Go Find A Cat

HAHAHAHA!! This is brilliant! My cat ran away instantly and is now cowering under a table! What a great idea, well done! :D :D :D
Rofl! My mom just came in the room and was like "Did a cat get in here? :huh: " You ought to be able to set it to random mewing and place it in an obscure area of the house to drive people bonkers. :D

Edit: Added note, works just as well on dogs too, my brothers dog hunted the house endlessly for the "invisable cat" :P
My dog simply picks up his head (he sleeps all day except when he is outside :) ), sniffs the GP32 and goes back to sleep :P
I tried it out , Unfortuanley the cat did nothing but run away.On the other hand my dogs kept tilting their heads and pawing my gp32, Lol it was sooo fu***** funny.
i had to trick my dog by moving th gp32 out of veiw, he went and sat by the couch staring at me

the other cats just say WTF or somtin and look at me, although they are old fucks anyway... too smart for their own good the lil' bastards
Cat didnt do anything lol... just rolled up and went to sleep :D... The Dog looked confused thow hehe...

Make a GPDog :D
Noooooooo... Make GPAnimal :) It would be a program that will read .ani files (which would be animal sounds & gfx) that you can dl off the inet :) Hehheheehehe: monkey.ani :P