Hello, all. A little over half a year ago, I researched quite a bit on the GP32, mostly because I was interested in the SNES emulation on it. Once I found out that it only ran without sound, I ditched it completely. Music and sound are what I live for in games. 
Anyway, someone informed me that now there is full-speed emulation with sound for SNES on the GP32. For the past day or so, I've been trying to research and find out if this is actually true. A short description on http://www.zophar.net for OpenSnes9x confirms this (full-speed with sound), but I can't seem to find this acknowledged anywhere else. I'm getting some mixed messages around this board (which I've found very useful since it is still updated--thanks, btw
), some saying that OS9x (OpenSnes9x) doesn't work on the new BLU back-lit models offered at gbax.com.
My intention is to find out whether it will really be worth it to buy a GP32 for SNES emulation, and if so, which model will best facilitate this, and with what emulator.
So I'll give you a situation:
If I buy a regular (133MHz) BLU GP32 from gbax.com, overclock it to 166MHz, then get an emulator (say OS9x), can I play the following?
Donkey Kong Country 1-3
Yoshi's Island
Super Mario World
Super Mario All Stars
Zombies Ate My Neighbour
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Final Fantasy 1-6
Super Metroid
Megaman 7, X1-3
Super Mario RPG
Mario Kart
Chrono Trigger
I'd like any and all help/advice I can get on the matter, since it's the difference of around $200 USD.
(Please don't just tell me to search the forum, as I've already done so and only found out-dated and over-generic information on the matter.
Anyway, someone informed me that now there is full-speed emulation with sound for SNES on the GP32. For the past day or so, I've been trying to research and find out if this is actually true. A short description on http://www.zophar.net for OpenSnes9x confirms this (full-speed with sound), but I can't seem to find this acknowledged anywhere else. I'm getting some mixed messages around this board (which I've found very useful since it is still updated--thanks, btw
My intention is to find out whether it will really be worth it to buy a GP32 for SNES emulation, and if so, which model will best facilitate this, and with what emulator.
So I'll give you a situation:
If I buy a regular (133MHz) BLU GP32 from gbax.com, overclock it to 166MHz, then get an emulator (say OS9x), can I play the following?
Donkey Kong Country 1-3
Yoshi's Island
Super Mario World
Super Mario All Stars
Zombies Ate My Neighbour
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Final Fantasy 1-6
Super Metroid
Megaman 7, X1-3
Super Mario RPG
Mario Kart
Chrono Trigger
I'd like any and all help/advice I can get on the matter, since it's the difference of around $200 USD.
(Please don't just tell me to search the forum, as I've already done so and only found out-dated and over-generic information on the matter.