Game Cube Emulator Possible?

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Sep 24, 2009
Is the Pandora fast emough to emulate GameCube games? I now that theres not even a full N64 Emulator, but im just wondering if GC emulation is possible in the future.
In raw power, maybe.
But that doesn't matter at all when you're emulating a console.

You usually need a processor several times better than the original one in order to emulate it.
WolfSpider said:
Is the Pandora fast emough to emulate GameCube games? ... im just wondering if GC emulation is possible in the future.

Nope. Not even in the future.

*** DISCLAIMER FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND COMPUTERS (not necessarily anyone in this thread, this is mostly for lurkers) ***

The Pandora is probably more powerful than a GameCube in raw CPU and GPU terms, but emulation is slow by nature, so the Pandora will not be able to run Gamecube games at any reasonable speed.
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The Pandora is probably more powerful than a GameCube in raw CPU and GPU terms,

I'm not sure about the GPU..

Anyways, even if the Pandora had a dual core Cortex-A9 and a PowerVR SGX 543MPn without bandwidth problems, you would still get a hard time trying to emulate Gamecube..
the only possible way i can think of pandora running gamecube is to make a OS that only process is to run gamecube games but i dont think anybody has the time to do that.
guilmon999 said:
the only possible way i can think of pandora running gamecube is to make a OS that only process is to run gamecube games but i dont think anybody has the time to do that.

Pandora's architecture and GC's arch are COMPLETELY different! Even if the only purpose of the OS was to run GC roms, it still had to emulate the entire console architecture 100% in software. And even if it used the 3D core to enable hardware opengl you would gain nothing from it.

And btw, available emulators for PC's still run very slowly with hardware like GF6500 and dual core CPU's (20 fps?)
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greendots said:
WolfSpider said:
Ok, atleast we might have a N64 emulator.

If by might you mean will then yes.
it's not 100% yet, no one has been able to run it with an optimized video renderer.
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nikkopt said:
guilmon999 said:
the only possible way i can think of pandora running gamecube is to make a OS that only process is to run gamecube games but i dont think anybody has the time to do that.

Pandora's architecture and GC's arch are COMPLETELY different! Even if the only purpose of the OS was to run GC roms, it still had to emulate the entire console architecture 100% in software. And even if it used the 3D core to enable hardware opengl you would gain nothing from it.

And btw, available emulators for PC's still run very slowly with hardware like GF6500 and dual core CPU's (20 fps?)
an emulator is not an OS emulator is a executable which is a program besides your view of the OS is very narrow if you made and OS gamecube for the pandora there are ways to get around many things to trick the rom into thinking everything is there when you only have a fraction of it.
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guilmon999 said:
an emulator is not an OS emulator is a executable which is a program besides your view of the OS is very narrow if you made and OS gamecube for the pandora there are ways to get around many things to trick the rom into thinking everything is there when you only have a fraction of it.

You might want to consider quitting while you're ahead :\
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The only possible way to get a Game Cube game to run on the Pandora would be if the source code was made available so that it could be ported. That would be a ton of work. Chances of the source code being released or the original developer doing the port themselves is practically zero, unfortunately. :(
guilmon999 said:
an emulator is not an OS emulator is a executable which is a program besides your view of the OS is very narrow if you made and OS gamecube for the pandora there are ways to get around many things to trick the rom into thinking everything is there when you only have a fraction of it.

That's pure gold!
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quartercast said:
guilmon999 said:
an emulator is not an OS emulator is a executable which is a program besides your view of the OS is very narrow if you made and OS gamecube for the pandora there are ways to get around many things to trick the rom into thinking everything is there when you only have a fraction of it.

That's pure gold!

Hmmm, maybe he means something like that really old N64 emulator called HLE (High Level Emulator?), that AFAIK somehow hooked into the 3D 'calls' and converted them to directX (or somthing). It really amazed me how I could run Mario64 pretty much perfectly on a P133 with a 3DFX card. Oh and Wave Racer was the other one. Whilst at the same time Playstation emulation was a pipe dream and SNES emulation wasn't perfect either.

I'm guessing the hardware of the N64 permitted such an emulator whereas the Gamecube obviously requires more horsepower or else we would haev a similar emualator to HLE on our PCs right now? Which we don't seem to...

Anyway Pandora Pandora Pandora Pandora!!!! I can't stop looking at that pic on the website atm :-)

Disclaimer: I'm no expert on matters of console emulation so don't even bother shooting me down in flames.
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Miner49er said:
Hmmm, maybe he means something like that really old N64 emulator called HLE (High Level Emulator?), that AFAIK somehow hooked into the 3D 'calls' and converted them to directX (or somthing).

Most emus do this now. They convert (effectively, JIT compile) all the 3D stuff to OpenGL calls. Makes it way faster than emulating the GPU on your CPU.
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Miner49er said:
quartercast said:
guilmon999 said:
an emulator is not an OS emulator is a executable which is a program besides your view of the OS is very narrow if you made and OS gamecube for the pandora there are ways to get around many things to trick the rom into thinking everything is there when you only have a fraction of it.

That's pure gold!

Hmmm, maybe he means something like that really old N64 emulator called HLE (High Level Emulator?), that AFAIK somehow hooked into the 3D 'calls' and converted them to directX (or somthing). It really amazed me how I could run Mario64 pretty much perfectly on a P133 with a 3DFX card. Oh and Wave Racer was the other one. Whilst at the same time Playstation emulation was a pipe dream and SNES emulation wasn't perfect either.

I'm guessing the hardware of the N64 permitted such an emulator whereas the Gamecube obviously requires more horsepower or else we would haev a similar emualator to HLE on our PCs right now? Which we don't seem to...

Anyway Pandora Pandora Pandora Pandora!!!! I can't stop looking at that pic on the website atm :-)

Disclaimer: I'm no expert on matters of console emulation so don't even bother shooting me down in flames.

I remeber when UltraHLE was released too. It struggled on zelda, mario 64 was nearly full speed, goldeneye sucked, and that was on my p3 400 and a voodoo card ontop of my matrox card.

As soon as i upgraded to a athlon 700 it all worked full speed

That was and still is a hell of an emulator. Project 64 is the best in my opinion now but has much higer required spec. its compatability list is awesome
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