Race! Released

iignotus posted on May 21 2006 at 05:27 PM said:
DARKGATE posted on May 21 2006 at 04:53 AM said:
:( i have a problem, when start the selectorRACE.gpe, i see "ERROR no se pudo acceder al direct"
I have see the selectorace.cfg, /sd/games/race i have create this structure, in directory race put the emu and the games.ngp, without space, EXAMPLE: "snkvscapcom.ngp" but don't work.
help please.
There's nothing wrong with selector. It's been said many times that /mnt/sd/ are naming conventions for linux. The directory that race looks for by default is /games/race/, not (/mnt)/sd/games/race.

You can edit the Selector config files to put the emu and roms where you want. I did as I didn't like the default setup as it didn't match the rest of my card layout.

I though it didn't wotk at first until I discovered that the emu doesn't support zipped ROMs ;)

Flavor, could you please add zip support to save precious card space? That would be great.
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Just a quick thanks for this! It plays everything I've thrown at it so far (YAY! Another version of Puyo Pop!! :D)... and a slight drift off-topic;

... I was flicking thorough the 80+ channels of garbage on TV the other night, and came across a skit on the atrocious "Mad TV" show; Pres. Bush was playing a Neo Geo Pocket Color!! How wierd is that? :blink:
can someone explains me what happens with selector ?

selector's config has been edited, selector seems to work fine and shows the games list (one word long and unzipped) but every time i try to launch a game, i go back to the gp2x main menu.

i dont understand what i did wrong
i start selector and itcraps out to the gp32x menu have managed to get game to work by renaming game to runme.ngp
Hey guys. I'm sorry about all these problems. It wasn't ever meant to need selector. I just didn't get a chance to build in a file selector and since selector worked so well for me I left the scripts in the RACE! release so that others could see how I had it set up.

I think that selector is open-source, so perhaps they can be merged.
Selector works fine for me.
It's just important that the files are in one word and not too long (I truncated them to 16.3).
It might also be that some chars are not allowed in files (I suspect [!])

So, if you just use a rename tool to change SPACES with _ or something else on your GoodNGPC collection, it might not work out of the box.

But the emulator is greeeeat :) I love the sound, it sounds so realistic :)
Emulator looks nice, promising work. It will be even better if a full screen option is available.

How do you return to the emulator menu from playing a game, to select a different one? I could only exit back to the GP2x menu.

There are various .gpe files available, I used the Selector one (changed the config file to locate the emulator and ROMS); presumably the other .gpe files are redundant?
bacteria posted on May 22 2006 at 05:21 AM said:
Emulator looks nice, promising work. It will be even better if a full screen option is available.

There is one for the GP32, so perhaps it can be made to work with all versions.

How do you return to the emulator menu from playing a game, to select a different one? I could only exit back to the GP2x menu.
There really is no "emulator menu." That would imply that the menu is part of the emulator. The menu is completely separate from the emulator. So, the menu calls the emulator and when the emulator is done, it just continues on with the script. Of course, it could be done differently, but that's why it went open-source.

There are various .gpe files available, I used the Selector one (changed the config file to locate the emulator and ROMS); presumably the other .gpe files are redundant?
If you have the selector one working, then there really is no reason to mess with the other ones. You can delete them (except for race.gpe which is the main executable).
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Ravnos posted on May 22 2006 at 01:16 PM said:
DaveC posted on May 21 2006 at 09:28 PM said:
Ravnos posted on May 21 2006 at 08:44 PM said:
They're both shit.

Bush is shit.
Yes, him too. All shit.
That. Plus crap. (Austin powers 3 quote)

^^Shittiest quote thing ever (da na chhhhh) :P
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Flavor posted on May 22 2006 at 12:11 AM said:
Hey guys. I'm sorry about all these problems. It wasn't ever meant to need selector. I just didn't get a chance to build in a file selector and since selector worked so well for me I left the scripts in the RACE! release so that others could see how I had it set up.

I think that selector is open-source, so perhaps they can be merged.

Selector has been updated.

I suggested to Kounch that he add scroll wrap and a 2 column display to show more games and make access to them faster. He did it! You have to add some parameters in the config to get the 2 column support but it is in the readme. I did it and it works quite well.

It there any chance this emu will get zip support? It helps ALOT when you are running out of card space. If you only add one more thing that would be a good one.

Thanks again for the great emu.
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this topic has turned to shit actually

back on topic - I've been messing with this, is the new Selector 1.1 compatible with this? I'm just trying to get this to work with the default settings at the moment, so everything's installed in /games/race/, and all the roms have been renamed to simple text, without spaces. But I keep getting the Selector error in Spanish, everytime when trying to load RACE_Selector.

I have gotten the Bomberman game to work, it works really great, and it's a lot of fun! It's good to see such a quality piece of homebrew included with an emulator! Great work from what I can see! I look forward to an update, Thanx a lot!
BobBorakovitz posted on May 23 2006 at 10:21 PM said:
back on topic - I've been messing with this, is the new Selector 1.1 compatible with this? I'm just trying to get this to work with the default settings at the moment, so everything's installed in /games/race/, and all the roms have been renamed to simple text, without spaces. But I keep getting the Selector error in Spanish, everytime when trying to load RACE_Selector.

Yeah, I have to assume that this is a case-sensitive error. I think that my install was in
/mnt/sd/Games/race/ and you said that yours was in

It's nice that Linux cares until you're on a system like the GP2X where it's hard to see what the actual filesystem looks like.

It seems like the omission of a file selector is the biggest problem people have with the emulator. It's too bad that selector's configs are based on absolute paths or I don't think there'd be any major issues with using it.

As for ZIP file support, I think it was in the base code, but I am not currently using it. I don't think that it'd be difficult to add. I looked into it at one point. My problem isn't the difficulty, it's the time. I released the code because I don't have the time for a while to work on it. I would welcome anyone that would be interested in adding these simple features to join the SourceForge project.
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Emulator is great, only problem I have with it is the long and loud start up sound. Other than that it runs great now that I have selector working with it.
Racer445 posted on May 24 2006 at 11:52 AM said:
Emulator is great, only problem I have with it is the long and loud start up sound. Other than that it runs great now that I have selector working with it.
Try hitting A or B during the sound.
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