Gpfce V0.1 Released

I get the stereo bug as well, for example it's really bad in tetris. I also have a bug where if I turn the volume all the way down for a period of time, then try to put it back up, I get very distorted sound that doesn't sound at all like the original.

Regardless, this is incredibly impressive for a first release.
Gpfce 0.1 is a great release so far, I've read in readme of the original windows release that it runs fds roms.
Will that be in the next release? I look forward to playing the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2 among other fds files in the future. :)
iignotus posted on May 23 2006 at 09:14 PM said:
I also have a bug where if I turn the volume all the way down for a period of time, then try to put it back up, I get very distorted sound that doesn't sound at all like the original.

This occurs for me as well. I have no idea if it affects all roms, so far I've only encountered it playing one of them.
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zzhu8192 posted on May 23 2006 at 12:42 PM said:
Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into some of these issues for v.2.

I've definitely been struggling a bit with sound, so hopefully there should be some improvement in that area.
BTW, has anyone else run into the stereo/mono switching issue?

If you know of games that don't work, let me know. I'll see if I can get to it.

PAL support wasn't tested at all. I have a good idea why it's running too fast though. I'll see if I can rectify that, although i'd have to find some PAL region games to test it...

I'm thinking of adding game genie support and turbo fire on the next release as well.

Turbo fire and game genie support would be great features that I'd definitely use, but I'd still vote for tvout first (just my preference).

As for sound scratchiness, I know that used to happen to me on the PC version sometimes, but it always went away if I just increased the sound buffer (which obviously taxes performace).

So far I am very impressed with the compatibility--it even runs rad racer 1 and 2 flawlessly which most PC emulators can't do! The only game I've tried so far that doesn't work is Tiger-Heli, but then again Nestopia for PC is the only emu I've seen run that properly.
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Wow this is great! It is already better then FishyNES in the speed department.

I do too have the crazy stereo bug, it usally comes out of the left one really loud (it might come out of the left one but really quite I am not sure) and then sometimes for like half of a second the right turns on.

Also the controls need to be changed. B and Y= A on nes and A and X= B on nes.

If those two things, plus just a little more speed and graphic gilitchs are fixed I would call it almost perfect.

As a side note why are the roms not in alphabetacal order?
I've just had a quick go with this and I'm extremely impressed :D
Bart vs The Space Mutants, Solar Jetman and Battle of Olympus all appear perfectly :D

I noticed that sound bug in Battle of Olympus, but it's not to much of a problem.
reallynotnick posted on May 23 2006 at 05:33 PM said:
Also the controls need to be changed. B and Y= A on nes and A and X= B on nes.
If those two things, plus just a little more speed and graphic gilitchs are fixed I would call it almost perfect.
As a side note why are the roms not in alphabetacal order?

I very much appreciate the feedback people are giving. If there are issues with particular games, please post them here, and I'll try to take a look. I'm hoping to address the sound issues in the next release.

Alpha order of roms is a problem with selector and other programs as well. It may be fixed in the latest version, but I have had issues with that version on my gp2x fW 2.0.0. If I ever get to a built-in menu, this will be addressed. It's not high on the priority list though, based on the feedback. To work around this, make a new directory on the sd card and recopy all roms. Copy will work alphabetically, so you will end up with a sorted directory. Bit ugly, but it should work. (Maybe move/mv will work too?)

One thing I probably won't do is change the controls, at least the default layout. :) I might see where you're coming from with that suggestion, as the original NES MAX had the up slant for B and A. I was a fan of that controller as well btw. However, I find it easier to press Y+B together than A+Y or X+B. It's a bit awkward for the thumb, i.e. not as ergonomic in my opinion. I guess it might depend on how you hold the GP2X. Since NES A+B combo is used a lot in games, I needed that to be comfortable for me. See, I actually gave this some thought.... ;)
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Well I understand what you mean with the layout but I find it impossible to play the games with that setting because my brain is used to the old one, and on all the gameboys (plus gp32), its all made that way. Not to mention the buttons on the gp2x are so close together they are not too hard to hit together.

So would it be possible to have an option to change it between the two? Maybe have a config file? Your idea makes sense but having options for both would just satisfy everyone.

