PC-FX emulator!?

sory buddy notthe same the gpengine emulates the pc engine where pc-fx was NECs last systm after th pc engine. they are completely different consoles. here are the specsfor the PC-FX if anyone knows if it is possible to emulate it onto gp32 post here

NEC PC-FX Technical Specs:

CPU: 32-Bit NEC V810 RISC Microprocessor running at 21.5MHz

COLOR: 16,777,000 maximum colors on screen from a palette of 16,777,000.

GRAPHICS CPU: 9 parallax scrolls, cellophane, fade, rotation, and priority effects.


VIDEO OUTPUT: NTSC standard output

BUILT-IN COMPRESSION: JPEG with Run Length compression, full-screen/true color decompression at 30fps. Kodak Photo CD compatible.

MEMORY: 2MB of RAM, 1.25MB of VRAM, 1 MB of ROM, 256KB CD Buffer, and 32KB back-up RAM.

SOUND OUTPUT: 16-Bit Stereo with 2 ADPCM channels and 6 sample channels at 44.1kHz.

CD DRIVE: Standard CD-ROM media, 2x speed drive.


DIMENSIONS: 132mm (w) x 267mm (d) x 244mm (h)

RELEASE DATE: December 23, 1994 (Released in Japan only)
:( :angry: noooooooooooooooooo :angry: :(

im buying the console for my birthday next week anyways if there is a way we can lower the resolution and maybe take out the cd storage capability could it then be emulated? this system rox and great anime. :D :( :angry: :ph34r:
High res can probably be dealt with, sure - but the cd storage depends. Are most of the games CD based, and if so, are they quite big?

- Rico
Mmm.. I dunno.. NEC v810 is pretty meaty, and I think the games are over 128mb as they're mostly FMV based.

To be honest it's not a very exciting machine, most of the games are unplayable unless you can read Japanese.. The only games that are decent and might fit on an smc are Zenki and Zeroigar.. Stuff like Battle Heat would most likely be over 128mb..

It's a nice enough system and worth getting if you see one for cheap (mine was about £30 with 5 games), but there's tonnes of systems I'd rather see emulated on the GP32.
:o wow only 30 pounds that is such a good deal where ive looked the consoles boxed are around $150 USD and games depend fro $10 USD to this one rare shooter for around $100 USD. Did you get the console from a friend or a store/site because that price is wow. and your right the emu probably wouldnt appeal to many people, still i would love to play battle heat or team innocent in the car :(