The Itsme Files

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Bloke with a brick on his head
Sep 27, 2005
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I wanted to add this to itsme's last thread but it has been closed.
The problem here is that itsme wrote :
I'm still waiting for my NES emulator for GP2x. Any idea how long I have to wait more? Don't give me make yourself comment. I make games for living, and It's like telling a chef to walk into kitchen and start cooking for himself when he's dining out in his local restaurant.
His only crime is forgetting that the playful intonation of his request will not be conveyed in writing. If any of you lot laying into him have any imagination try reading it as if you were having a laugh with a mate and pretending to order them about. Notice the way he said 'my NES emulator' like one might playfully demand - "Where's my breakfast, woman'.
Ok, so he might be guilty of a second crime. Feeling so comfortable as a member of this community that he would start a post in such an informal way.
He goes on, quite sensibly, to forestall the inevitable 'write it yourself' comment that someone once wrote and every goon that read it feels compelled to repeat in response to every post like this.
The 'dirty smelly troll' label just about sums up the playground mentality of those who are laying into him. The fact that you guys have had to make such a big deal out of this reflects more on you than him. In fact I find the pack mentality quite disturbing. One person misreads his intention and there is a sudden feeding frenzy.
The guy says he a games programmer. If no one is planning to work on it he may have decided to take it on. You may just have alienated someone who could have been a benefit to the community. Being a programmer he probably knows other programmers - what if they had become interested in the GP2X ?
I tried ... I really tried; but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't imagine myself in the same situation, as someone who "Makes games for a living", Signing up on a forum devoted to homebrew, and (even if it was playfully) demanding to know where his NES emulator was. It was disrespectful to the community, period.

If he was a well-known and respected member, we would all chalk it up as a joke. Got off on the wrong foot? Misunderstood? Perhaps, but then it was his own fault.
Plus claiming to be a libertarian while at the same time demanding a free handout, I wonder if the whole thing was a joke.
TelcoLou posted on May 1 2006 at 01:19 AM said:
I tried ... I really tried; but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't imagine myself in the same situation, as someone who "Makes games for a living", Signing up on a forum devoted to homebrew, and (even if it was playfully) demanding to know where his NES emulator was. It was disrespectful to the community, period.
I am sure you did and believe you couldn't. I don't know why you tried that. It is not what I suggested.
"disrepectful to the community" is another phrase like "write it yourself", parrotted about by the unimaginative. The only difference being that it is such a vague expression it is virtually meaningless. This is a community of individuals who happen to own a Gamepark, not a church bound by some common principles that can be defiled. He owns a Gamepark, he is part of the community of GP2X owners by default.
It is apparent from your response that you haven't read my post with anything resembling comprehension and just responded to try and justify your role. Isn't part of your role as mod to mediate rather than fan the flames ?
I am not sure if you think your little story about your inability to imagine conveys some cutting meaningful insight but its gone right over my head if it does. Maybe you are saying professional programmers are not welcome here ? I don't know - enlighten me.
TelcoLou posted on May 1 2006 at 01:19 AM said:
If he was a well-known and respected member, we would all chalk it up as a joke. Got off on the wrong foot? Misunderstood? Perhaps, but then it was his own fault.
I am sure new members will be pleased to know that you, a mod, see them as second class citizens.
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whos saying he was a second class citizen? he was an arrogant n00b. period.

I fail to realize why you are defending this man. Perhaps you should read his demanding comment over one more time.
As a newbie on this board, i've been folowing this with great intrest. I'm with Jabborwalky on this one, i think everyone jumped his shit for little to no reason. I had the impression that English was not the poster's first language, perhaps that would account for the wording of his posts? I'm sure I'll get flamed by the"Hardcore"and that's ok, i'm probably going to dump my gp2x on ebay anyways. Text reader is crap, movie playback is crap and it's constructed like a dollar store version of a PSP. (Gotta love that headphone jack! mine snapped the first time i put phones in.) Yeah I know write/fix it myself, but like a fool i believed the website about the video playback and i assumed that the text reader would at least be as good as the one on my GBA. Buyer Beware. But the next update will....... Sheeeet. The next update 2.0 did what? More battery life & faster boot, wow stop the fucking presses. Oh usb is fixed too ! this thing is almost as useless as my PS2. If i wasn't playing Shadrowrun and Devil's Crush on that excellant megadrive emulator that gifted man wrote i'd sell it right now. (if sega cd support is ever aded I'll donate a kidney.)
TelcoLou posted on Apr 30 2006 at 05:19 PM said:
I tried ... I really tried; but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't imagine myself in the same situation, as someone who "Makes games for a living", Signing up on a forum devoted to homebrew, and (even if it was playfully) demanding to know where his NES emulator was. It was disrespectful to the community, period.
It took 3 minutes before you closed my first thread after I posted it; I guess, you really tried hard for that 3 minutes. :P If I'm a mechanic, should I try to fix every car around me? If I'm a bartender, should I fix all the drinks myself all the time? The first post was rather asking about NES emu with a hint of complaint, but I wasn't demanding for it. Who was I demanding it for? I don't even know who to ask for.

