Community Game?

no MIDI. to get MIDI, youll need a waveset which will take a lot of space. maybe if the game gets really huge we could add MIDI, but even then i still think a MOD player would work better.

also, i myself am a composer. My Webpage. yes, in other places im known as Mindlessbeing...

.... alright, to get this underway, ill nominate myself to be the coordinator. if you think it should be someone else, just say so.


Delsabre - Coordinator, Pixel Artist, other?
gp32animefreak - Storyline, Cutscenes?, other?
Neomorpheus - ?
kraahl - ?

its an RPG so far, i think... gp32animefreak is doing the storyline.

@gp32animefreak: type it up, i wanna see what youve got done :D
We do need a code-:ph34r: before we start planning too much. That´s pretty important you know :P
(characters name)- main character
(other characters name)- other characters that are on main character side (supporting character)

I was going for that reveal a little of the end and start the story vibe thing.

…rumble….flash….destruction…. “Leave why you still can save your-self”…..
“I cant do that you know I cant, I love you (characters name)”….. “Please go leave me, goodbye (characters name), Go back to the ship they will bring you back home, hurry”…. “I’d rather die, than to leave you” ….. “You cant die……………………

“Wake up, you must not be late, you looked as if you hadn’t sleep” said mother “I’m sorry I couldn’t fall asleep, I was up all night thinking about it” (characters name). “Its your 17th birthday, today is the day you leave with the other 17 year old males of this Island to go beyond Kalamare and explore what’s beyond your home” said mother, “I know you’ve said it many times over the years, every year the current 17 year olds leave to explore the world beyond Kalamare” said (characters name). “ It just, I don’t want to leave you here all alone” said (characters name). “I’ll be fine you know that” said mother, “Before dad died he told me to take care of you” said (characters name), “I know he would want you to leave like the rest, he would be proud of you and how you matured into a fine young man, now come closer” said mother. “Never forget one thing my son, always rely on you heart and head, now leave before you miss the boat” said mother and hugged (characters name) “Goodbye mother” said (characters name). Walks out with his sword and stuff, “Hey hold on (characters name), wait up” said (other characters name), “hey (other characters name), are you exited” said (characters name). “Well to be honest I’m scared as hell” said (other characters name), “Why” said (characters name) “because I heard that rarely people make it out alive down there” (other characters name).At boat area “are you all ready” said castkell (boat driver) , “Ha iv been ready unlike these pussy’s” said Ricardo (or who ever this is only the first draft of the first segment). “We’ll see how ready ye are, not many survive the trip, personally I hope you get slayed by one of the many creatures in the world” said castkell. “It funny how an old senia..” said recardo interrupted by (other characters name) “ shut your fucking mouth Ricardo, before I kill you myself” Ricardo rushed at him, Slice. “I don’t believe it you cut me you bastard im gonna die” said Ricardo as he fainted , “ haha he’ll be alright he just cut his arm” said (characters name), “Who’s the pussy now” said one of the other boys. Sailing hour later “good bye” said castkell as he jumped of the ship, “don’t worry this is one of our test..arrsgjg” said on boy after stoping and not moving. “are you okay, oh my god what the fuck is going on”said one boy as the other boys body fell into two pieces, “ I don’t believe this is happening” (characters name).

More to come I’m already planed that only (characters name) and (other characters name) survive the trip, then get to a town and part, this is were the real story starts, ill write more as soon as I can.
meh, i know my opinion doesn't count for ANYTHING, because im a newb and not on this project, but I think a more modern/futuristic story would fit better for the type of game. And just some constructive criticism, ive been writin RPG stories sense i was 7, and you may want to change the beginning a bit, the whole dream thing and the 'you are of age, go out and explore the world' stuff is kinda overdone (read:cliche)
I think we should poll the whole community to decide what type of game it is.

RPG would be boring in my mind... unless it had a really cool twist or a great novel story. Axeman, you think you could incorporate this into the website somehow? If not, I can launch a website for the game.

Also, I would like to do some writing and designing, so as soon as the game type is narrowed down, I'll start submitting samples.

