Smash Brothers "styled" Game (not A Clone)


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
I think making a simple smash brothers "styled" game (not a clone) with customizable characters (Can choose hair/hat, Face and eyes, Skin tone, Body/clotheing, shoes, accessories, etc...) and then balance things like power, speed, jumping ability, etc...I think it would be interesting, and a great app for the GP32 (RF multiplayer anyone?) simple yet fun, and the customization could add an interesting twist. (And have levels that scroll too, or just make the characters a bit smaller, so the arenas seem larger.) It could be easy to make the control scheme. jump= up, move= left right, duck= down, A= weak strike, B= Power strike, R= Block, L= Special move (Can be selected from a list of pre-made specials)

And not particularly in the same vein as smash bros (knock out= death) but with health (more health stat= larger health bar, duh, but defense let's that health bar lower more slowly, tons of health without defense just doesn't work.) But still having the physics and ability to nearly "Feel" a hit (hit someone with a power strike or super move, they fly back and slam into the side of the screen/arena)

stats could work like this... 5-6 bars in each stat, and you could distribute them around how you wish (start out with 3-4 bars, and you can subtract and add them to stats of your choice) like so ([*]= filled bar, []= empty.)

Average build.


If I wanted to make a VERY fast character with alot of health, it'd resemble this.


So you could distribute stats so you could have a balanced character, But not overly power it so it's cheap.

And for attacks (specials and supers) Supers would be like... 10-12 existing supers you can select for your character and bind to L (used once during a fight), Specials could be about 30 selectable ones from a list, 8 or so being plain "B button only" specials, the rest being directional specials. bindable to that joystick direction+B.

It seems (keyword, seems) possible, But I doubt (along with the rest of the neglected cool ideas :( ) it will even see an alpha demo... which is rather sad.
Eh? When? :blink: How'd I miss something that big?

Edit: Ah, you mean the GPsmashbros thing... Kinda different from my idea.
Sounds like a good idea Robojoe. I wonder if anybody would want to create ths game. Any skilledcoders out there? It's a great idea, and no copyright infringements from Nintendo(GPSmashbros)!!! yay!
there are probably only about 10 skilled coders among us and each of them is probably working on their own project. There are so many good requests and so few coders. We should go and spam about the GP32 at some calculator ASM coders, they might be interested :D
The character creation screen could be something like this.

( < and > are selection arrows)


< Skin > (Changable from reptile pattern, fur, human, robot... etc.)

< Upper > (hair, hats, ears, etc.)

< Face > (breatheing masks, eye/mouth combinations, etc.) (RGB values affect iris of eyes)

< Body > (Clotheing, armor, also affects arms and hands)

Legs could remain the same, they aren't really that bothersome. (Or just have it so you can have pants or shorts)

< Shoes > (boots, paws, etc.)

< other > (sword on back, Pistol in a holster, just extra details)

And everything except "other" Could have adjustable RGB values by pressing select while on that option.

Each "piece" could be a seperately animated entity that's merely a part of an animated whole working in graphical unison (It'd be a pain making a sprite for every possible combination :P)

And to start out so it's not such a huge strain on the programmer and graphics designers, It could have a limited (alpha/beta?) release, 3 head pieces, 2 of every other piece, and 2 other. and maybe 1 skin. And fans (and the original team) could add more and more as they go. (sort of like a more open sourced little fighter!)
I think i've worked out a few possible names for it (to steer clear of the smash bros name)

GPbrawl, GP Brawler, FightPark (First rule of Fight Park, you do not talk about Fight park.) GParena...
Let's ponder this real hard. Well planned thought helps in programming:
-I think Fight Park is the best name since not only is it a playful pun, it could also stage the setting (an underground fighting club that takes place in an amusement park).
-With character bodies, will there be different builds (fat, norm, skinny) or would the sprites be scaled. Doing the weight builds sounds cool but would take more programming and animation to get done.
-Would specials have direction input for multiple specials per character or would it be just one special per character?
-Will guarding involve a breakable guard meter? Will there be throws?
-Exactly what all accessories will there be? There could be one set theme such as future or fantasy or a mix.

Granted this is all speculation but it is good to get the ball rolling.
Can someone explain exactly what smash brothers is?

From the posts it seems to be some form of beat-em-up (like street fighter / mortal kombat)where you can edit your characters (both in look + stats). I would look it up on google, but I'm at work and I can't look at game sites (they are locked out). In fact I'm really lucky that I can see this site.
You havn't heard of smash bros? :huh:

It's a unique fighter for N64 and Gamecube with nintendo characters in it, like mario, link, samus, etc...

My game idea takes it a step further though, And takes the simple but fun combat system, and merges it with custom characters and changeable stats.

Now to answer some questions...

