Gp32 Official News!! New Info!!


Mar 15, 2004
if you visit virginplay forum you can see some questions about the gp32, and here the replies,some good, some bad =/


Intentaremos responder a todas las preguntas que nos sea posible, aunque para algunas de ellas nosotros desconocemos la respuesta.
El PVP de la consola será de 199,95 €.
La fecha exacta de salida, imposible darla, de momento.
De momento, no está previsto que salga en pack alguno.
En un primer momento, con el lanzamiento de la consola, distribuiremos 6 juegos. Si no hay ningún problema, éstos serán:
.- Tomak Save The Earth Again
.- Dungeon & Guarder
.- Little Wizard
.- Her Knights - All For Princess
.- Rally Pop
.- Treasure Island
Más adelante, puede que lancemos alguno más.
El color de la consola para todas las unidades que se pondrán a la venta en España será el blanco.
Respecto a si distribuiremos los juegos que vayan saliendo en el país de origen, es un gran misterio.

you can read it here:


Como ya hemos desvelado en este foro, la consola pasará a tener un nuevo sistema de iluminación, denominado BLU (Back Light Unit), que sustituirá al anterior, conocido como FLU (Front Light Unit). Con ello se pretende que el pequeño haz de luz que rodeaba a la pantalla y que para muchos usuarios suponía una molestia, ésta quede solucionada. Puedes ver una imagen aspecto de la nueva consola (es un prototipo, de ahí que le falten accesorios como los botones) en, en las noticias del pasado viernes.
Respecto al consumo de baterías, como figura en el manual de la consola:
Alrededor de 12 horas o más si son alcalinas.
Se recomiendan pilas recargables.
Se puede utilizar un adaptador de corriente.

you can translate the web or read me =)
ok;confirmed price: 199,95 €.
unknown exact launch date.
no pack by now, but in another reply said that will come with a smc card 64 mgs
will be BLU
the batteries long life will be up to 12 hours (i suppose with 133 mhz)
but they said to buy rechargable batteries.
At the same time, they would sell an AC adaptor.
confirmed games:
.- Tomak Save The Earth Again
.- Dungeon & Guarder
.- Little Wizard
.- Her Knights - All For Princess
.- Rally Pop <<<<<<<sucks
.- Treasure Island <<<<<crappy V_V

bad news¿? says that will be only white version (in other reply said that could be some other colours like black) and no ASR news.

another games in the launch?? maybe.because they want to show some sopress =)

ah! and in the site meristation have a picture with a prototype gp32 BLU WITHOUGHT BUTTONS, its a prototype,confirmed.
blu version
flu version, to compare
all the new =)

ah! you can believe that gp32 blu its a prototype??
read this:"Puedes ver una imagen aspecto de la nueva consola (es un prototipo, de ahí que le falten accesorios como los botones) en, en las noticias del pasado viernes." read in the site up =)

yes,they bring meristation a prototype to show how looks the lcd,and simply looks great and best than flu =)

not all bad news

ah! for all, read more forums everywhere and you will know many things...frencha forums, SPANISH forums, like ..... updated info ;P
We have to show the BLU to the entire world!!! :)



just bought a gp32 and the make a better version
figures, just look how clear it is
I wish there was a way to get my non FLU version to light but be clear like that



wow, im pissed off
is this thing clearer than the non FLU in perfect light?
hope like hell its just as clear in good light
200€ for a game console with 6 games max? Noone will ever buy this. Also not with the promise of a million games (somewhen) and a shining screen. :angry:

Dammit. :(
I compared the BLU and FLU on that site to my real FLU. My FLU looks something inbetween those when it comes to clearity much better than the FLU on the picture.
pip posted on Mar 23 2004 at 05:07 PM said:
I compared the BLU and FLU on that site to my real FLU. My FLU looks something inbetween those when it comes to clearity much better than the FLU on the picture.
there for the BLU will be better in real life than in the picture!!!!
Last edited by a moderator: posted on Mar 23 2004 at 03:54 PM said:
200€ for a game console with 6 games max? Noone will ever buy this. Also not with the promise of a million games (somewhen) and a shining screen. :angry:

Dammit. :(
Well, it comes with a 64MB SMC (approx 23.44 EUR on its own) and all GP32s come with the USB cable. What they NEED to do is properly market the thing. Known stuff like Blue Angelo and Bloody Cross are coming and the homebrew could be good.
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Drumaster posted on Mar 23 2004 at 02:50 PM said:
We have to show the BLU to the entire world!!! :)

Where is the word "GAME" on the BLU screen ? Your other picture does show it - but this has been enhanced !
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It's probably just a different firmware running on the BLU version (Korean for example)