Alexkidd2x V0.4 Available :)


Certified Guru
Oct 22, 2004
Madrid, Spain
Here you have a new version of my Master System and Game Gear emulator.


I want to thank people who make the marquees for the emulator and Pedator for the icon.

The new features are:

- Enhanced rom selector's controls, it responds better to buttons events.
- Fixed bug related to absolute paths.
- Added folder navigation so you can select roms from any folder of the tree (NAND, SD, etc.). You can set the current folder as the default roms path pushing CLICK+Y.
- Fixed bug that let you select "blank lines" as it were roms.
- Added constant speed (100 Mhz) on roms selector to avoid flickerings when come back using different frecuencies.[CUT]
- Added the possibility to select custom marquess (only png images) to use them when playing at the original resolution. If you are on the marquees menu but don't want to select anyone, choose !none.png
- Added a little speed improvement (up to a 10% in some cases).
- Added battery level meter when playing and visual warning of low battery using the red led (you can show or hide the battery icon using CLICK+X except when the battery level is almost empty (when the icon flickers) that can't be hidden.
- Fixed Game Gear aspect ratio when using fullscreen mode.
- Fixed minor bugs.


You can download it here.

Sorry for my bad English :unsure:[/CUT]
Quick question: What would make me want to use alexkidd2x over DrMDx? DrMDx has sms and gg support aswell, nice interface and runs pretty fast right? I appreciate pucks efforts and I think it`s nice to see another emulator but can somebody tell me if I should stay with DrMDx or use this?
Compatibility? I've a couple of ROMs which work in AlexKidd but don't work in drmdx...
Also, I thought GG support wasn't complete yet in drmdx?
Quick question: What would make me want to use alexkidd2x over DrMDx? DrMDx has sms and gg support aswell, nice interface and runs pretty fast right? I appreciate pucks efforts and I think it`s nice to see another emulator but can somebody tell me if I should stay with DrMDx or use this?

How about the author has taken time to write it ??!??!?

We should all try it on that alone...your SD card is big eniugh for both !!

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Quick question: What would make me want to use alexkidd2x over DrMDx? DrMDx has sms and gg support aswell, nice interface and runs pretty fast right? I appreciate pucks efforts and I think it`s nice to see another emulator but can somebody tell me if I should stay with DrMDx or use this?

At the moment, the lack of fullscreen support for SMS games in DrMDx + total lack of support for GG games keeps me from using it... but as soon as they're implemented, that'll be the emulator of choice for SMS/GG.
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Ah! So compability is the issue that would make me use puck's emulator. I will do so immediately ;-) And I just bought another 1gig SD card... so yeah, I guess I do have enough space left to use both :D
Well, you SURELY do have enough space, as you can share the rom directories, so you only need the space for the emulator ;)
Puck2099- did you get my PM about a Z80 clock control? It'd be nice to raise the emulated Z80 clock and remove the horrible lag inherent in GG games. On the real hardware it's mostly impossible since the Z80 is integrated into another IC and its clock line is not discrete. :( There should be headroom to run the Z80 at 2x its normal speed (~7 Mhz, or even 14 in all likelihood, since you can run GG games at full speed at ~66 Mhz ARM920T clock. :)
Fantastic work - I look forward to playing this new version in a couple of days time.

DrMD is THE fantastic Megadrive emulator, but does not as yet play SMS games well - Bank Panic for example - no doors open! This emulator on the other hand is perfect on SMS (at least the previous ones were, I haven't tried this latest update yet).
This is a nice emulator, but I still cannot use it. Well, I CAN, but I would have to reboot after using it. To see what I mean, do this:

Boot the emulator and run a SMS game. Now exit the emulator.

Go and run DrMD...see the scanlines/interference? See how slow everything is running? This is becuase this emulator is doing something that is leaving something in memory (or I am guessing). From here on (untill a complete reboot) my GP2X runs slow and with screen interference. It was like this in the last two version of the emulator too. This is happening to me on a MK2 unit with v2.0 firmware btw. I would love for other people to test this and confirm or deny that it is happening.

I would just love for it to be fixed of course, as the SMS is a true love of mine! :)
Well I personally wouldn't call that a critical bug (not enough to justify saying you "can't use it"): all you have to do is reboot and you're back in business.

Guess it could be annoying, though I myself usually don't switch emus when I'm playing: when I'm exiting the emu it's because I'm done playing and switch off.
Okaaay, some feedback from me:

Really GREAT emulator :) Running fullspeed at 150 MHz.
However, I did play some Sonic: It looks like the speed varies a bit the music sometimes plays a bit faster, sometimes a bit slower... haven't tried with a higher clockspeed yet, though.

Preview of the Marquee doesn't work, looks like it's being drawn behind the menu background, as it can be seen for a few frames and then hides.

Would it be possible of having the GG-Rom directory at a different place than the SMS-Rom directory?
Because the same games (with the same rom names) exist for both systems. Besides, it would be more compatible with DrMD.

Is it still possible to save a global config? Have forgotten how this worked and couldn't figure it out yesterday.

And as it runs so well with 150 MHz, you could try adding a smooth filter (there are sourcecodes of various of them available) for stretched images :) I usually play without stretching, but it's more impressive showing fullspeed smooth pictures to other guys ;) And it shouldn't be hard to implement, I guess.

Anyways, GREEEEAT Emulator :) Thanks a lot!
Preview of the Marquee doesn't work, looks like it's being drawn behind the menu background, as it can be seen for a few frames and then hides.

Keep pushed Y button while you want to see the marquee, if you just pushes it for a moment, it will be showed only for that moment :)

Would it be possible of having the GG-Rom directory at a different place than the SMS-Rom directory?
Because the same games (with the same rom names) exist for both systems. Besides, it would be more compatible with DrMD.

Uhm, you can create two folders (sms and gg) and use the rom selector to change to the desired one and load them from it.

Is it still possible to save a global config? Have forgotten how this worked and couldn't figure it out yesterday.

Yes, CLICK+Y on configuration screen, it's in the readme.txt :P

And as it runs so well with 150 MHz, you could try adding a smooth filter (there are sourcecodes of various of them available) for stretched images :) I usually play without stretching, but it's more impressive showing fullspeed smooth pictures to other guys ;) And it shouldn't be hard to implement, I guess.

The problem is that current fullscreen resize is done using hardware features of the GP2x so it doesn't take CPU time to resize it. If I add a smooth filter, it will take more CPU time and you will have to increase CPU speed in order to play fullspeed.

Another option is "fine hardware resizer", but I'm waiting to Rlyeh implementation on his minilibs.

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And the issue I spoke of? I was in email correspondence with you not too long ago, but after the first few replies I never heard anything else. I have no problem testing... I would really like to see that issue go away.
And the issue I spoke of? I was in email correspondence with you not too long ago, but after the first few replies I never heard anything else. I have no problem testing... I would really like to see that issue go away.


Sorry, but I've been so much busy preparing this version while finishing a rotation/zoom function and progressing my others projects so I've forgotten answer you.

I tried to duplicate your problem, but in my case it worked fine... :(

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And the issue I spoke of? I was in email correspondence with you not too long ago, but after the first few replies I never heard anything else. I have no problem testing... I would really like to see that issue go away.


Sorry, but I've been so much busy preparing this version while finishing a rotation/zoom function and progressing my others projects so I've forgotten answer you.

I tried to duplicate your problem, but in my case it worked fine... :(


Do you own a MK2 model with firmware 2.0? If not, can somebody with this model please try Alexkidd, boot a game, exit and then try DrMD? I want to confirm that this is not an isolated incident.
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