Release gdash (Boulder Dash-like)


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
You all know I don't have much to do, so I used that time to port another game ;)

This time, it's gdash, a nice Boulder-Dash remake including a level editor and quite a few levels :)

You can't overwrite the included caves if you use the Level Editor with them, but you can save them as new sets and edit them (or create completely new ones).


Most important keys to remember:

On the Titlescreen:

O to enter Options Screen

L to load a different caveset (the included ones are in the "caves" directory)

DPAD to select the level

ENTER / SPACE to play the level

H to get some Help

K to change the keyboard setup

ESC to quit

In the Game:

ESC to quit the game

DPAD to move

A or X to dig dirt without moving

B to kill yourself

Y to restart the level

Let me know if you find any bugs and enjoy the game :)

Grab it from the repo.
No... and I wonder how to do this... one cave for scoring / time records? You can't implement all caves ;)
No... and I wonder how to do this... one cave for scoring / time records? You can't implement all caves ;)
No need for one cave, simply getting the highest score that is achieved - i believe it gets harder and harder so in the end everyone loses and just pick up their best score  :)
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No... and I wonder how to do this... one cave for scoring / time records? You can't implement all caves ;)
 No need for one cave, simply getting the highest score that is achieved - i believe it gets harder and harder so in the end everyone loses and just pick up their best score  :)
Hmm, I need to check whether it even saves the highscore or not :)
I checked it out for a few minutes. This might get my new "play before going to sleep game". Thanks for the port :)
Thanks for this ED. gDash was my secret -  I had plans to do a port of this as a first project, once my studies were finished in September! You beat me to it, though, so well done. It' s a good clone, too.
Thanks for this ED. gDash was my secret -  I had plans to do a port of this as a first project, once my studies were finished in September! You beat me to it, though, so well done. It' s a good clone, too.
When there's a ptitSeb around, dont keeps such secrets, you'll be ninja'ed :P
Thanks for this ED. gDash was my secret -  I had plans to do a port of this as a first project, once my studies were finished in September! You beat me to it, though, so well done. It' s a good clone, too.
When there's a ptitSeb around, dont keeps such secrets, you'll be ninja'ed :P
Yeah, it was wishful thinking, but there you go! ptitSeb (who is prolific in his output) I could understand, but with all with what ED has on, couldn't believe I got ninja'd by him!  :blink:
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