The people who lived in the real Amityville house say if the film had been more like the reality it would have been 10 times as scary. That's scary. One truly excellent thing in that film was the demon voice that says "GET OUT!!!" - I'd believe it if I was told they taped that in Hell.StudioX64 posted on Dec 12 2003 at 07:32 PM said:Amityville - Old and religious horror, but still cuts the mustard even by todays standards.
I have Saw The Thing, Blair Witch (Just a bunch of ppl in the woods swearing and seeing signs made from twigstimeslip posted on Dec 12 2003 at 06:46 PM said:The obvious answer is gonna be something like The Exorcist but to be honest(as a collector of horror flicks) its gonna depend on your mood and what scares yah!
So try these :-
The Thing
Blair Witch
Texas Chainsaw massacre (not the remake)
Prince Of Darkness
Wrong Turn
Mouth Of Madness
Nightmare On Elm Street
Wes Cravens New Nightmare
The Hitcher
Exorcist 3
The list goes on and all
Their all fantastic films and depending on your mood and how pissed/stoned you are all have the ability to give some good scares
PSX VCD Adaptorbringoutthegimp posted on Dec 12 2003 at 09:35 PM said:how do you play vcds on your psx?