32mb Mod/voltage At Mashmods Soon

  • Thread starter Thread starter sebastian_insua
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I wrote in to Mashmods and asked them about getting a new screen fitted on my GP32::::
(here is my message and there reply...)


Hello, thanks for the e-mail, we would recommend that you send your GP32 in to
get it equipped with a new screen, it is safer that way. We cannot tell you what to do
though, it is not actually that hard to do the procedure, but we do have more
experience. And yes, the 32 meg ram upgrade and the voltage mod will both
be available by two weeks (voltage mod by next week). VOltage will go for $15,
the ram one will go for around $30.


----- Original Message -----
From: Seb
To: info@mashmods.com
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:36 PM
Subject: Gp32 Screen Cover???

I would like to know whether you recommend I send my GP32 to you to get a new screen fitted by you or whether you think that it would be worth saving the extra money and doing it myself as I don’t know how easy the procedure is and don’t want to damage my GP32 or get dust under the screen…



PS. Are you thinking of adding a 32mb mod for GP32’s???
Wow! That's exciting news sebastian! 32Mb RAM upgrade for the GP32 :) I wonder how popular this will prove with the GP32 community? Might make for some better emulators when it comes to the higher end platforms such as the megadrive and SNES.

Thanks for the news, john
Sorry to add another entry- but forgot to ask....What's the voltage mod that you mention? I'm very interested to know.

cheers again, j
Might make for some better emulators when it comes to the higher end platforms such as the megadrive and SNES.

32 MB ram is useless for emulator simply because roms are much smaller than 32 MB (5 MO for the largest rom on genesis that is Street Fighter II)

For a neo geo emulator for example 32 MB ram would be very good! :)

And every softs and the bios have to be written to work with entirely 32 MB ram.

But voltage mod can be very useful for emulators! :)
Sometimes its interesting to look on another gp32 sites,and this is one of that times.
If you look in http://www.gp32spain.com/modificaciones.ph...a=detalles&id=2
(obviously you dont saw it) you will read that his webmaster, anarchymake his own modification with 32 megs.
the compatible chip its Hynix HY57V561620BT-H and his family,but im not sure abouth the others models.
you can stract it from 128 SD RAm that have this chips (128 ram with 4 chips of course)
for more info,ask anarchy =)

ah! itrs a free mod, as your own risk ;)

more info in this OLD post...


maybe if sometimes the people take a look in another language gp32 sites....maybe....
With a voltage mod, those who can't overclock to 166mhz will be able to.
i guess ilarri, most people won't want to perform any modification of that sort themselves, and besides i cannot read spanish....
I was only mentioning that the 32mb upgrade will soon be available from mashmods, i did know the upgrade existed ie on the cobbleware site (but only for those brave enough to try themselves).....
However hopefully this mod will give the makers of emulators more room for bigger roms etc... and bigger games...

I don't think you can angry with me for mentioning some NEW news, it was not as if i had just linked to some old news on another (perhaps spanish site) which lots of other people have probably read already
sebastian_insua,its wasnt extrictly a reply to you,it was a reply to the people that dont know this.
yes,im with you that many of the gp owners hasnt any idea about change the chip, and sounds great that a site can changed,but,at the end,this changes where only to a few cunatity of people,becuase many dont want to send his system too far.
An emulator imporvements with this extra ram are obvious,but if this 32 upgrade isn not general, the changes only will be avaliable to a minory,and this is not just.

maybe i exceded with my other post,excuse to all.
but please,read news in other sites =)

for example,a new from today, in gp32spain, mithris,the guy thats its making a 3d rally engine, has just make a open pre-alpha (very early by now), you can go this site to see and download it:

http://gp32.misantrop.org/ =)
:D :D
Thats OK!!
You're right the GPspain site is quite good there are a lot of projects over there that don't get mentioned here at all...
anyways, back on topic
this would be great, because if the 32 meg memory had the abiltiy to work on the gba emulator........
and other systems also
good thing my gp32 already does 166.. lucky me

did know the upgrade existed ie on the cobbleware site (but only for those brave enough to try themselves).....
Hi, Im not a good at all with a soldering iron but I managed to do it without any probs (only a big stress)
You can go, I think, for the OC mod without too much fears...

see you :lol:

PS : The 32M mod will rocks if devrs use it :D
With this we will be able to do more things like have those large characters in KOF91 right? As well as bigger roms for CPS emulating and for the Linux project (anyone know what is planned for that BTW?)
I still don't understand if you can run programs compiled for 8M on a 32M GP32 (I know it won't take advantage of the mem, but will it work?)

Oh, and someone that has voltage mod/32M (or both), how much exactly does the batt last @ 166MhZ?
If you run a program only designed for the standard, you will only get 8 MB out of it. But there is a simple code
   #define GP32_BANKSIZE (*((unsigned int *)0x14000028))
   unsigned char *pROM;
   unsigned int nRomSize;
   if ( ( GP32_BANKSIZE & 7) == 0)
      nRomSize = 24 * 1024 * 1024;    /* get 24MB for ROM image */
      pROM = (unsigned char *)0x0c800000;
      nRomSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024;    /* get 4MB for ROM image */
      pROM = (unsigned char *)gm_malloc( nRomSize );

What this does, is it checks the CPU's BANKSIZE register to see if the RAM memory bank is 32MB in size. If it is, then 24MB is allocated for ROMs. Otherwise, the standard amount of memory (4MB in the example) is allocated.

By doing this, you will make an emulator that will work on either 8MB or 32MB GP32s, and will automatically take advantage of the extra size when it is available!
Will your GP run at a -constant- 166 if you do the voltage mod? That would suck and, in my opinion, not be worth the trade-off in battery usage.

The overclock mod does not drain the battery very much unless the GP32 is being overclocked by software as far as I know (maybe I read wrong as I do not have a modded gp yet cos I couldnt get any resistors :( )
The GP32 has a recommended voltage of 1.65V to 1.95V
The 1.65 people can only OC to 133 max, the 1.95 people can OC to 166. Some GP32's have odd voltage inbetween 1.65 and 1.95 allowing for maximums of 140, 150, etc... the voltage mod, simply replaces the R48 and R52 resistors with higher grades allowing the full 1.95 (max recommended) to pass through, allowing you to OC to the full 166.

Therefore it simply makes your GP32 (one that cannot OC to 166) just like everyone elses that can OC to 166.