I think making a simple smash brothers "styled" game (not a clone) with customizable characters (Can choose hair/hat, Face and eyes, Skin tone, Body/clotheing, shoes, accessories, etc...) and then balance things like power, speed, jumping ability, etc...I think it would be interesting, and a great app for the GP32 (RF multiplayer anyone?) simple yet fun, and the customization could add an interesting twist. (And have levels that scroll too, or just make the characters a bit smaller, so the arenas seem larger.) It could be easy to make the control scheme. jump= up, move= left right, duck= down, A= weak strike, B= Power strike, R= Block, L= Special move (Can be selected from a list of pre-made specials)
And not particularly in the same vein as smash bros (knock out= death) but with health (more health stat= larger health bar, duh, but defense let's that health bar lower more slowly, tons of health without defense just doesn't work.) But still having the physics and ability to nearly "Feel" a hit (hit someone with a power strike or super move, they fly back and slam into the side of the screen/arena)
stats could work like this... 5-6 bars in each stat, and you could distribute them around how you wish (start out with 3-4 bars, and you can subtract and add them to stats of your choice) like so ([*]= filled bar, []= empty.)
Average build.
If I wanted to make a VERY fast character with alot of health, it'd resemble this.
So you could distribute stats so you could have a balanced character, But not overly power it so it's cheap.
And for attacks (specials and supers) Supers would be like... 10-12 existing supers you can select for your character and bind to L (used once during a fight), Specials could be about 30 selectable ones from a list, 8 or so being plain "B button only" specials, the rest being directional specials. bindable to that joystick direction+B.
It seems (keyword, seems) possible, But I doubt (along with the rest of the neglected cool ideas
) it will even see an alpha demo... which is rather sad.
And not particularly in the same vein as smash bros (knock out= death) but with health (more health stat= larger health bar, duh, but defense let's that health bar lower more slowly, tons of health without defense just doesn't work.) But still having the physics and ability to nearly "Feel" a hit (hit someone with a power strike or super move, they fly back and slam into the side of the screen/arena)
stats could work like this... 5-6 bars in each stat, and you could distribute them around how you wish (start out with 3-4 bars, and you can subtract and add them to stats of your choice) like so ([*]= filled bar, []= empty.)
Average build.
If I wanted to make a VERY fast character with alot of health, it'd resemble this.
So you could distribute stats so you could have a balanced character, But not overly power it so it's cheap.
And for attacks (specials and supers) Supers would be like... 10-12 existing supers you can select for your character and bind to L (used once during a fight), Specials could be about 30 selectable ones from a list, 8 or so being plain "B button only" specials, the rest being directional specials. bindable to that joystick direction+B.
It seems (keyword, seems) possible, But I doubt (along with the rest of the neglected cool ideas