OpenSNES9x Unstable?

well if you mean it freezes than you are probably OCing too high. if not than maybe you should try reinstalling it in ur GP32.
There's a fair few people whose GP32s can normally handle 166 who are finding it can't with OSnes9x (although still does weith other things); can't remember which thrad the info is in, but its there. Try at 156MHz and see how that is for you...
Yes same here. Usually i can clock mine to 156 (with Snes9x and Castaway for example) but with OS9xGP it locks up after 5 minutes.
strange i dont have any problems with 156mhz.

are you maybe trying to run chrono trigger or sowrd of mana w/ sound, which hangs or restarts after a few seconds playing... ?
Antiriad posted on Dec 20 2003 at 09:33 AM said:
Yes same here. Usually i can clock mine to 156 (with Snes9x and Castaway for example) but with OS9xGP it locks up after 5 minutes.
same here, screen turns black.
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i have no problems at 156mhz until i try it with sound, then about 10 mins into a game it freezes up, screen doesn't turn black, but freezes and sometimes does like a high pitch sounding thing, but if i go 156mhz without sound its completely fine.
yeah the same thing happens with me at 166mhz. try 156 though, its still better at that than the other 2 emulators at 166. playing chrono, fuckin beutifull game.
I dont want people to think that all i do is come here to bash openSNES9x as i could not do any better.

However at 133 im having a range of problems, the first day it was OK without sound but now it either crashes or i get a big black line down the middle of the screen after about 5-10 minutes play. When changing the controls the settings never save after i leave the option screen, some games feel slower on openSNES9X then they do on SNES9X ( Donkey Kong Country being the main one).

I do want to say that out of the people that can overclock about 95% thenk its great and works well for them.
Hmm.. Vey strange problem. My GP32 can OC to 156. I had no probs with 156 on oS9x yet..
I'm going to try ChronoT now with Sound at 156 fs 4 and with my power adapter.
Lets see what happends.

Edit: Yepp.. It dose restart.
Crash to black screen happens to me also, seems random though, happened in lots of different games when running and I haven't enabled sound at all.