Opensnes9x fully playable (w/s) compatibilty list

final fantasy 4 is looking good so far, i just want to get to a good battle to see if it struggles...
Any chance of anyone making an OpenSNES9x / SNES9xGP / SnesEmu database on their website, with the ability for people to add their opinions and comments? I found the Genesis one on Rico's quite useful :)
Clearly I don't advertise my sig enough.

Also generalnmx didn't read declaration's post :)

I added OpenSnes9x to the compat list a week ago at Azure's request. Feel free to add stuff to it:

>>> HERE <<<

This topic is a good idea, but suffers from disorganisation and duplication which is solved by a scripted DB interface like Thaworx's.
rico, the difference between your page and this list is the fact that this list is for fully playable games and their settings.. your list (no offense) is pretty unhelpful.. its bland, vague and unpopulated..

also, this list isnt disorganised, all the games will be in the main list, not in the body of other peoples posts.. all a user has to do is read the first post...

i will update it every day so no one has to go down and read all the posts...


oh, pip, live a live is cool! but what the hell is going in in it??!
rico, the difference between your page and this list is the fact that this list is for fully playable games and their settings.. your list (no offense) is pretty unhelpful.. its bland, vague and unpopulated..
Actually the main difference is the lack of comments/opinions on each game that people can contribute, as generalnmx pointed out. That's the only reason anyone would use Genemu over this list, as I agree, your list is much larger. The other thing is 'I will update it every day so people only have to read the first post' ... the point of a scripted system is so it doesn't require that kind of maintenance.

However you say 'bland, vague and unpopulated' as if it's because of my poor coding and site skills, but really it's just a lack of advertising. The Genemu section of that list has 448 games :)
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rico, the difference between your page and this list is the fact that this list is for fully playable games and their settings.. your list (no offense) is pretty unhelpful.. its bland, vague and unpopulated..
Actually the main difference is the lack of comments/opinions on each game that people can contribute, as generalnmx pointed out. That's the only reason anyone would use Genemu over this list, as I agree, your list is much larger. The other thing is 'I will update it every day so people only have to read the first post' ... the point of a scripted system is so it doesn't require that kind of maintenance.

However you say 'bland, vague and unpopulated' as if it's because of my poor coding and site skills, but really it's just a lack of advertising. The Genemu section of that list has 448 games :)
can you please start a new topic advertising that list (seeing as though its your site). Then, people will at least know about the list and we can build it up and make it as useful as the 2 Genesis lists.
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Rico, ive added the compatability list to my sig. Y'all do it to plz!
Zelda ALTTP... Perfect speed and sound (still crackly like all other OSNES9xGP games, but good except for that...) @ 156MhZ, FS2 & Transparency Hack #1

Oh, and the top layer, like rain/darkness doesn't diaplay, but thats the only problem
Kirby no Kira Kira Kids (Tetris Attack eat your heart out :P ) - 85~90% @ FS2 w/sound, optionally disable BG2, 3 and use fast sprites (removes all the text - but it's Japanese anyway)

Super Punch-Out!! - already listed, I know, but the fact that it's straight-up 100% at FS0 with sound at 166MHz is quite notable.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors at 160mhz was full speed with sound. So far I haven't noticed any bugs and it runs great!
Jerry Boy (smart bll) and Jelly Boy 2 both work fine at 156 mhz with fs 2
Just been playing Secret of Mana 2 (Dejap) on 166, f/s2, sound on my way to work and its running miles better than the original Mana game. (SoM's sound was really slowed down).

Also Ruuyko No Ken 2 (SF2 clone) works well at 166, f/s2

Muscle Bomber (Capcom 4 player wrestler) works brilliantly at 166, f/s 2.

Rockman X (Jap Megaman) at 166 , f/s2 = v. good

Poi Poi Ninjya World (Jap puzzle game) @ 166, f/s 2

FZero 2 beta = crashes. Worked once ok. Will delete os9xgp config and try again.

Will add more as I come across them. Too many games, too little time to play...
thanks guys, im trying to acquire and test all the submitted games, although i kinda want to stay away from 166 oc games as a lot of ppl can only go up to a lesser speed (me included!) and i dont want the list to alienate those without those GP's...

hopefully i can include them once a faster WIP gets released!

oh yeah and super punchout is totally RAD! it works perfectly XD

I may have said this before I'm not sure.. but for people with lower speeds, games that are smaller in size will work better (e.g. 8MBit / 2MB). However this is not always the case (e.g. Mystical Ninja). But is a general rule of thumb....

However.. I know how frustrating it might to have a GP32 that doesnt do 166, so I'll re-test with 140 ?? Is there a standard that everyone can reach?

Oh and Killer Instinct and DK Country works well on lower speeds (surprised me), just need to up the frameskip though.
Do you think the sound will be improved (IE No cracks) when the ASM merged release is..well released? I can deal with no sound on games but if possible, I would like to listen to the classics without cracks