Doom 1-4

Final and Ultimate aren't really DOOM games (in the series sense). They are ports and remakes of the DOOM engine and WADs by other people.
Yes, final and ultimate work, just upload them and they should be available when you change the type of doom. And there is Eternal Doom 3 for GP by Falken80/ possibly also drumaster
Doom3 is defenantly going to be on the computer

Final Doom: Doom1.wad with all the extra doom1 missions *basically full full doom1
Ultimate Doom: Doom2 with Plutonia and TNT wads

FD+UD=4wads on your GP32, and thats alot of space taken up :P
no ThndrShk2k, doom 3 won't necessarily be on the PC as microsoft is trying to get a Doom 3 exclusive for the XBOX (i read that in the spy in PCgamer)....
and considering the same thing happened to Halo (originally meant for the PC), it could easily happen to Doom 3...
well that sucks, stupid microsoft is cutting short the PC crowd once again. well Half life 2 is much better imho anyways "go Gordon!"
sebastian_insua posted on Mar 26 2004 at 11:28 AM said:
no ThndrShk2k, doom 3 won't necessarily be on the PC as microsoft is trying to get a Doom 3 exclusive for the XBOX (i read that in the spy in PCgamer)....
and considering the same thing happened to Halo (originally meant for the PC), it could easily happen to Doom 3...
yes, but the thing is, id software would be insane to do xbox only... as with their other games they are all *i duno if ALL ALL, but all i know they have made* are computer games first.
idSoftware's majority i think is in computer gamers.

So if Doom3 isn't o the computer i duno wtf they would be thinking
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Final Doom: Doom1.wad with all the extra doom1 missions *basically full full doom1
Ultimate Doom: Doom2 with Plutonia and TNT wads

not quite correct...

The Ultimate Doom = Doom I Ver. 1.9 + Upgrade Patch
It contains an extra fourth episode ... you can not play this
episode on gpdoom, because "The Ultimate Doom" is not
correctly supported

Final Doom = "Plutonia Experiment" + "TNT: Evilution"
Final Doom uses the Engine of "Doom II" but was distributed as
standalone software by ID-Software. FD was build by an 3rd-party
studio. Some people say, that the Final Doom Level-Design is the best in
the world of doom.

Master Levels = ID's collection of fan made levels + 21 DOOM II maps developed
exclusively by PWAD authors

Some time ago "Final Doom" was unofficialy called DoomIII and "The Ultimate Doom" DoomIV.
You should easily be able to get Final Doom and Ultimate Doom. Just use the same method that you used to get regular Doom, if you did get it.
sebastian_insua posted on Mar 26 2004 at 04:28 PM said:
microsoft is trying to get a Doom 3 exclusive for the XBOX
That would be a very bad deciscion by I.D. Software. Although 'exclusive' usually only means for a limited period/number of sales doesn't it?
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