Sms_Sdl For Caanoo (By Joyrider) With Picklelauncher (By Pickle)


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
hey guys,

here's a beta for the sms_sdl port i'm doing .. it's not fully finished cause i just realized that i didn't save the emulator settings on exit.. and there is a problem with games going too fast for a split second when you choose to save a state (i know the cause though, probably cause sync(); gets called somehow or something to do with my menu system)... It also lacks (my) readme, all other documents and licenses can be found in the "doc" subfolder.

Anyway here's is the download link for the beta version :

just do not upload it to the archive since it's a beta, you can make mirrors but not on the openhandhelds archive, cause i don't want (my) beta software / ports floating around on there.

This is what works :
1) my menu system by pressing home button
2) 4 scaling modes (caanoo, full screen, full screen aspect, orginal size)
3) save states with images of the time you made the save state, if you see the same image as on your screen while playing you selected an empty slot, if not there's a previous save state saved there and it will be overwritten
4) input but doesn't have deadzones yet
5) it uses pickle's picklelauncher for a rombrowser (B = launch, L = dir up, R = dir down (can also be done with B) Dir's are collered red. Thanks pickle for letting me use this.
6) made images for the Caanoo menu system
7) button L makes screenshots (during game play, suffers same problem as with savestates, game speeds up for a moment)
8) report any bugs (not emulation related) in this thread, so only bugs with the things i added like the menu, porting related things and such, since i can't enhance emulation specific parts (io improve compatibility).
9) Button R switches between the scaling modes during game play
10) sources are included !

When i have some more time i'll update it to save the emulator settings, check some deadzone things etc

Place the sms_sdl_c directory and sms_sdl_c.ini file in the "game" folder of your sd card. Rom files can be *.gg *.sms *.zip and be placed anywhere on your sd card..

Have fun,

edit : added attachment with beta as well !
renejr902 said:
thanks i try it in a few minutes :)

So did everything work (except for the things i already know of ?)

Btw i also made a skin for picklelauncher so i'll included that with the non beta release as well...
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So did everything work (except for the things i already know of ?)

seems to work well :-) i had bother getting games to show up on the rom selector till i made zip files for the games, i use winrar and was raring them rather than zipping them lol! weird it cant run unzipped roms.

Anyway looking good , paul3100
paul3100 said:
So did everything work (except for the things i already know of ?)

seems to work well :-) i had bother getting games to show up on the rom selector till i made zip files for the games, i use winrar and was raring them rather than zipping them lol! weird it cant run unzipped roms.

Anyway looking good , paul3100

hmm that's weird indeed, cause that worked with me, i'll check the profile.txt file... could you tell me how your roms were organized ? maybe you placed them in a diffrent folder or something (they can be anywhere though, but you need to browse to it then using pickleLauncher).

it only accepts *.gg and *.sms files, i did not check however if the extensions have to be case sensitive...
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it only accepts *.gg and *.sms files, i did not check however if the extensions have to be case sensitive..

yeah mate seems to be case sensitive ! for whatever reason my gg and sms roms are in capitols ,working zipped and unzipped now :-)

Just out of interest i put a load of different random roms in a folder marked " random roms" and stick that in the apps folder where i place all my emulators and have both zipped and unzipped roms so if any new emulators come out i can quickly test them.

very happy with your emulator now , is it possible to add SG100 rom support?

paul3100 said:
it only accepts *.gg and *.sms files, i did not check however if the extensions have to be case sensitive..

very happy with your emulator now , is it possible to add SG100 rom support?


i'm glad, you like it :)

Unfortunatly i don't even know what SG100 is, so can't just add support for it, maybe it loads if you just renamed the roms to .sms or .gg ??? (it's a long shot but you never know). I'm not able to implement emulation specific things (like support for other games etc). I only did the port so technically it's not even my emulator, a lot of people had worked on it during the years and they provided the backend, the emulation itselve. All i did was put a frontend over it to use it with the caanoo. With frontend i mean a menu system, controls, scaler etc so nothing emulation specific that requires a whole lot more knowledge which i don't have or am not intrested to learn (takes way to much time).
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thanks a lot.

i notice a few frameskip but it work great

thanks Again !!!

edit: its not a frameskip problem, i think a few games suffer from a vsync problem, like sonic the hedgehog 1 for gamegear. the game dont look very smooth.

