Catacomb 3d


YOUR AUSSIE GP32 GURU!!!!!!!!&#3
May 30, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
Well as u seen i'm remaking catacomb game for the gp32 using TZ yeti3d engine.

There are a few things i need help with

1) The name of the game (like Catacomb 3d Catacomb 32???)
2) gameplay i need a reminder about it

I also am releasing the texture i made for the catacomb 3d and other textures like the japanese style etc.

just download that and convert it then try it out :)

any comments etc please reply

i think i remember catacomb, but its been a while... nice to see, people are already starting to develop with thunderz engine. If you need help mapping or something, i can help you out ;) but i guess the maps were quite simple back then.
good luck with your project.

btw: the link to the textures doesnt work
I remember Catacombs' Abyss, but if there were others in a series of sorts, then I can't remember those. I suspect C3D and CA weren't the same game, but they may well have been. I don't think I played them, on account of my parents having a morratorium (sp?) on anything like Doom at the time (they were worried I might buy a gun and start shooting, I assume).
I've never played the original game (non of them)
but the pictures on ur site are looking great.

I'm really looking forwad to play this!!
Great work!

For me the link doesn't work either. (<- is this right? :wacko: )
Sorry about that

there is the texture

Catacomb 3d was basiclly the same as catacomb abyss but i am using the maps for catacomb abyss

Thanks for the help Hanuka but i have half of the maps done and will get them all done in a few days but right now im very sick snezing alot with a major migrain plus i can hardly breath so we will have to wait a bit but it should be done soon.

The help i do need is programming as i have to add code in for keys and powerups etc.

but i should have the maps done soon i dont know how far off it will be for a demo but i will try to get atleast the first level coded so u guys get to play instead of waiting for ages if it takes long for all the levels to work.

Dozer Posted on Nov 9 2003, 11:14 PM
  Ill happily help u test if u like. i can get my hands on a version of the origional and compare etc. pm me if ur interested. 

I do need people to test my maps etc to see if they like it or i should make better textures. I am gonna download the demo for catacomb abyss (if u use cheats its full version no just shareware ;) )

count zero Posted on Nov 9 2003, 11:31 PM
  Yes would be great to help u.
writing some routines or something.

u have just to sai what exactly u need.

I'll try to get the sprites for enemys working first then i will seek help with scripting keys to open doors etc.

Also the link seams to be up again just rightclick and save the zip file its the link on the bottom.

Posted on Nov 10 2003, 04:35 AM
are you changing the maps somehow, so you not only have a flat dungeon, but stairways and lower rooms or something?

No i have made the maps exactly like catacomb abyss so there isnt any stairs. I might do extra levels which are new 1's with stairs etc :)

I played loads of Catacomb on the old compu's at school (486, this was almost the olny game that run fine at these machines) and i hope i still remember the location of the keys :-P

If you need someone to test some maps, see the pm above this post, just press it and i will be more than happy to help you with this great remake! I might be able to do some textures (don't expect to much) or something else.

Keep up the good work NiN^_^NiN

one litle suggestion please please include a 16 color mode I know it will look horible (all 8 bit textures will lose colors) but it would be awesome :-P

edit // Typo's :D
nice idea for an add-on, huh?
you may credit me for that one

Dont worry i will i might even let a select few make a few levels but lets wait till i get a demo first ;)

one litle suggestion please please include a 16 color mode I know it will look horible (all 8 bit textures will lose colors) but it would be awesome :-P

Believe it or not when i transfered the 16 colour texture to the 256 colour pallete it looked quite good ;)

But the problem is that the wall tiles the texture and when i tryed the catacomb 16 colour wall with the vines it just looked wrong :(

I do want a 16 colour emulation as i might have to add the orignal 16 colour monsters then make them more colourful by hand.
I could use help with sprites i guess ???

Also this game was made to run on a 286 20mhz and it runs quite good to :) the engine is why it might look slow turning around as that was improved with wolf 3d

count zero Posted on Nov 9 2003, 11:31 PM
  Yes would be great to help u.
writing some routines or something.

u have just to sai what exactly u need.

I'll try to get the sprites for enemys working first then i will seek help with scripting keys to open doors etc.

Also the link seams to be up again just rightclick and save the zip file its the link on the bottom.

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