Hu6280 V1.07 Released

Man I can sympathize with the heat. I live in the southern part of the US where it's always hot an humid durring the summer. I work in this small room in my house, doing all my 3d animation. I have two computers to render my work and another to work on! Three dual core computers put out quite a bit of heat, even if I have the AC cranked. I don't want to work back in that room for two long. I have to take breaks quite often. It's nice back there durring the winter though. =D anyways vobbo it's nice to get an update on what's going on with everything. I'm sure a lot of us can sympathize about being busy.
thx :)

merci pour ta réponse constructive, je suis français et j'ai du mal a lire les grosses quantités de texte anglais, j'ai du surment zappé l'info que je demande, mais j'ai pas droit à l'erreur alors bon je vais le prendre avec le sourir et essayer d'autres emu pcengine ;)

si tu as reussi à me lire, c'est super, alors imagine 6 pages comme ça avec une info dedant que tu dois trouver ;)
honolulu posted on Oct 19 2006 at 07:27 AM said:
merci pour ta réponse constructive, je suis français et j'ai du mal a lire les grosses quantités de texte anglais, j'ai du surment zappé l'info que je demande, mais j'ai pas droit à l'erreur alors bon je vais le prendre avec le sourir et essayer d'autres emu pcengine ;)

si tu as reussi à me lire, c'est super, alors imagine 6 pages comme ça avec une info dedant que tu dois trouver ;)
Il a remarqué que tu es une « goule » parce que tu as rétabli un sujet qui avait été mort pendant des mois (depuis le 24 juillet) ;)

EDIT: removed "e" from the end of "mort". My French teacher may have temporarily stopped spinning in his grave now.
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does dracula x work on this one? and if so, how do i run it?
sorry for the noobish question
plounted posted on Oct 19 2006 at 02:55 PM said:
does dracula x work on this one? and if so, how do i run it?
sorry for the noobish question

I think it works but no sound ;)
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honolulu posted on Oct 19 2006 at 09:27 AM said:
thx :)

merci pour ta réponse constructive, je suis français et j'ai du mal a lire les grosses quantités de texte anglais, j'ai du surment zappé l'info que je demande, mais j'ai pas droit à l'erreur alors bon je vais le prendre avec le sourir et essayer d'autres emu pcengine ;)

si tu as reussi à me lire, c'est super, alors imagine 6 pages comme ça avec une info dedant que tu dois trouver ;)

Wierd, I had like two courses of french 10 years ago, and I could still understand most of that... Or atleast I think I can. :P
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honolulu posted on Oct 19 2006 at 02:59 PM said:
explain me "zappé" ;)
This is my last off-topic post, but I think zappé in this context would be best translated as "scanned", which is to read superficially... so it would be "I scanned the thread for the information". People also use the phrase "to skim read" for the same purpose.
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zappé it's like missing something when you forget about it ;)

I have zapped something about savestate ? :D

"zapper" is to change a channel with a remote control ;)

french is a strange language I know ;)
honolulu posted on Oct 19 2006 at 04:07 PM said:

zappé it's like missing something when you forget about it ;)

french is a strange language I know ;)

Now, that's quite a strange gp2x topic !
I never thought i would be reading about french language on such a forum ;)

by the way, "zapper" indeed means "to miss something/to forget" and it's a also used to define the habit of those strange tv addicts who cannot help switching between tv channels :D

I've been lazy and i didn't take time to read the last few pages so i take it that Vobbo is still missing in action and that no new update has made its way to the archive ?
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