name 'TOMAK COMPO' and also '' in the entry"

i realise they copied the rest of the rules from the GBA2004 thread, but i suspect thats just down to them being pants at english :D

it sounds to me like they want a splash screen and a mention, but then they've gone and written "No" at the start which has thrown me off. Why would they say "no mention of the compo"? - nobody would if they didnt ask :P

May enter it for fun, as i'm not bothering with GBAX.

who else is entering?


just got a response, they say they dont want a splash screen and its just a little joke (or should that be 'dig', lol).

so there ya go!
Seems a bit strange that they -don't- want any kind of compo splash screen in the entries :huh:

Something doesn't smell right :D
i think it's just a little joke .. because gbax want a splash screen.
And tomak compo doesn't want that. It's so simple :)
I guess they don't want to claim ownership of something that isnt theirs, and they're not concerned about advertising. Commendable attitude.

Anyway, another compo is nothing if not good for the GP32. Plus an emphasis on homebrew games and software will help promote the system as something other than just an emulation platform, I think.