Many Apps Not Working, Please Help A Poor N00b.


Still Fresh
Aug 14, 2005
alright, im a  very new gp32 owner as i purchased mine off of the blu+ gbax sale on ebay.
now i have been loving my gp32 alot but now ive started to notice alot of stuff will not run on it and i get more apps/roms and its really upsetting me  :angry: ill just start from the start and list all the issues im having if anbody can help me (also i understand when roms arent running its just that the emulator cant run them, but if you have experience of these roms runnig, please do say so)

MrMD-a great emu

street fighter 2 (genesis version) shows sega screen, then goes black for about 20 seconds then gp32 resets.

virtua fighter, loads and runs great though in arcade mode if i try to prgress after beating the first round with any character, it resets gp32

(shining force also doesnt work, but it doesnt work with this emu right?)

this one bothers me HUGELY as iam a really big ssb fan and this game being on gp32 made me want it. ok, i can get every file on to the gp32 as intstructed, though when i was trying to get them on on gp32 file manger seems to not like to copy folders in folders  :huh: so i copied each across individually adn placed thefolders in the gpsmash? folder. so now i see the smash gp logo on the menu and when i select it load screens to full, then resets. much to my dismay.

gaias return
copied everything across fine, loads halfways then RESETS ARGGHG.

Os9xgp Blu+
when i going to get a gp32  i was aware of snes's speed issues but as i only wanted to run rpgs i assumed it would be no trouble, but alas i was wrong.....

final fantasy 3-doesnt load black screen.
lufia- doesnt load black screen.
lufia2-doesnt load black screen.
secret of evermore-doesnt load black screen.
secret of mana-doesnt load black screen.
tales of phantasia(english patch applied)-doesnt load black screen.
chrono trigger- doesnt load black screen.
Dragon Ball Z Legend of Super Saiyan- doesnt load black screen.
final fantasy 5- once it loaded and then froze in the opening scene, all other times doesnt load, black screen.

to its credit, i can run breath of fire and earthbound.
though i would sell my children for ff5, tales of phantasia and chrono trigger to run.

snes roms and smashgp bother me the most.  :(

anybody can offer any help, i would really appreciate it.
Glad to hear that you are liking your gamepark.

gp32 file manger seems to not like to copy folders in folders

I would advise against using GP File Manager, its shit. Get PhoDrive or similar from the download section, it'll make your gp act like a card reader and is much, much better.

As for certain games not working it could be one of three things:

1) emulator doesn't support it yet -- have a look at Warm&Fluffy's compatibility list to see if anyone else has had it working.
2) Bad dump -- try another site
3) copying problems with gp Manager / manually putting things in wrong folders / names.

If you keep trying you'll probably get some of the thing you have mentioned working (sorry can't be help with individual games) -- I had a lot of problems getting Doom to run when I first got my gp32_console but I kept trying and got there in the end
Well, I had the same trouble with street fighter on DrMD. Smashgp works fine on my gp32 (nlu o/c to ~166mhz), i have no idea whats wrong with yours. I never had any trouble with gianas return, and, once again, have no idea whats wrong with yours.

I have tried the following games and they have all worked for me (although very slowly and I don't have blu+):
-Final fantasy 5
-Final fantasy 6
-Chrono trigger
-Earth bound
(I have tried others, but those are the ones that are on your list that I am sure have worked for me to some extent)

Is it possible that you are trying to run at too high of a speed?

Also, I would recommend getting gpdrive. Its a nifty little program that works like this:
1. Start program
2. Plug gp32 into computer (bunch of text will scroll down gp32 screen)
3. Computer will read the gp32 as a mass storage device (you be able to copy and past your files in windows explorer)

This will eliminate any problems you may have with gameparks scetchy pc-link.
Sorry I wasn't much help.
Odd. What kind of batteries are you using? Are they new/fully charged? What program are you using to transfer files? If you use Windows XP, check out gpdrive; good for file transfers, esp in situations where you are transfering files back and forth.

Now on to your problems. Firstly, I don't know if Smashgp is blu+ compatable (though I believe it is). I only played it once, so I can't help you out that much, but instillation is VERY simple. Just put both the smashgp folder and fxe in the gpmm directory. Like I said, gpdrive will solve the sub-folder issue; it seems you are using the crappy default gplink program.

