moz posted on May 24 2006 at 07:46 PM said:
some shitty game i copied the programing from a zx81 magazine
ah those were the days, diy games
Didn't it make you laugh when it took you like an hour typing it all in and there was an error, you had to debug the code yourself. People would submit code on a printout from the scratchy ZX printer, and that would get directly published. But quite often the output from the scratcher was too bad to print, so someone had to read that and type it into a word processor. I get the feeling not all the code was actually tested for errors <_< .
[Clare's alter ego says] Luxury! I had to type code in half an hour before the magazine arrived, on a black and white portable TV, using a computer that would crash if you tapped the keyboard too hard because it would cause the ram pack plugged into the back to wobble. The screams could be heard for miles after an hours typing, saving it all to tape and never being able to load it back due to an "R tape loading error". Time seemed to zip by and after forgetting my chores of hoovering up, doing the dishes and licking road clean wit tongue, our parents would kill us and dance on our graves singing hallelujah. You try telling all that to the kids of today, and they won't believe you
