Nintendo Revoloowii Will Achieve Global Domination.


Still Fresh
Mar 20, 2006
Washington, USA (but I still love you)
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Well, everyone has their own opinion. Personally, Im sold already - games lost their fun along time ago, mostly its now about anti-social hardcore gamers who want to 'pwn' each other over the internet. Where has the fun gone? What happened?

I think Nintendo now 'get it'... I will not purchase a PS3, or an XBox/XBox360, nor a PSP. But I'll buy a Wii, and probably buy a DS pretty soon.

Am I insane? Maybe so.. but thats my 2c


davey g posted on May 9 2006 at 01:19 PM said:
What kind of bizarre definition do you have for "hardcore gamer"?

Please take almost anything I say with a grain of salt, or gunpowder even.. In fact I myself would be classed as a 'hardcore-gamer' by many other 'hardcore-gamers' who are in fact maybe not 'hardcore-gamers' really but obsessive UT players who assume if you can't double-tap dodge jump-boot wall-spring left-right fakey flag cap then you obviously suck.

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TBH I don't know what "hardcore gamer" actually means anymore. All I know is I have a lot of games, and I play a lot of games. I do enjoy playing FPS, strategy,flight sims, Dancing Games, RPGs... Basically anything apart from sports games.

So... in answer to your question, I don't have any bizarre definition for "hardcore gamer".
I was actually talking to PokeyParadoxy there. Being declassified as a hardcore gamer because you want to get a Wii is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. If anything, a hardcore gamer (bah gawd do I hate that term) is someone who plays a game for fun only, not because of any preconceptions about colourful or simpler games.
Well indeed that is the type of gamer I perceive myself to be. I also consider this perception to be of the "hardcore" variety.

Unfortunately as it would seem, people that dedicate their lives to only a handful of games are also considered to be hardcore. It seems that the term is over-used and hence rather lacking in definition.
I suppose im classified as a hardcore gamer. Ever since I got my psx so many years ago, I've always preferred the "M" stuff....shooting, dealing, robbing....GTA, MGS, God of War...and no, im not a psychopath :rolleyes:

Some may say that stuff gets boring, but i disagree. I think if a game is good, then it's worth trying. If im bored, i get rid of it. Simple.

However i always like to try new things and give the competition a shot. I've disliked MS from the start of the Xbox era, and vowed never to buy one: Well i changed my mind. If it's worth getting even for 3 games, im going to get it. Im just waiting until the kinks are ironed out :)

I will DEFINITLY be getting a ps3 and a wii (yes they rhyme). They are both bound to be awesome systems, each with it's own special flair. While Sony may have issues with some of their systems, any true gamer must admit they aim to please with home console game libraries. PS3 will have a nice arsenal within the first 6 months.

And of course, the wii will be used to play the infamous mario and zelda titles as well as a few others :)
daclassicgamingmaster posted on May 9 2006 at 10:43 PM said:
I suppose im classified as a hardcore gamer. Ever since I got my psx so many years ago, I've always preferred the "M" stuff....shooting, dealing, robbing....GTA, MGS, God of War...and no, im not a psychopath :rolleyes:
What the heck has playing M rated games got to do with being a hardcore gamer? I'm completely lost here.
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hardcore in the sense that's being discussed in this thread. Not in the sense that you play games every minute of your life.

I like the blood and violence games over save the princess crap.
You can be a hardcore gamer without playing anything M rated. You are a hardcore gamer if gaming is part of your lifestyle and is important to you.
I've been playing video games since 1976/7.

Tandy Pong ... so hardcore it didn't even have a real paddle with a wheel ... just a junky 'slide' controller:

At the keynote they demonstrated two of the best games in the line up, Zelda and Red Steel. Combine that with an army of other awesome games including Mario, Sonic and CoD3 plus the Virtual Console and ridiculously low price and I just can't find much of a negative about the Wii.
TelcoLou posted on May 9 2006 at 03:20 PM said:
I've been playing video games since 1976/7.

Tandy Pong ... so hardcore it didn't even have a real paddle with a wheel ... just a junky 'slide' controller:


Do you actually own that console? Thats awesome. Most of my retro consoles broke long ago due to my tinkering, I still have a couple of PSOnes, Dreamcasts, even some Nintendos.. but nothing like that SLide Pong.
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