Paradroid GP


Still Fresh
Dec 3, 2003
Paradroid GP -- my Paradroid 90 remake project

Some more updates on ...

...including a picture of the working Level Editor tool. I am slaving hard to try and get it into a position where I can put up the tile definition tool and level editor for download, so that people can have a play with it, try making a few ideas / levels, give any feedback on the process..

Thanks again to all on the board who've shown their support.. B)

Looks great. Are those Atari ST screenshots, or GP screenshots on your website.

Can't Wait.

Question: Could you make the controls direction based, like left makes the tank travel screen left, instead of rotating left, those controls are so hard on anything.


PS or make it an option in an option menu, I just can't play turret style games.
watch you don't over complicate the backgrounds - have you ever played the original c64 version? I find this version far better than the ST version. The graphics on the ST version where just too over complicated and you couldn't really identify individual items.

Great project though - paradroid is a great game - Andrew Braybrook - was a god of the c64 world (don't think he coded the ST port).
YEAH, great project, please keep up the good work and
finish it!

Question: Could you make the controls direction based, like left makes the tank travel screen left, instead of rotating left, those controls are so hard on anything.
I disagree - most gp32's struggle with diagonals so this may not be ideal. like you say, a choice may be best. I think buttons for forward & backward would be better.

Top stuff Ishani, I'm really looking forward to this
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Looks great. Are those Atari ST screenshots, or GP screenshots on your website.

GP, with the screenshots at the bottom being the PC-side tools.

Question: Could you make the controls direction based, like left makes the tank travel screen left, instead of rotating left, those controls are so hard on anything.

It will be an user-choosable option, as I like the idea of having directional or rotational controls available.

watch you don't over complicate the backgrounds - have you ever played the original c64 version?

I have indeed, and am aware of the feeling that it was superior to the Amiga/ST/etc version (FWIW, Andrew worked on them all) .. will try and keep the gameplay fast and fun while kicking the graphical quality up beyond C64 standards ;)
paradroid was IMO the best action/strategy game on the c64, and so i'm REALLY looking forward to see your gp-version of the game in action! the screenshots look great ^_^
I fink if u could get paradroid going on Gp32 wivout emulation then it would be grate!

Perhaps you could then write a cloth simulation afterwards for the tiltle screen?
Superb, I loved this game - brings back all these memories from when I had an Amiga :D:D
This looks like a great project, I loved Paradroid 90 on the Amiga and ST and before that Quazatron on the spectrum. Yes I am old! Really looking forward to see how this turns out.
I played this to death on the C64, so was so pleasewd to see this version a few weeks ago. I always meant to contact the author and thank him, but was always too busy playing!

It is a superb port! It has all the old gameplay of the original, and has so much more. Is the music the same as the C64? I can't remember but it sounds so sid chip like!

To everyone who can't get into it, stick with it. The stratagy elements and arcade gameplay make this a classic. And this port is just so well done!!!

One of the most played games on my GP2x. Many thanks!
I never knew how to play this - so hopefully there will be a manual included :ph34r:

Think you had to shoot your way through the lesser robots (low numbers) until you came to a better one (high numbers) then try and disable it and take it over (:remembers - was there a sort of code to break?) When you get higher order robots your defences and attacks and security clearance increased allowing progress.
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This is looking great Ishani. I loved Paradroid and Paradroid '90

I never knew how to play this - so hopefully there will be a manual included :ph34r:

You don't need a manual. The concept is easy once you know how.

Hold fire and the droid you are in will go into a takeover mode. Simply ram the droid you want to take over. There follows a simple sub game where you have to end up with more of the control than the other bot. Too easy to bother explaining.

If you win you take over the new bot to use for fighting other bots or just as a platform to enable you to take over even bigger bots. If you lose you go back to the 001 control device and will really struggle to take over any of the later bots. It may be easier to flee to a lower level and attempt a bot there.
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