Hu6280 Now Has Cdrom Support!

I can see DaveC's point completely regarding the emulation. See, many people will be utterly satisfied with the sound as-is, and this is because they were never REALLY into the TG16/PC Engine like some of us were.

I personally owned a PC Engine, Core Grafx (I and II), Supergrafx, TG16, Turbo Duo and a Turbo Express.... and hundreds of games. As you can imagine, I know the system quite well. When you are such a fan of a particular system, you know how it should it should sound. Hu6280 is not quite there yet, and as part of it's emulation maturity, I believe (as obviously many others here do) that the sound emulation should most definitely be tackled before anything else. Seems to me the graphics emulation is about on the mark (TV out could use tweaking slightly...maybe triple buffer), but sound is missing a whole lot.

There are certian sounds you just remember when you are in to a console, and when you do not hear them emulated, you REALLY notice it. Little things, like the exploding aliens in Galaga 88/90, the voice's in Blazing Lazers....the laugh when you drop the ball in Devils Crush. It's stuff like that that should be priority to get going well.

Now, it's not my emulator and I am not in any place to say what should or should not be done next. I am merely stating what I believe to be the logical next step. Vobbo has made GREAT strides in his work. The sound emulation HAS gotten better and better, as did the emulation as a whole. ISO support is a nice feature and will allow me to try some other classics I have not played in ages too. I really love what he has done for all of us and I also donated to show my appreciation.

Don't get angry at people such as DaveC for what he is saying. I think it may have come out the wrong way (the sound ISN'T as bad as stated...that was overly exaggerated), but I can certainly see where he is coming from regarding Vobbo working on other features when the big one (namely SOUND) is still not perfected.

I'm just glad I can play TG16 games with any type of sound on my GP2X at this point.... just hope it gets perfected is all.
It really isnt that bad, jeez dude ;)

Maybe to you it isn't. It seems to be a trend that everyone goes feature request crazy and leaves the basics behind. Those being running the game well and having it sound like the real thing. CD-ROM is ok but a few games can take up a whole card, not that practical. Anyone who has spent time with a PC-Engine will know the difference. For some of us sound IS important. It is very crackly, the music is "off", it is in mono, some things just sound weird like the white noise at the beginning of Devil's crush etc. For those that have a GP32 load up GPEngine and compare, or load up a PC-Engine emu on the PC. You will hear what I am talking about.
Send him feedback with the form on his site. He is more likely to read that then rather than battleing through a argument about the subject in a topic. Be sure to be as in detail as you can with examples if possible.
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Being at work, I cannot test this new release, so.. has the scanline problem been solved or is the lcd timing still set overriding any preceding settings? With the scanlines I am unable to use the emulator for more than about 5 minutes :(
Being at work, I cannot test this new release, so.. has the scanline problem been solved or is the lcd timing still set overriding any preceding settings? With the scanlines I am unable to use the emulator for more than about 5 minutes :(
What scanlines?
I see the white bar on the left, and no scanlines.
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Whats going on with the 3-in-one CD AKA Gates of Thunder, AKA 4-in-one ?

It has 3 .ISO files on it , one is the pretty menu with bonk, one is Gates and one is Bonk, no other bonk game...?

The menu ISO (number 02) will let you select but cant then find the actual game to play (which i guess is fair enough), but I wonder where the other bonk game is ?

Out of interest some call it the 4-in-1 as it has a hidden bomberman game in there accessable via a joy pad combination...
Being at work, I cannot test this new release, so.. has the scanline problem been solved or is the lcd timing still set overriding any preceding settings? With the scanlines I am unable to use the emulator for more than about 5 minutes :(
What scanlines?
I see the white bar on the left, and no scanlines.

Well, since the first release the emulator always overwrote the lcd settings I made in the cpu_speed app, causing fast diagonal scanlines to appear. My fw is 1.2.0 so maybe it is related.
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Probably a q for Vobbo,

Whats the deal with the ISO size?

Take GradiusII for example its 13mb, the Gradius Hucard or infact most Hus are not that size...

Is it the fact with the Super System Cards extra memory a lot of the size increase is due to more graphics??

Is the make up of the code different to a Hucard or is it the same?
Im going for the most posts in this thread...

OK how to enable music playback...

1) Start game on gp2x from iso image
2) Find the ripped wavs on your pc
3) Click play on wav
4) Turn up pc speakers
5) Change wav at the end of each level



he he
nickmon, most of the extra size comes from increased frames of animation, extra graphics and such. In some instances, the coders are able to get a little lazy with theoptimizations also due to the "unlimited" size.
Being at work, I cannot test this new release, so.. has the scanline problem been solved or is the lcd timing still set overriding any preceding settings? With the scanlines I am unable to use the emulator for more than about 5 minutes :(
What scanlines?
I see the white bar on the left, and no scanlines.

Well, since the first release the emulator always overwrote the lcd settings I made in the cpu_speed app, causing fast diagonal scanlines to appear. My fw is 1.2.0 so maybe it is related.

Hi guys,

I have fw 2.0 and no matter what combo I use (script/lcd utility, god..) hu6280 changes the lcd timing.
The 233mhz setting is the only which keep less fuzzy the screen, otherwise 200 or 266 is worst.
As for many other emus seems this issue is easy to fix, so please Vobbo, remove the lcd timing override or ask for help! in mame god_at_hell found how to remove the wrong code from the source in just no time!

