Best SNES RPG????

Sep 7, 2003
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what do people think is the best rpg available for the SNES. My personal favourite is Chrono trigger.
Also which RPGs have people had good experiences of playing on their GP32s..... such as still fast with sound and minimal frame skip.
i tried chrono trigger on the 166mhz version of the new snes9x and it seemed decent enough to me....... Currently playing Lufia 2 and that is very fast on my gp32.
Fav Action RPG: Terranigma (not very playable on GP32...)
Fav round-based RPG: Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6
bringoutthegimp posted on Sep 13 2003 at 04:28 PM said:
where abouts is the "back room" in the cathedral in chrono trigger?

chrono trigger runs fine on fs3 no sound 156mhz
The back room opens up when you kill all of the enemies in the middle of the screen (you don't have to do this but it's good for levelling up) There is a room with a piano in it, I can't remember exactly but you either play the piano or there is a switch in the room.
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I was really getting into earthbound on the gp32 it ran fairly well on snes9x at 156mhz. The game is pretty cool because its just alot diffrent than your average rpg. I was also really getting into wonder project j. This is a japanese game that has been translated to english. Its a really odd game in which you train a robot boy to perform diffrent tasks but is alot of fun. I am so pissed that I left my gp32 in class last week because now its gone. Hopefully some day I will be able to get another gp but that will be quite some time if ever.
Seiken Densetsu 3 is the best RPG as far as I'm concerned, with a very very good english translation patch.

No idea how it goes on the GP32..
Chrono troger is a really good rpg unfortanley it doesn't run to good :(
Earthbound is another good one i love it :D
The Final Fantasy serie is really good
Dragon warrior is very good
Lufia (ofcourse) is good :D
and you might give YS a try
generalnmx posted on Sep 13 2003 at 09:14 PM said:
Basically the smaller the filesize of the smc, the faster it will run. This is not always true, but usually is.
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adventure (non pure rpg) : Zelda

action rpg : secret of mana, secret of mana 2 (aka seiken densetsu 3)

rpg : final fantasy 6 is my personal fav, 5 is great too

tactical rpg : front mission, bahamut lagoon

other : tales of fantasia