But i tested a lot of games, and most of them work perfect

THANKS Again !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
joyrider said:
paul3100 said:
it only accepts *.gg and *.sms files, i did not check however if the extensions have to be case sensitive..

very happy with your emulator now , is it possible to add SG100 rom support?


i'm glad, you like it :)

Unfortunatly i don't even know what SG100 is, so can't just add support for it, maybe it loads if you just renamed the roms to .sms or .gg ??? (it's a long shot but you never know). I'm not able to implement emulation specific things (like support for other games etc). I only did the port so technically it's not even my emulator, a lot of people had worked on it during the years and they provided the backend, the emulation itselve. All i did was put a frontend over it to use it with the caanoo. With frontend i mean a menu system, controls, scaler etc so nothing emulation specific that requires a whole lot more knowledge which i don't have or am not intrested to learn (takes way to much time).

SG1000 is saga's first real games console . the master systems grandad ! i changed an sg1000 rom to sms and tried it and as in picodrive you can hear the game play and controls seem to work but nothing comes up on screen.

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i played a lot withyour sms-gg emulator. to be honest it rocks. i really love it.

it seem to run smoother with the caanoo fix bezel screen format than fullscreen. so it was a good idea to add this screen option.

THANKS A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

note: if one day you can release it to the wiz i will play with it too.


you make people happy
I don't own a wiz, I ordered and payed for one with a certain store, but never received it, so I can't make a wiz version without having an actual wiz myself. Sources are included so anyone can make it compile for the wiz if they want to, but it would be better to wait for the none beta release, certain things are still missing....
joyrider said:
I don't own a wiz, I ordered and payed for one with a certain store, but never received it, so I can't make a wiz version without having an actual wiz myself. Sources are included so anyone can make it compile for the wiz if they want to, but it would be better to wait for the none beta release, certain things are still missing....

im sorry for you. its really bad. if you pay with paypal, you can always try to ask a paypal refund
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renejr902 said:
im sorry for you. its really bad. if you pay with paypal, you can always try to ask a paypal refund

ah it's ok that's about 2 years ago now so too late, i'm over it now...

btw Could be i have some time to finish sms_sdl today, like save the emulator settings on exit
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joyrider said:
renejr902 said:
im sorry for you. its really bad. if you pay with paypal, you can always try to ask a paypal refund

ah it's ok that's about 2 years ago now so too late, i'm over it now...

btw Could be i have some time to finish sms_sdl today, like save the emulator settings on exit

You might what to talk with Akemaul he made a good emulator for Dingoo Native OS
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DingooDigitalUSA said:
You might what to talk with Akemaul he made a good emulator for Dingoo Native OS

i have no need for that, i know about the emulator alekmaul did, but i'm not going to port things from dingoo native os which is not running on linux, sms_sdl which i did for dingux is good enough and dingux is linux... Besides i restarted from scratch and reimplemented the menu's (just like the one in dingoo gnuboy both native and dingux version) and added more things then the dingux version had (like screenshots of the save states) all of that works, just need to add a few things i had forgotten about...
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Okay i had some time to implement certain things like
- the emulator now saves it's settings on exit (like which scaler mode you had chosen etc)
- tried to do deadzones but it seems to have no effect but i'm not certain i did it right (will check on this later)
- played a bit with other things
- added a text notification as well to see if a save state slot is taken (only looking at the images might get confusing)
- other little things

The only thing i can not seem to fix is the emulator that speeds up when calling SDL_SaveBMP when doing a savestate screenshot i think i can only fix this by not using SDL_SaveBMP and saveing the images myselve in a file of my own (i can do this, will test it out later on before doing an official release)

i will probably release it later on today

On a side note i also compiled an ftp deamon (proftpd) which works great i will place this later on in this beta section since the samba deamon for some reason did not quite work the way i liked it (i could not overwrite files etc).
The ftp deamon works great though :)
Thorax said:
so u can overwrite the files on the nand?
that means complete skins :)

The ftp deamon ? erh nope, although you can read the files you can not overwrite them.. It's just easier to use an ftp deamon instead of copying files over through usb and having to disconnect the cable etc, the same could be done using the samba shares but for some reason it never quite worked like it should (kept giving me errors & stuff so i wasn't able to overwrite nor delete any files).. The ftp deamon just works on / and you can only upload files to /mnt/sd well actually the parts that are readable :) i didn't had time enough to do a release today but i'll try to do it later on in the week...
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joyrider said:
[i didn't had time enough to do a release today but i'll try to do it later on in the week...

Just wondering if you happened to post a new build somewhere, as I was looking but didn't find anything.
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