Pc Engine Emulator Ootake(jp)


Jan 19, 2006
As I'm not great at programming, I wondered if anyone could take a look at the source for this PC Engine emu and see if it would be possible to port to the GP2X?

Ootake PCE Emu

The source is included with the download.

hu6280 is brilliant, but lacks saving. Vobbo says he will finish it off once he has time (deadlines atm).

GP2XEngine is pretty complete, even has full CD with sound support. A little slower, but at most oc'ing to 240mhz seems fullspeed.

CPCE is also quite good!
doesn't the 2x have more than enough pce emus already, one of which runs full speed at 200mhz?

Not really. The sound is bad in two of the emus, and the one emu that has decent sound is very slow unless you overclock to 300 MHz. If you can only go to 240 then that one is slow.

We have alot of them, but none have the "complete" package. Vobbo's is not stereo and is missing alot of the sounds completely, others sound crackly or just wrong. The sound in CPCE is just way off, the music sounds poor. GP2X engine has decent sound and nothing is missing but it is slow.
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But with GP2XEngine you don´t need to OC so much, i think that in Castlevania with 230 OC i get fullspeed.
What game needs more OC than Castlevania?
Almost every game I play in GP2XEngine I have to go to 266 to get fullspeed. Besides that, the sound(music) lags behind the game. CPCE is 60/60 FPS with sound @200 and Vobbo's is @233, plus the sound at least is in sync with the game. I would use those only if they had savestates.