You can't play punchout with the buttons that way...
Zheng, later on, intend to add an ARM9 ASM 6502 core? To my understanding, there is one out there to use, and it was included in some GP32 NES emulator that ran very quickly. While 50-60 FPS at 200 MHz is nice, with a fast ARM9 ASM core I see little reason it wouldn't run at full speed all the time at 200 MHz, and probably the same at 133 MHz and lower. :)
Epicenter posted on May 24 2006 at 02:01 AM said:
Zheng, later on, intend to add an ARM9 ASM 6502 core? To my understanding, there is one out there to use, and it was included in some GP32 NES emulator that ran very quickly. While 50-60 FPS at 200 MHz is nice, with a fast ARM9 ASM core I see little reason it wouldn't run at full speed all the time at 200 MHz, and probably the same at 133 MHz and lower. :)

There are all kinds of ARM ASM cores like that out there from FluBBa the GBA coder. He makes the sources available too so maybe those could be utilised.
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DaveC posted on May 23 2006 at 10:34 PM said:
Epicenter posted on May 24 2006 at 02:01 AM said:
Zheng, later on, intend to add an ARM9 ASM 6502 core? To my understanding, there is one out there to use, and it was included in some GP32 NES emulator that ran very quickly. While 50-60 FPS at 200 MHz is nice, with a fast ARM9 ASM core I see little reason it wouldn't run at full speed all the time at 200 MHz, and probably the same at 133 MHz and lower. :)

There are all kinds of ARM ASM cores like that out there from FluBBa the GBA coder. He makes the sources available too so maybe those could be utilised.

These are good suggestions. I'll see if I can squeeze a bit more juice out of the C core before going that way though for the complex mapper games. If I can get the timing figured out better, there may not be a need. Actually, I'm now getting 67-70 FPS on mapper 0 games. I'm actually throttling it down, but obviously not doing a great job of it :D
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just want to say that compatability is excellent and it has played everything ive thrown at it with no graphical glitches while there were a fair amount of games that with fishynes had glitches or didn't work like river city ransom and tecmo super bowl.

ive had the same issues with sound as well. as far as im conerned once the sound is fixed this will be perfect.
Is there a way this can be made so that we can put the ROMs where we want to? The program seems stubborn as to where they are. It gives me a "error can not access to directory" if I put the ROMs anywhere else but where you want them. I don't like the roms etc to be scattered around the card and prefer to have in a subdir where the emu is. Since everyone has different setups, could it allow for us to set in the selector config where we want the base dir to be? That would be nice, and should be one of the simpler things to add :P

I have also got the sound panning bug. I noticed this with Reesys' SMS emu on the new DrMD too. That is the first place I noticed this bug. Also the sound is a bit "rough" in spots and pops and crackles but it looks promising.

Another thing I notice with alot of NES emus it that the tiles on the right side of the screen get weird colors and "jump" when scrolling in games. What causes this?

Thanks much for the good work.
reallynotnick posted on May 23 2006 at 09:55 PM said:
Well I understand what you mean with the layout but I find it impossible to play the games with that setting because my brain is used to the old one, and on all the gameboys (plus gp32), its all made that way. Not to mention the buttons on the gp2x are so close together they are not too hard to hit together.

So would it be possible to have an option to change it between the two? Maybe have a config file? Your idea makes sense but having options for both would just satisfy everyone.

You can't play punchout with the buttons that way...

I for one like the control scheme just the way it is, and if you look at games that had both NES and SNES editions, almost all of them carried over NES B to SNES Y, and NES A to SNES B (Contra, Mario Bros, Castlevania, Offroad....even Punchout). The default scheme here reflects that layout and therefore comes very naturally to me, although giving players a choice at some point would make everyone happy.
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I have noticed that when playing the emu that it saves automatically in a log file everything you do. BAD idea. That file will just get bigger and bigger eating more and more space. Plus constant writing to the card will wear it out (limited writes you know). It could also cause CORRUPTION if it is doing this when the batteries go out or the user shuts off the unit. PLEASE take that out, or at least make it optional. Any writing to the card or the NAND automatically and constantly is not a good idea, it is not an HDD.

Oh yeah, how do you shut off the framerate counter in the upper left? Couldn't find an option to do it.

Open up gpfce.gpe in a text editor and remove "> ./gpfce.log" from the script.

Sorted B)
Just some feedbacks :
Some sprites are a bit messed up in some games (Battletoads : Spaceship is mixed up from time to time, there's some scrolling problems too like the ground is too low on the screen).
While playing a good kirby's adventure, I had to sut down the sound for a second (a phone call) and when I bring the sound back it was totally messed up (noises kzzz krrr kzzz). I just saved the game, goes back to the menu, run the gamme again and load. It was fine then.