Community game(continued)


Mighty D Block
Aug 9, 2003
Adelaide, Australia
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Thanks to Rico the other topics I made are gone....but understandible(....muttering under breath....).
We have two coders now

vemon388(thanks for voluntering)

One more would be great though, but if not... 2 is enough I hope....

And hopefully in a month i could do some C++ work or C only in simple coding of coarse.

Mabye I can get Nathan, but he's still working on his second beta.....(ahahahah)..or so he says heres a message from him but slightly alterd by me......"Hey John geuss what" said nathan..."Your a flaming fagot"said me...."Im almost done with my second beta of my emu, and im also a fagot"said nathan....."Good job, I dont care unless you release it"said me...

But this is beside the point anyway, AnyBODY can join its a community project it dosent matter what you can do we'll find something for you to do so feel free to join...but i think 20 peeps will be the limit ...mabye that is.

Now that this is cleared, If its all right by delasabe I think we should start this week if not tommarow.
Bye for now ill keep ya posted(different time zones)

Could an admin make a seperate forum in development or somthing for this project, That would be great
We start this week...But lack of a GOOD CODERs(vemon388,..kikikik..BAKA...BAKA.....BAKA...,its okay as long as you can do some things)
At least we have 3/4 worth of coders not to mention me at 0.08 of a coder
0.08- Me( I know alot of basic...but I just started C++ a month ago)

Delsabre - Coordinator, Programmer, Pixel Artist, Other?
gp32animefreak - Storyline, Cutscenes?, Other?
Dolfhin - Website, Manual?, Other?
Neomorpheus - Other
kraahl - Dialogue, Other?
Tobriand - MIDI
whitestripes44 - Game Design?
Evil_Cartman - GFX
IntenseWage - MOD Music
EvilDragon - GFX?, Storyline?
ste_167 - Game Design
declaration - Storyline
Dozer - Other
Bazzie - Storyline

ok, gp32animefreak is doing the main storyline, EvilDragon declaration and Bazzie will help and make suggestions.

the coding will take awhile, but it would be better to have everything else done before it.

@gp32animefreak: make another topic called "GP32 Community Game Storyline" and post what youve written so far there. the other guys helping with the storyline will give you suggestions and such.

@Dolfhin: just get a generic website up for now. the design/whatever is up to you.

@whitestripes44 and ste_167: you two will be doing the game design. that means, figuring out how the battle system and such will work. be creative :) . whichever one of you reads this first, post a topic called "GP32 Community Game General Design" and say how you think everything should work.

those of you assigned to gfx, sfx and other, just hang around for now until the storyline and game design guys give you something to work with.

this topic will be for general discussion about the game.

@Hando: GPDC is on hold ever since i saw this. maybe ill get to it if we can get some more coders... also, since this seems to be picking up speed now, could you create a subforum for it and (possibly if you trust me enough) let me mod it?

were going to need more topics than just this one if this project is going to go anywhere...

and either hando hasnt read this yet or he doesnt think this needs a sub-forum.

...about the code... no matter how long i search through example code and include files, it seems the actual gfx blitting code and such doesnt exist. can someone point me to where this is?
Maybe you should consider using the SDL port with minigp32. Especialy since the project doesn't have many coders. The minigp32 environment is easy to use and SDL is pretty straitforward, documented and has a lot of examples and demos and games and such.
gp32animefreak I don't care how much you post in the Developer's Corner. But you were asking for coders in General Talk. Not a clever idea, really.

Hando doesn't go online too often, I suggest you mail him some more about it.
Errm... just a question: Who is the project leader?
And: For every section a lead person should be chosen.

I have NO experience with RPG developing, but as some may know, I work in the TV / movie business, and I guess there is not much difference between developing a movie or an RPG.

I will help whereever I can, but we surely need some lead persons for every part (GFX, story, coding, etc.) - persons who know the actual status of the project and coordinate everything.

And a project leader who coordinates the whole project, manages a timetable for all of the teams etc. is really necessary, unless we want to end in a total chaos...
im the coordinator. which is the same thing as project leader.

hehe, timetables. for now, things will get done when they get done. ;)

if anyone wants to be the 'leader' of their section tell me. gp32animefreak is already the storyline leader as he has already written the start of the storyline.

@Nelligan: i think i will.
Was there an original thread for the community game? I have only seen this one and I don't know what you guys are talking about.
Azure posted on Oct 2 2003 at 12:58 AM said:
Was there an original thread for the community game? I have only seen this one and I don't know what you guys are talking about.
Look right here:


Good to know there is a coordinator :)
Otherwise I feared it would end up in total chaos...
And there's nothing more frustrating for the whole crew if some work hard on their part and some don't do anything and therefore the project won't be finished...
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@Shane: im just going to post links to betas so everyone can try them.


Delsabre - Coordinator, Programmer, Pixel Artist, Other?
gp32animefreak - Storyline, Cutscenes?, Other?
Dolfhin - Website, Manual?, Other?
Neomorpheus - Other
kraahl - Dialogue, Other?
Tobriand - MIDI
whitestripes44 - Game Design
Evil_Cartman - GFX
IntenseWage - MOD Music
EvilDragon - GFX, Storyline
ste_167 - Game Design
declaration - Storyline
Dozer - Other
Bazzie - Storyline
vemon388 - Programmer
Cooljerk - Programmer

okay, we've got two more programmers, so that will definitely help.

@vemon388 and Cooljerk: right now the goal is to make a sprite move around the screen. thats it. after that we'll see if the game design guys have got any ideas for us.
give me a weekend, and I can put out a program that'll allow a sprite to move around the screen.
Ok, now that there are more coders so the responsibility won't weigh down on any one or two people, I'm up for coding. Just let me know if I'm needed.
We do need to organize ourselves in sub-groups.

We also need a native english speaker to check all text that will be in the game. Everyone makes errors and it can be hard to see your own. This will probably be a pretty boring task.
kraahl posted on Oct 2 2003 at 06:51 PM said:
We do need to organize ourselves in sub-groups.

We also need a native english speaker to check all text that will be in the game. Everyone makes errors and it can be hard to see your own. This will probably be a pretty boring task.
Yes, but the storyline is done by 4 people, and the will probably will be able to correct each other!
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