Gpfce V0.2 Released

Zzhu, if you are looking to redesign the quick keys, you may want to look at a humble suggestion for a popup menu I made a while back:

You could make the quick popup L+R, opening up a host of features, and save those middle button presses that everyone seems to be concerned about.

Anyway, just an idea. Good luck with the next version.
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Zzhu, if you are looking to redesign the quick keys, you may want to look at a humble suggestion for a popup menu I made a while back:

You could make the quick popup L+R, opening up a host of features, and save those middle button presses that everyone seems to be concerned about.

Anyway, just an idea. Good luck with the next version.

I took a look at this, and it's pretty interesting. This may work.
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How's the development going? Any chance you'd boost the volume for the next release? The maximum volume right now is a bit quiet. As a huge NES fan, this is one of my favourite emus for GP2x! Thanks a lot for porting it.
A really great piece of software. I'm impressed at how rapidly it became the best NES emulator to date on the gp2x. The only thing i would say it requires would be a menu, and a better gui aside from selector. while selector is great program, it does not replace a well formed gui. Aside from that, thats really the only issue i have with the entire program.
ugh. I hope this wasnt abandoned like the others :(

Well the fact that the author hasn't even visited this site for a couple of weeks is not a good sign. He either burned out or "real life" got in the way.

Damn you real life!! the destroyer of emus!! *shakes fist in the air*

From the man himself on June 5th:

"The next release may not come for a bit. I'll be on vacation in less than 2 weeks for about 2 weeks.
I'm also working on something else for the gp2x right now. Heh heh heh...."

I've always been expecting the next version to be a July release. Let's hope that's right...
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From the man himself on June 5th:

"The next release may not come for a bit. I'll be on vacation in less than 2 weeks for about 2 weeks.
I'm also working on something else for the gp2x right now. Heh heh heh...."

I've always been expecting the next version to be a July release. Let's hope that's right...
Geez, it must be something about NES emu devs that makes them work on mysterious new projects...
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good emu :)

the shortcuts are a little bit messy, often saving when trying to go back to the menu etc,

the only problem i found is boulder dash is unplayable, not showing the screens except one by one , some kind of clipping that makes you enter in a black blind area when leaving the first screen :D

also the sound volume is a bit weak compared to other things ?
Is this the source for this emulator open? :huh: I think I might just have a crack at it in a few weeks............ :ph34r:

edit: was thinking of adding game genie support........
Is this thing still being updated? Too bad there hasn't been any updates in ages, this is probably my most used emu. There's still stuff to fix...
DOH! I was hoping there was an update.. *sigh* A new version would have been the ultimate birthday present for me.

I'm just hoping that it's not abandonded and that a bit more work goes into an emulator menu/options key. Then again, not like I could do anything a quarter as good as what's there now.
Read his home page, you will understand that
he don't have any desire to continue on.

Beeing back-stabbed isn't something always fun.

Geeze, that's pretty scummy. Damn GPL Nazi. I'm sure if he just spoke to Zheng directly and pointed out the issue, he would have released the source--no need to dob him in. Bloody hell.