Let's ponder this real hard. Well planned thought helps in programming:
-I think Fight Park is the best name since not only is it a playful pun, it could also stage the setting (an underground fighting club that takes place in an amusement park).

hmmm, that could work. (But it could also have a few other stages, to keep it interesting.)

-With character bodies, will there be different builds (fat, norm, skinny) or would the sprites be scaled. Doing the weight builds sounds cool but would take more programming and animation to get done.

Hmm, I think it could be done with simply a different body (There could be a few sets for every build) (sort of pudgy, normal would be kinda average-skinny depending on the body, And muscle) They'd change in shape alot, but size they'd only change a bit (as to keep from having to use complex programming tricks to scale and such)

-Would specials have direction input for multiple specials per character or would it be just one special per character?

Multiple specials per character (but no specials are over powered, so you don't see people using the same move set) (Holding up and then pressing B does a different special, etc..)

-Will guarding involve a breakable guard meter? Will there be throws?

I love the guard meter idea! (maybe defense could make the guard meter longer instead?) Throws.....hmmm, Guard+towards opponant+A could throw... I think. (if you were standing very close, or right next to them) But since you are using guard (using guard could make the meter slowly go down, getting hit makes it take away a bit of it depending on the power of the strike it was hit by) throws couldn't be used cheaply (And if you run out of guard, you can still throw, it just doesn't guard)

-Exactly what all accessories will there be? There could be one set theme such as future or fantasy or a mix.

That was the general idea, You could make your character a were beast, A robot, Or mix and match things to make it interesting (A pirate werewolf with a plasma sword on his back :P )

and NiN^_^NiN, Can you make a sort of "mock" character creation screen if you had some spare time? I think if you know how to do flash, you can make the selectable pieces rather easily ala the dressups I see on newgrounds, (Not saying it's easy, I could never figure out flash myself :P) Just so it'd give everyone a better idea of what i'm talking about. (And i'm curious to see your graphic capibilities) You don't hafta do many pieces, maybe 2 hats and one hair variation, 2-3 bodies, 2 sets of shoes, and one accessory. (accessory and hair would be the only selectable thing that you don't have to have, so you could have a bald monk type character if you wanted)

Now comes the dreaded part of the game "idea" process, getting a team assembled to turn one dreamer's idea into a gamer's reality. (Alot of the programmers are working busily on things like emus, their own creations, etc.) Which is understandable, I'm not saying "drop what you're doing and help" but I'm just saying it'd be nice to get a basic demo together :)

Now, to make the game... >we<(Sorry, I know it's 100 times easier to ramble off a game idea than to code it, And it's easy to say "I need this, we need that" But I need talented people like you guys since I lack the talent :D) need people good wiiiiith...

1: Graphics (has to be good with em, can animated them at angles well, etc.)

2: Programming (Obviously) For collision detection, good with a light physics engine, ability to code working character stats...AI for single player, etc.

3: (Later on if this thing ever gets past the idea table) Someone with knowledge of the RF link to see if it's possible to get this crazy thing to run multiplayer.

4: People who are smarter and more creative than me to design character accesories and pieces.
Sounds pretty good + original.

At the moment I am in the design stages of creating a beat em up for the Gp32, working on sprite conversions at the moment... so its a long way off from becoming a game. When I'm done, or when the engine reaches a reasonable state I would be willing to let someone use it t ostart this beat em up. Alternatively you could wait until I've finished what i'm doing now, and then I'll do it, but you could be waiting a while (with work + everything). ;)
The GP32 scene has learned one thing if anything, patience is a virtue. And good things come to those who wait... No real rush.

I can't wait to see the beat em up you're working on by the way :D Good luck with it.
I think that the premade characters should have a few exclusive clothingitems and attacks that way it is worth it to have them. Beating the game could make these items and attacks available. I erm, actually theorized 2 characters already (I don't know how to turn my brain off...).

As far as the name, I was thinking of the different sections of a park to be where you fight (dunk booth=water level, haunted house=horror, roller coaster=future/techno level, etc.)
The unlockable moves idea is good, But they'd have to be balanced, otherwise people are all stuck using the same movesets :P

Hmm, Fighting on top of a roller coaster sounds interesting, The underground part could be the standard caged in arena with concrete floor, The main park street itself, And possibly a little boat racing area so you can get knocked in the water (ever so slowly drains health and slows movement) and there could be a sort of grassy "tourist" area thrown in, And of course, the haunted house one sounds like an awesome level to fight in... There needs to be around... 8 arenas for variety, maybe 10. (Inner workings of a park ride, with gears in the background and gear hazards that damage you and throw you back into the arena on the sides could also be one.)
It's essentially a once per battle thing (to prevent abuse of it) But it COULD be charged via attacks and getting hit. Dunno what would be a better system.