As far as Dr.MD goes, I am almost certain street fighter (2 turbo) works (though it's a bit slow). Perhaps you are using a bad rom dump? Are you overclcoking? Do other games play? You may be oc'ing your unit too high. Try a lower clcok speed, then a different rom dump. The Virtua Fighter bug you are describing sounds like a cyclone bug (this is why shining force dousn't work).

On to osnes. I KNOW Lufia2 and Chrono Trigger work (though you will run run into transparency issues later on in the game); perhaps you have a bad dumps. If those other games work, then at least you know the emu is running properly.

Only thing I can think of is that you have bad dumps. And make sure you have everything in ZIP format; faster and better.
and check yer pm's. good luck
wow, thanks for all the help guys!
gpdrive sure did help and i can now run smash gp :D
but alas..... still no snes roms, i tried another rom of ffV but it didnt work.
and i copied across the others again in gpdrive but stilll.....
its not the wrost but i would really love ff5 and lufia to run.
For SNES, be sure to use UNZIPPED roms, as zip support got messed up when BLU+ compatibility was added...
yeah.....there unzipped :o
batterys full.
i cant see what the problem is, i just hope im by chance getting a bunch on bad rom dumps or somthing, and when i come across good files....all will work...

ah a boy can dream. :D
Flock200 posted on Aug 14 2005 at 01:21 AM said:
MrMD-a great emu

street fighter 2 (genesis version) shows sega screen, then goes black for about 20 seconds then gp32 resets.

**This game dosnt work Try Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Runs Great**

(shining force also doesnt work, but it doesnt work with this emu right?)


this one bothers me HUGELY as iam a really big ssb fan and this game being on gp32 made me want it. ok, i can get every file on to the gp32 as intstructed, though when i was trying to get them on on gp32 file manger seems to not like to copy folders in folders  :huh: so i copied each across individually adn placed thefolders in the gpsmash? folder. so now i see the smash gp logo on the menu and when i select it load screens to full, then resets. much to my dismay.

**Make sure you are using the latest version, all previous versions used to crash for me**

snes roms and smashgp bother me the most.  :(

**Sorry I cant help with the Snez Roms too much but Try Snez9x for some of the games that dont work for example some EA sports games work here and not in OpenSnez.**

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ah-ha! i tried snes9x and they work! everything seems to run except ffV
which resets the gp32 during the opening movie (right when butz is sitting by the the fire with the chocobo) though is there anyway to change the clockspeed snes9x runs at? :huh:
now im gonig to try get street fighter to run on drmd, if i can do that.
gp32_console is my new wife.
Flock200 posted on Aug 14 2005 at 01:10 PM said:
ah-ha! i tried snes9x and they work! everything seems to run except ffV
which resets the gp32 during the opening movie (right when butz is sitting by the the fire with the chocobo) though is there anyway to change the clockspeed snes9x runs at? :huh:
now im gonig to try get street fighter to run on drmd, if i can do that.
gp32_console is my new wife.
Try serching the boards for overclocked stuff, I think someone made a 166mhz version...
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i had a search, but all the links were people were hosting them, are now dead.
could anybody email me the 155mmhz or 166mhz version of snes9x
you're better off with OpenSNES9XGP anyway. With the one that's not open, you have to keep reconfiguring your controls every time you want to play(unless you like the default ones). When I tried using SNES9XGP, the SRAM wouldn't save, and I couldn't save states either. I know for a fact that OSNES9XGP works with chrono trigger and FF3(FF6, actually). I've been playing Chrono Trigger in German for a few months on my GP32 now, and the only problems I've had were when I filled my card up too much(didn't know this was possible), which caused the splash(is that what it's called? i dunno, the background image that they took from Super Mario All Stars) to get all screwed up and look like TV "snow," except with color. It also made it so that I couldn't load SNES states... but getting rid of a few things solved that problem. Aside from that, the only problem is one someone already mentioned... The transparency issue... but there's no way of getting around that that I know of.
man this is getting annoying..... i cant get chrono trigger or goddam ff3 (6) to run on opensnes9x
im about to just give up on snes. :(