Thanks in advance.

P.s. DaveC

I think too that sound is an issue, and I hope this will be always the no. 1 priority (better hucard+sound only)
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Hi guys,

I have fw 2.0 and no matter what combo I use (script/lcd utility, god..) hu6280 changes the lcd timing.
The 233mhz setting is the only which keep less fuzzy the screen, otherwise 200 or 266 is worst.
As for many other emus seems this issue is easy to fix, so please Vobbo, remove the lcd timing override or ask for help! in mame god_at_hell found how to remove the wrong code from the source in just no time!

Thanks in advance.

P.s. DaveC

I think too that sound is an issue, and I hope this will be always the no. 1 priority (better hucard+sound only)

Yes, it looks better at 233MHz, but it is only because the scanlines run faster across the screen.
Only those two things? no.

You need to listen more carefully to the music, there is obvious crackling, kind of like an old record with dust on it.

You also can't say that you can't hear that the white-noise generator it totally wrong like in the title of Devil's Crush. it is supposed to be a whoosh not a buzz like it is now. There are parts in the game that buzz when the ball hits it. That is an example, other games show this too.

As far as "you can never have them perfect, because its just not the original hardware" well that may be true but the sound on other PC-Engine emus on the GP2X and GP32 is much better at this time.

What about the complete lack of stereo? You can't hear that?

You need to load up a PC-Engine emu on the computer and compare. You will hear that you are wrong and there are more things to improve than what you say.

Yeah. I'm sorry but I thought it was much improved since 1.0, not perfect, but a helluva improvement. From the 10 minutes that I tested it for, and the 10 or so games I listened too, I felt it was alot better than before.

There is a difference in sounds from the original, but I didn't hear any cracks, or pops, or hissing, or distortion that I heard in 1.0.

Yes it is in mono, but for the most part it didn't sound too bad to the stereo respect.

I agree that I didn't hear the whoosh for devil's crush, but it just sounded like it was a sample that still needed some work to be properly emulated, not really a loud annoying buzzing sound....maybe I'll listen to it again...

I don't want to start an argument over what EXACTLY is right/wrong, but I do think its coming along quite nicely, and at this speed, he's emulating alot faster than many other coders. (no offense)

I just thought I didn't hear any distortion, pops, cracks, or hisses in the audio. I'll re-listen to the music portion of the games.

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Chill out guys! this emulator is beta!!

I still have alot of work to do on this emulator. I have worked very hard to get the graphics/cpu emualtion as perfect and compatible as possible, Sound is an ongoing project and will be improved.

I`ll add some more features to the emulator , savegame, removed LCD tweaks, fix the joypad remapping again , zip support , and then i`ll move back onto the sound and add wav/mp3 for the cdroms.

I am working as hard and fast as possible on this project, remember I`ve only had my GP2X for ~6 or 7weeks.

Also remember, this emulator is not a port... Its written from scratch from old documents I found related to the pc-engine hardware... Sound will be improved!

Personally, I think I`ve done a pretty damn good job so far... It plays more games than gp2xengine and squidgeengine , and the sound is massively improved from beta1.0

You will notice HU6280 boots alot of CDRom games that gp2xengine wont run also.

Vobbo :P
Chill out guys! this emulator is beta!!

I still have alot of work to do on this emulator. I have worked very hard to get the graphics/cpu emualtion as perfect and compatible as possible, Sound is an ongoing project and will be improved.

I`ll add some more features to the emulator , savegame, removed LCD tweaks, fix the joypad remapping again , zip support , and then i`ll move back onto the sound and add wav/mp3 for the cdroms.

I am working as hard and fast as possible on this project, remember I`ve only had my GP2X for ~6 or 7weeks.

Also remember, this emulator is not a port... Its written from scratch from old documents I found related to the pc-engine hardware... Sound will be improved!

Personally, I think I`ve done a pretty damn good job so far... It plays more games than gp2xengine and squidgeengine , and the sound is massively improved from beta1.0

You will notice HU6280 boots alot of CDRom games that gp2xengine wont run also.

Vobbo :P
You have done an amazing job. Especially in such a short time! Is this a port of your old PC build or have you lost the source and had to rebuild it from scratch?
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I used the basic cpu emulation from my pc version and rewrote the graphics / irq side especially for the gp2x. I then rewrote the cpucore in ARM assembly to make it fast enough for the GP2X.

The GP2X code is now VERY different to my pc original ;)
Im sure everybody in the GP2X community wish you well in your ongoing work to make this emulator perfect, I know I do. Any further work you undertake on it will be greatly and eagerly anticipated, no matter which direction you go in, we all have our wish lists for what goes on this, but im sure that everybody here will be more than happy with the knowledge that you are still working on it.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Also remember, this emulator is not a port... Its written from scratch from old documents I found related to the pc-engine hardware... Sound will be improved!
Amazing ... I may be wrong, but aren't you the first one to code an emulator from scratch for the gp2x ?
Anyway it is already an excellent emulator. And I'm really happy to discover all these pce mythic titles, thanks to your hard word :)
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