Community game(continued)

gp32animefreak posted on Oct 3 2003 at 10:41 PM said:
Can you draw good evildragon I could use a helper with the cutscenes...
Also If you could create an organization sheet , that would be great...
Well, I can draw a bit in comic style, not in manga style (but I guess that could be learned with a book).
I'm better in backgrounds and stuff like this.

What I CAN do to help you with the cutscenes:
Animate your stuff.
I work as a compositor at a TV and film production company, and I mostly do stuff like trailers, animations, etc.

I can create an organization sheet and a timetable, but I first need to know who will lead which subgroup.
The sheet won't be helpful otherwise, and the timetable can only be accurate, if we know how complex the game will become, so we need a story (at least the exposé) first.
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Rico that egine would be awsome, If its also action we could make it feel more seiken densetsu, zelda like gameplay
Evildragon, I cant do backrounds for shit so a decent backround would be great, Also you could be sub-leader of the art department.
Heres how it is so far that I know of: Delsabre is the head of it all, Im head of storyline, Thats really all I know..... :(
If it's just backgrounds, that's no problem :)

So now we have to wait for Delsabre to name the different sub-group-leaders and organize all things for a start :)

Delsabre - Coordinator, Programmer, Pixel Artist, Other?
gp32animefreak - Storyline, Cutscenes?, Other?
Dolfhin - Website, Manual?, Other?
Neomorpheus - Other
kraahl - Dialogue, Other?
Tobriand - MIDI
whitestripes44 - Game Design
Evil_Cartman - GFX
IntenseWage - MOD Music
EvilDragon - GFX, Storyline
ste_167 - Game Design
declaration - Storyline
Dozer - Other
Bazzie - Storyline
vemon388 - Programmer
Cooljerk - Programmer

okay, group leaders, you are:

Programmers - Delsabre
Storyline - gp32animefreak
Graphics - EvilDragon
Game Design - whitestripes44
Sound - i dont think the sound guys need a leader, because they probly wont be helping each other compose.

if anyone wants a change just PM me.

@EvilDragon: you seem so organized i swear you must have been a commy once :o . if you want the coordinator position, you can have it.

hando is going to make a forum for this soon but until then just keep posting in the team-building forum.

i have also heard that some members think it would be cool if [I'm stupid spammer] the community game. i would rather have it open-source, so ill start a poll on it once the new subforum is up.
Hmm... since PM doesn't seem to work, I'll post it here...

@EvilDragon: you seem so organized i swear you must have been a
commy once . if you want the coordinator position, you can have it.

No, I haven't. But I work at a TV and film production company and therefore I know what information is needed when for a film - and that's not really different from a game ;)

Okay, I try being the coordinator, I'll start making some Excel-tables right away.
I should be finished the next days.

We should at least have all eMail adresses from the subgroup-leaders.
My eMail adress is:
You can also contact me via ICQ: 15691903

hando is going to make a forum for this soon but until then just keep posting in the team-building forum.

That's great!
It should be closed for everyone else except the project members and, if possible, have the sub-group leaders as mods.

Great project you started :)
I'm really looking forward for the first results :)
Okay, finished first GP32 project sheet with infos and a timetable.
Suggestions, questions, etc. can be sent to me (

I didn't list the guys who said they will do "other" things.
Please: If anyone wants to participate, tell me, what you want to do :)

It would also nice to have the eMail adresses of the group leaders.
I'll start coordinating everything once the forum is set up :)

This will be the best community project ever :)

Here's the timetable:
We should not sell it.. but rather give it to gamepark after were done if they reject it free download, if they accept it $$$$$ ching...ching....But sadly due to the amounts of people we would be getting a solid cash flow of .60 cents a week, and thats a mabye..... :rolleyes:

Every one can reach me at Gouger
yes that is a space