Tell me What the Scariest Horror Movie is...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
What the Title says, Tell me the Scariest Movie out there....

Well... I know I was very frightened when I saw the movie 'the blob' (about a flesh eating slime)... but then again.... I was only 6 years old.... so... ;)
The obvious answer is gonna be something like The Exorcist but to be honest(as a collector of horror flicks) its gonna depend on your mood and what scares yah!

So try these :-

The Thing
Blair Witch
Texas Chainsaw massacre (not the remake)
Prince Of Darkness
Wrong Turn
Mouth Of Madness
Nightmare On Elm Street
Wes Cravens New Nightmare
The Hitcher
Exorcist 3

The list goes on and all

Their all fantastic films and depending on your mood and how pissed/stoned you are all have the ability to give some good scares
Another vote for 'The Exorcist', 'It' is good too but the ending sucked and the first 'Friday the 13th' also has it's moments. Nightmare on Elm Street is the best horror-series IMO.

I'm usually on the bad guys side and that sort of ruins the spooky factor but I can't really help it: Blond bimbo's checking out spooky buildings at night deserve to die...
Also add the original Hellraiser to my list

No offence but the only people who dont find the Exorcist scarey are gonna be the sort of movie viewer who likes big special effects over any real plot or proper story telling.

If u watch Exorcist expecting loadsa gore u r gonna be disapointed
If u actually pay attention to the story and the characters its one damn freaky film
its far too overrated. nobody i have ever spoke to has found it scary apart from 10 year olds, sure, maybe in its time it was worth a watch but nowadays it fails miserably
The exorcist - Girl pee's her pants, gets all cranky, shouts **** me, **** me to her parents, then pukes on her bed. Nothing more than a regular teenage life film really :) It's actually not that bad, and worth seeing so you are not the only person in the world to have not seen it.

Amityville - Old and religious horror, but still cuts the mustard even by todays standards.

Evil Dead 2 & 3 - Certainly scary to people not decensortised by regular horrors, and for those who are it's just damn funny!

StudioX64 posted on Dec 12 2003 at 07:32 PM said:
Amityville - Old and religious horror, but still cuts the mustard even by todays standards.
The people who lived in the real Amityville house say if the film had been more like the reality it would have been 10 times as scary. That's scary. One truly excellent thing in that film was the demon voice that says "GET OUT!!!" - I'd believe it if I was told they taped that in Hell.

I found '28 Days Later' scary. Maybe just because it's British and feels more realistic because of that. American movies are already one step removed in realism by virtue of being foreign.
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timeslip posted on Dec 12 2003 at 06:46 PM said:
The obvious answer is gonna be something like The Exorcist but to be honest(as a collector of horror flicks) its gonna depend on your mood and what scares yah!

So try these :-

The Thing
Blair Witch
Texas Chainsaw massacre (not the remake)
Prince Of Darkness
Wrong Turn
Mouth Of Madness
Nightmare On Elm Street
Wes Cravens New Nightmare
The Hitcher
Exorcist 3

The list goes on and all

Their all fantastic films and depending on your mood and how pissed/stoned you are all have the ability to give some good scares
I have Saw The Thing, Blair Witch (Just a bunch of ppl in the woods swearing and seeing signs made from twigs :D hehe), Omen, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original), Halloween, All Alien films and saw All the Freddy Krueger films (Watch them all the time B)) and didnt find any of the above scary... Will try get hold of the other films that have been listed to watch.....

Whats the worst time you think watching horror movies is?? I find that When its light out side films arent scary but when its about 9 or 10 at night and its dark It makes the films more scary.... hhmmm might be time for some all night horror film watching from 8 at night till 8 in morning hehe... My PSX Will be overheating from playing the VCD's and my PS2 will only be good for playing the Nightmare on Elm Street collection (Only Horror "DVD's" I have hehe... But I find the VCD versions to be the best to get when it comes to Horror cos they are usually Full Un-Cut verisons....
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Psycho is the first and the scariest. Jaws comes in second and is terrifying in its own way. And yeah, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is beautiful and great.

Anyone seen Magic, starring Anthony Hopkins and directed by Richard Attenborough? Wonderful psycho-thriller.
bringoutthegimp posted on Dec 12 2003 at 09:35 PM said:
how do you play vcds on your psx?
PSX VCD Adaptor :D


Not My PSX... My PSX Looks much nicer :D hehe... Ill grab a Pic of mine soon...

Button on the Card allows you to flick to VCD or Games... Also acts as a Slot in Chip / Cheat Cartridge :D hehe... Great :D

one just sold on Ebay for £11 :'(

But your in luck :D another one is up :D
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Texas Chainsaw (the original) was gory, but all fear instilled by it was ruined by the soundtrack. No horror soundtrack should have a swanny whistle in it!!! (Apart from "Chopper Chicks In Zombietown" (class movie).

Blair Witch was the most overrated film ever.

The japanese version of The Ring is probably the scariest film I've seen.

The first time I watched Final Destination was excellent (my brother reckons it's the best horror he's seen then he said "Ghost Ship").

Most of these have been mentioned previously but the hall of fame as far as I'm concerned contain (in random order):
Nightmare On Elm Street (the original)
Evil Dead 2

We're not sure if it counts as a horror but "The Cube" and "Cube 2 - Hypercube" psycho-horror perhaps.

Names are now being thrown around here... Thinner... It (I didn't like this one)... Daemon Knight... The Wickerman... the story in Twilight Zone - The Movie with What's-his-face Lithgow with the monster on the plane's wing... Sixth Sense (if it counts)... Dog Soldiers. Nightmare Before Christmas... Buffy The Vampire Slayer (only joking with that one).

Then there are the classics Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and Bram Stoker's Dracula.