Opensnes9x fully playable (w/s) compatibilty list


Jan 8, 2004
im going to create a list of all the snes roms i can find that are fully playable with sound in the latest release of OpenSnes9x 0.2

id appreciate any verified entries and ill update the list with yours and mine as i proceed..

obviously this helps ppl who want to know what games they can get 85% - 100% frame rate WITH sound...
This is also dependant on your own GP32 , and batteries and OC capabilities..

I will add what Overclock frequency and frameskip.. although i will assume each game is being run at the minimal sound settings, ie freq 11khz and 8bit sound
(and at 8bpp video mode)

PS i will add a BakuRating(tm) when i verify each title

great ^_^

Vegas Stakes at 156-166 70-80% FR /// A rating

Legend of Zelda: a link to the past at 156 - 160 (85-95% FR) at FS 2 /// A rating

Super Punchout at 156mhz frameskip 1 /// A rating

Pocky and Rocky at 156 FS 1 /// A rating

Zombies ate my Neighbours at 156 - 160 - FS 1 /// A rating

Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel at 160 - 166 - FS 1 /// B+ rating

Final Fantasy V english at 160 mhz at FS 2 (battles drop to 60%) /// B rating

Lufia 2 at 156 - 160 mhz (156 = 85% FR) at FS 1 /// A rating

Dragon Quest VI DeJap at 160 - 166 mhz at %80-90 FR /// A rating !

Earthbound at 156 - 160 mhz (156 = around 80%) at fs 1 - 2 /// B rating

final fight 2 at 156 - 160 mhz at FS 2 /// B rating

Final Fight 3 at 156 - 160 mhz (156 = around 75%) at fs 2 - 3 /// B rating

Shadowrun at 156 mhz at fs 2 /// A rating

Super Mario World at 160 mhz at fs 2 /// B+ rating

Warios Woods at 156 mhz at fs 2 /// A rating

Super Aleste at 156mhz at FS 2

Super Black Bass at 160mhz at FS 1 /// B rating

Street Fighter 2 Turbo at 156mhz and at 133mhz FS 2 /// A rating

Donkey Kong Country at 156mhz at FS 1 - 2 /// A rating

Killer Instinct at 156mhz at FS 2

Flashback at 160mhz at FS 1

Ultima 7 at 160mhz at FS 0

Soulblazer at 160 at FS 1

Super Turrican at 156 FS 2 /// A rating

Super Off Road at 160 FS 2 /// B+ rating

Live A Live at 156 FS 1 /// A rating

Mr. Nutz at 156 FS 1 /// A rating
I find Donkey Kong Country works Fast for me with Sound at 156mhz :D
yeah! it's amazing! it actually seems to run better than Mario World does (which is bizarre)

Killer Instinct also (surprisingly) works fast with sound @ 156mhz too (FS2, 11khz, 8bit sound)

other gems:

Street Fighter 2 Turbo (this is why i love my GP32 :D) runs fine at 156mhz and at 133mhz (as you can speed it up in the game) (FS2, 11khz, 8bit sound)

Super Aleste runs great at 156mhz (haven't tried it on 133) (FS2, 11khz, 8bit sound)
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Did you say opensnes9x .23, or is it a typing error? cause i have not heard anything about a new version being out yet. All i know is that about a few days ago yoyofr was just asking for requests for the upcommign release.
There are a few games which run perfectly on the GP32. I'm one of those players who cannot play without sound, so unless it is fullspeed at low frameskip with sound, it is not very interesting for me. I always run at 160Mhz

Ultima 7, I actually play it with 0 frameskip, it is the best working game I've played on Opensnes9x

Soulblazer, runs very well at frameskip 1

Flashback, runs very with 1 frameskip, higher for the intro though.

Those are the games I have found to be very playable, yet the game I actually do play is Rudora's treasure or Treasure of Rudora. It uses the same engine as FF3, but the game is much much harder and was only released in Japan. Luckily it is fully translated now (check for a screenshot). If you have missed this RPG gem, be sure to play it. Sadly, it requires 3-4 frameskip to run correctly with sound.
i fixed the release version number, and added new entries..
thanks for your input, ppl!
ill rate them each when i get home from work to verify the playability..

yeah, im really interested in that FF6 engine rpg, i never knew that existed,, cool!! :D
ok, hopefully the following games havent been mentioned in previous posts...

