Aqua Multifirmware V3 And V3.1


Certified Guru
Jan 9, 2004
Elsass, Frankreich
I've released 2 new versions of my multifirmware, they both include the european firmware, pacrom and wind-ups; the difference is that v3 work without any bugs but include the 'old' euro firmware version and v3.1 has the new euro fw from gamepark but with it, pacrom's pclink don't work verry well (but the eurofw's pclink run nice!)...
some people found the aquamultifw v2 too slow... now the v3 is faster than mr.spiv's multi firmware!
you can download that at
but my computer's motherboard has broke and I've no money to buy another one, so if you like my gp32's productions, please click on the publicity on the top of the page (every click give me 0.03 €, so with 600 clicks I'll can buy a new motherboard...)
Woohoo, I just switched my GP32 the last hour to 2.2, guess I'll start again. :D
Keep up the good work!
C'mon people we know we can do 600 clicks so click once for every time you have used you're GP32 and click for every time you're going to use you're GP32 in the future.

First 10 click's are for me :D

edit //
Just flashed it and it works fine :D
will try it soon, your firmware is the best :)
what about a linux bootloader in the firmware in future ?
PS: i have clicked :)
just installed the v3 firmware :D crapped myself twice doing it... the first time it said couldnt find gp:/fw.bin and i crapped myself, then realised i'd only copied the aqau.....bin file to gp:/gpmm/ so copied it over and renamed and tried again... it did everything correctly... turned it off turned it on... took a second to load so i was cacking myself, then it loaded :D

this new firmware kicks ass, this is the first time I've updated my firmware so i was a bit nervous... but it worked good! :D I love the fact you can set up extra programs for the boot menu, that just kicks ass!!

I'm guessing the short delay for loading is due to the .bmp loading? I'm using the one that came in the zip, but will change it to something funky soon :D

thanks man! it rocks!
for aquafishs great work B)

this just rox, i love your firmware and i will clicking as fast as i can on the banner... lol.
hope you get some money soon B)
Magellan posted on Feb 7 2004 at 08:58 PM said:
I am new to this, are there any instructions? The readme file is pretty vague to this newbie. Do I copy the files to certain directories?
copy the fxe to the gpmm folder then put the firmware you want to use at root and rename it fw.bin. Then run the fxe.

edit:moronic sentence corrected
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20 clicks frrom me!

There was a guide somewhere about flashing your firmware with info on backing up first, etc. Does anyone remember where this is, I can't find it?
Thank yee kind sir! :D

::EDIT:: Excellent FW! And the Bootconf editor is really good!

I had never flashed before and it went very smoothly. B) I'll play around a bit with all the apps before I set any as a default one (not familar with any of them yet), but this is really cool.
Thanks a lot!
hey heu ehy hey ehy ehy heuuuhh... aquafish my friend!!
would you like coffee??
I don't like coffee very much
But your job is fine, a very fine job, boy.
Go on with your work
And santa claus will be sweet.
PS : et c'est pas parce que tu te casses de l'autre côté de l'atlantique virtuellement que je peux pas un peu parler de fruits et légumes.