

Aug 18, 2003
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I just stumbled upon this T2002

It a VERY good remake of Turrican. What makes this particulary interesting, is that they are doing a version of it for GBA. This would look so great on my GP :P

Might be because did'nt think the Atari ST version of the game "felt" right

EDIT: oh yeah... and it's with some sort of level editor, which makes it more interesting.
Ports require source code. Else someone would have to remake the entire game from scratch and that is truly a waste of time when you have the atari st, c64 and the good PCEngine version to play around with.
He means, you need the source of the remake otherwise you would have to code a remake of the remake ;)

The good thing: T2002 has a Level Editor :)
I don't think any other than the c64 versions are any good. however, the super turrican games on the snes aren't half bad - if totally different.

have played T2002 and it really is good, it's only a copy of the first level and the rest are totally new, theres a few level packs already out there too.

I'd be very surprised if you couldn't obtain the source if needed, not got time to look now, will do later
I seen the announcement for T2002 for GBA a few weeks ago. For all who are keen on a little bit more Turrican feeling i can recommend Turrican32k aka T32k which is a 32kb turrican clone... :) can be easily found using google.
It seems their conversions use the original graphics/sounds and music. So you might as well play the PCE/Snes/ST originals. I'm playing the pce version at the moment, it's very good ( though not as pretty the Amiga version, obviously!). Lack of saves is a problem though.
saves? Saves? how dare you sir... that would be considered cheating!

There are a load of turrican clones in development, check this site out Turrican SETA (SEarch for the Turrican Alternative).

They put a small news article about running Turrican on the GP32 there after I contacted the bloke who runs the site recently
EvilDragon posted on Feb 5 2004 at 02:00 AM said:
He means, you need the source of the remake otherwise you would have to code a remake of the remake ;)
Yeah.... I actually kind of figured that, was just a bit annoyed over getting the dreaded 'Ports require sourcecode'-comment, and answered kind of hasty.

But I guess it was my own mistake, for not making my point clear enough in the first port. I intended this post to something like:

"Hey, these guys made something cool, and decided to port it for GBA too. Would be damn cool if they (as in Pekaro Software) decide to port a version to GP32."

I know it's unlikely, since they probably never heard of Gamepark - just wanted to point out a remake that impressed me :P

I'm finding a lot of other ports at www.remakes.org

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