NBA Jam, fs2, o/c166, 8/10
Illusion of Gaia, f/s2 o/c166 8/10
Mystical Ninja, f/s2 oc/166 7/10 (sound is notably slower)
Secret of Mana, f/s2 oc/166 5/10 (sound is defintely a lot slower)
Samurai Spirits, f/s2 o/c166 9/10 (the reason I got my GP32)
Twinbee f/s2 oc/166 9/10
Final Fight 2 f/s2 oc/166 9/10
Contra Spirits f/s 2 oc166 7/10 (sound is lame)
WWF Royal Rumble f/s2 oc166 7/10 (sound is crappy, but in game sound is excellent)
Super Puyo Puyo 2 f/s2 oc166 9/10
Mariokart (plays like a springer spaniel) 5/10

I think the rest of the games I have are already covered... also the games that I have rated 8+ should work ok on lesser speeds eg 156 etc.. without notiable slowdown
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Aye, it should be pinned, I would very much like to know which other games run as well as Flashback, Ultima 7, Soulblazer and Lufia 2. Does any other game use the Lufia 2 engine? (Lufia 1 is much slower than Lufia 2 for some reason).
A few roms that ran pretty fast on the other Snes9x emulator and should be tried out are: Cannon Fodder, Lost Vikings, Alien vs Predator, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, Shadowrun, Equinox and Final Fight 3. Perhaps I will try them out myself.
There is an Opensnes compatability list set up. It is similar to the one used for the Genesis emulators. You guys should help build it up.

You can find it here.

Anyone can post.
Ah yes, I tried some of those now, with good results I may add. Alien vs Predator, Cannon Fodder and Final Fight 3 all run at 2-3 frameskip. Super Metroid and Lost Vikings 2 runs at 2 frameskip. One note about Final Fight 3 though, its speed depends on how many enemies are at the screen on the same time, we really need auto frameskip for it. Record of Lodoss War is another game which really requires auto frameskip to be playable (it is the only feature I miss in os9x). In my quest I found another of those very well running game, to my suprise Firestriker runs very well (1-2 frameskip), it didn't run very well with the other Snes9x emulator though.

Another very pleasant suprise was the great Square game Live-a-live, it did run very on the other snes emulator, but only for a few seconds, then it crashed. Now you can enjoy a quality Square RPG at 1 frameskip with sound running 160Mhz. Feels good to be a gp32 owner sometimes :) Neugier, another RPG that crashed the old emulator, also runs at 1 frameskip. It may not be very famous, but it is still a great game.

Imho, if a game runs at 2 frameskip, it looks great, but 3 frameskip looks sluggerish. So that's where I draw my line.
Thanks for that. I'm looking for decent Square/Enix RPGs that run well on GP32.

Any others?

I have Illusion of Gaia which works well... what about Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore, Dragonquest ??

Secret of Mana is annoying, but will probably be better as newer releases become available.
not sure about any of the Enix games, but Squaresoft games run ok on it, SOM only screws up at begning, and some transparency problems *like most other SquareSoft games*
Thanks for that. I'm looking for decent Square/Enix RPGs that run well on GP32.

Any others?

I have Illusion of Gaia which works well... what about Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore, Dragonquest ??

Secret of Mana is annoying, but will probably be better as newer releases become available.
The main problem is that the FF3-engine games does not run very fast. I'm not sure what makes them run so slow, while Live-a-live runs so fast, but those two are clearly not using the same engine. I've tried some of the Dragon Quest/Warrior games, but they run too slow to be really playable. Chrono trigger is also next to unplayable, the SoM engine games require a high frameskip. I have heard that FF2 and FF:MQ runs fairly well though. I am also willing to bet that Paladin's Quest runs fast. I have not tried to see how Romancing SaGa, someone should give it a shot. Romancing SaGa 3 is one of the best games of all time imho. I have not tried to play Bahamut Lagoon, Front Mission or Treasure Hunter G, I very much doubt Treasure Hunter G runs well though. I can see Bahamut Lagoon and Front Mission being playable even if they don't run fast, since they are turned based strategy RPGs.

Any how, there are more than enough RPGs running at great speed to keep us occupied until the next version of os9x
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Thanks for the recommendations. It'll make the commute to work much more enjoyable now!

Now onto Beat 'em Ups.....

Obviously SF2 Turbo on os9xgp is the King, but are there any pretenders...

I've plugged it enough times, but Samurai Spirits gets my vote.