Best GP32 games to play when your high..

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Apr 13, 2003
The list can be any game really. even if it's emulation, it's okay.

I'll start with:

Pang! for GP32
Monkey Island 2
GP Chess is good
Pinball Dreams!
Pitfall (2600) - but pretty much MOST 2600 games (even if you dont like the 2600)

(rick dangerous is too damn hard when your stoned, but i like it) :blink:

please continue the list.... ;) :blink:
The startup screen. and the SHWEEK SHWEEK sounds. and then you remember that incident where this blind homeless woman was in line for the eifel tower and she was all lost and yea the weiner kid. friggin weiner kid.
Octavius posted on Dec 3 2003 at 03:12 AM said:
The list can be any game really. even if it's emulation, it's okay.

I'll start with:

Pang! for GP32
Monkey Island 2
GP Chess is good
Pinball Dreams!
Pitfall (2600) - but pretty much MOST 2600 games (even if you dont like the 2600)

(rick dangerous is too damn hard when your stoned, but i like it) :blink:

please continue the list.... ;) :blink:
Gotta be hard to solve the puzzles in MI2 when you are high :huh: :D
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I heard the rocket knight games are good for that...but you can't really tun them on GP32 properly yet. My suggestion...something by Jeff Minter perhaps?
all I know is, don't ever get drunk and try to play Arkanoid. That was one of the most harrowing experiences of my life.
what i dont understand is, why do people think "being high" is a good thing?

Always some sad t&£t who posts like these on most forums..

OMG look at me im so cool cos i take drugs!!

Agreed... but now they'll come back with that "you don't like it because you've never done it" crap when most of them never did it themselves... yeah, I never did it. I value my brain cells. :blink:
Agreed... but now they'll come back with that "you don't like it because you've never done it" crap when most of them never did it themselves... yeah, I never did it. I value my brain cells.

I never did it cos I am happy enough as I am - dont need other things to give me a false illusion of happy.

Sorry if I appear to be ranting but its posts like these that really wind me up.
gnipper posted on Dec 3 2003 at 01:05 PM said:
what i dont understand is, why do people think "being high" is a good thing?

Always some sad t&£t who posts like these on most forums..

OMG look at me im so cool cos i take drugs!!

Drugs indeed suck, but not alcohol. I don't consider it a drug, more of a "holy water" kinda thing :D
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Alcohol is different in that :

a) its legal
B) if i have a drink, it doesnt affect everyone around me - its my choice to drink, why should anyone else inhale the aclohol i choose to drink!?!?!
Alcohol is a drug.. god people are so hypocritical who call others losers cause they use drugs, yet it fine for them to get drunk ... hello alcohol is a drug. It might be a legal but at the end of the day its still a drug. Just be cause its leagal don't make it any better. At the end of th day your still going to act like an ass under it, not be able to do your job and be a danger to your self & others should you drive.

And jut for the record I drink and dable in the others things :P

Anyway back on topic has to be something at a sedate pace for me .. like puzzle bobble on the GB ;)
Well, gnipper as I understand it, if pot was legal you would smoke it(while making sure to not incomodate anyone wich is good). I think you should decide for yourself what to do instead of JUST following the rules. Alcool can kill and it does very often for centuries now. They tried to make it illegal but we were too hooked on it so they couldn't. And it IS a drug. Don't try to sooth your conscience thinking otherwise, well you can but you are just lying to yourself :).

Don't be mad because some people think taking drugs is cool. It doesn't have anything to do with you. And some could think you are jealous :D. Drugs are what you make of them, they can help and they can be a nuisance. They can heal and they can kill. There's many books on the subject from many different cultures. You'd be surprised of the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of certain drugs. Don't buy that "Drugs are bad m'kay?" crap, that's just propaganda. Educate yourself on the subject instead. That being said, take care of yourselves, alcool or any other drugs CAN ruin your life if you let it(as does sugar or a baseball bat).

I played california games recently on SMS while being high. It was fun. I played a little SMB3 and Y's on nes too. SMB3 was a little fast for me but fun anyway :D

BTW many studies show that pot does not kill brain cells, but alcool does.
Im not gonna get involved in the debate but my favs while purple eyed are:

Barbarian for C64 decapitations have always held a soft spot in my heart lol
Bubble bobble C64
Rainbow island C64
Supercars c64

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