What did you all think of my theft RPG idea btw?

Be there pirates in yer story, matey?

Seriously, I think there should be early gunpowder weapons in the game, like muskets and one-shot handguns. That´s not very common and could provide an interesting twist.
Actually, you might be surprised about midi; both ScummVM and Doom use it for music, and neither are massively oversized. It's the CPU power I'd be more concerned about. And getting the library in the first place.
considering that it is an M rated game it has a rocky start, I think the M idea is a big twist of its own. Its also a chose your character when you part you can pick the nice guy, or the other whose an asshole. It depends on what story you want, if you want a classic rpg pick the nice guy, if you want a twisted story line pick the asshole. Lets compare story lines. Niceguy: "Please help us young warrior" says some person "Whats going on".Asshole: "Are you a swords man" says some person, you can choose to respond in different ways, you can either say piss off or what the hell do you want, either way "Pleas, help us bandits a SHOOTING up the town" says some person, again you have a choice, punch him in the face, or help. if you help you fight the bandits right away, if you punch him you continue drinking, then you'll get drunk, and the bandits will eventually blow the drink up, you get pissed and have to fight drunk ofcoarse.
The other twist is you need sleep or your character will fight bad or collaspe in random place. you can get drunk and fight stronger but unnacuratelt,you can cache a cold if your wandering the plains during winter.(the story line takes place in a year). The funny thing is you can cache dieseses to , i wont tell u how it would spoil it. Also sunburn in summer, and it fall if you hold run and run everywhere you'll slip on the leaves. A twist enough for yee, yes there might be pirates

Delsabre - Coordinator, Pixel Artist, other?
gp32animefreak - Storyline, Cutscenes?, other?
Dolfhin - ? (website, manual, boring but simple stuff, some easy pixel work?)
Neomorpheus - ?
kraahl - ?

I really would like to help but i don't know what i can do? :( Just say it and i hope i can do it.
I've got some photoshop skills (not to much) some truespace stuff skills and other skills.

Delsabre - Coordinator, Pixel Artist, other?
gp32animefreak - Storyline, Cutscenes?, other?
Dolfhin - website?, manual?, other?
Neomorpheus - ?
kraahl - ?
Tobriand - MIDI
whitestripes44 - game design?

@Tobriand: if they can do it i can. the music wont be needed for awhile. do you have any MIDIs online or a webpage?

@Billyy: yes, it is cliche, but not in a bad sense, i think it would work very well.

would everyone whos helping with the game please post what type of game you want it to be. the majority right now want an RPG.
Hey! Wow, awesome response we're getting!

Okay, well if it has to be an RPG... i can live with that. BUT! It's gotta be cool, and different. Worth playing.

Kraahl, pirates rock!! And animefreak, I like the idea of playing the bad guy. I also think we may want to try something like Super Mario RPG, like using characters from non-RPG games in an RPG. I also love the design of that game: the battle tactics and the level design and the like. But this may be hard to do, so...

Anyone read 1984?? What would be cool would be like if the story to this RPG was an epilogue to the book... it can be set in like some unkown year around 2050, where the fact that Big Brother is dead somehow escapes doublethink and is widespread. This causes bedlam that the Party is mostly able to control, but allows the Brotherhood to spark up again. You can play a member of the Brotherhood recently recruited, and you have to use stealth and avoid the Though Police while slowly destroying the Party and moving up inside the Brotherhood itself. I would LOVE to play a game like this.

Just my $.02 tho. Later
No offense meant towards your project, but I'd much rather see that RPG Maker finished. Then all of these ideas could be worked on, and we'd have 10 games in development instead of just one. Is there anything that project needs that we could contribute to?
@flack: actually, its supposed to be a community game that we can all work on. hence the name 'community game'.

@gp32animefreak: i count as half a coder.
Good job...Good job....Goob job............Anyways could someone contact some of the good coders for..........fuck it i'll place something in the development board

So far we have half a coder now if only we could code that coder into codeing more better so we can code the game into a really good coded c++ or C game coded from the coding progs. So overall it will have to be a good code to code for the coder.......That was stupid(hits himself in the head)