Now, it turns out to be a totally different beast, and I still don't get why I'm getting so much personal attacks. I'm used to debates and the debate can heat up at times. However, I'm not used to arguments that immediately start out with naming calling and f-words. The last time that I experienced that was when I was in high school.

daclassicgamingmaster posted on Apr 30 2006 at 08:19 PM said:
whos saying he was a second class citizen? he was an arrogant n00b. period.
I don't understand why you keep calling names on me, but FYI name calling usually is a sign of lack of intellectual quality of the person. :P
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Seriously, daclassicgamingmaster, grow up. You had no part in this and you just walk in and start flaming.

Next, it itsme it was still your mistake. I don't know exactly how you came to this mistake, but it was a mistake nonetheless and WE SHOULD FORGIVE HIM FOR IT.

And everyone else, get off of him. The more he tries to defend himself the more you pick at him for what he says.

TelcoLou posted on May 1 2006 at 01:19 AM said:
I tried ... I really tried; but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't imagine myself in the same situation, as someone who "Makes games for a living", Signing up on a forum devoted to homebrew, and (even if it was playfully) demanding to know where his NES emulator was. It was disrespectful to the community, period.

If he was a well-known and respected member, we would all chalk it up as a joke. Got off on the wrong foot? Misunderstood? Perhaps, but then it was his own fault.

Mr.Jabberwocky posted on May 1 2006 at 02:43 AM said:
TelcoLou posted on May 1 2006 at 01:19 AM said:
I tried ... I really tried; but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't imagine myself in the same situation, as someone who "Makes games for a living", Signing up on a forum devoted to homebrew, and (even if it was playfully) demanding to know where his NES emulator was. It was disrespectful to the community, period.
I am sure you did and believe you couldn't. I don't know why you tried that. It is not what I suggested.
"disrepectful to the community" is another phrase like "write it yourself", parrotted about by the unimaginative. The only difference being that it is such a vague expression it is virtually meaningless. This is a community of individuals who happen to own a Gamepark, not a church bound by some common principles that can be defiled. He owns a Gamepark, he is part of the community of GP2X owners by default.
It is apparent from your response that you haven't read my post with anything resembling comprehension and just responded to try and justify your role. Isn't part of your role as mod to mediate rather than fan the flames ?
I am not sure if you think your little story about your inability to imagine conveys some cutting meaningful insight but its gone right over my head if it does. Maybe you are saying professional programmers are not welcome here ? I don't know - enlighten me.
TelcoLou posted on May 1 2006 at 01:19 AM said:
If he was a well-known and respected member, we would all chalk it up as a joke. Got off on the wrong foot? Misunderstood? Perhaps, but then it was his own fault.
I am sure new members will be pleased to know that you, a mod, see them as second class citizens.
He didn't say new members were second class citizens. He was new so we did not know what hes like. For example every now and then I piss everyone off and do something or make a seemingly dumbshit thread. We all know thats just what im like. People know ill just shut up once I calm down about what ever pissed me off and hence I dont get banned as much as some other people doing similar things because I dont mean it seriously. For example, I reported TelcoLou to himself. He knew that I was just joking around and didn't mean anything off it and he just asked kindly that I dont do it anymore.

RadioBirdman posted on May 1 2006 at 04:37 AM said:
As a newbie on this board, i've been folowing this with great intrest. I'm with Jabborwalky on this one, i think everyone jumped his shit for little to no reason. I had the impression that English was not the poster's first language, perhaps that would account for the wording of his posts? I'm sure I'll get flamed by the"Hardcore"and that's ok, i'm probably going to dump my gp2x on ebay anyways. Text reader is crap, movie playback is crap and it's constructed like a dollar store version of a PSP. (Gotta love that headphone jack! mine snapped the first time i put phones in.) Yeah I know write/fix it myself, but like a fool i believed the website about the video playback and i assumed that the text reader would at least be as good as the one on my GBA. Buyer Beware. But the next update will....... Sheeeet. The next update 2.0 did what? More battery life & faster boot, wow stop the fucking presses. Oh usb is fixed too ! this thing is almost as useless as my PS2. If i wasn't playing Shadrowrun and Devil's Crush on that excellant megadrive emulator that gifted man wrote i'd sell it right now. (if sega cd support is ever aded I'll donate a kidney.)
Just dont go demanding people make you emulators.

itsme posted on May 1 2006 at 05:35 AM said:
TelcoLou posted on Apr 30 2006 at 05:19 PM said:
I tried ... I really tried; but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't imagine myself in the same situation, as someone who "Makes games for a living", Signing up on a forum devoted to homebrew, and (even if it was playfully) demanding to know where his NES emulator was. It was disrespectful to the community, period.
It took 3 minutes before you closed my first thread after I posted it; I guess, you really tried hard for that 3 minutes. :P If I'm a mechanic, should I try to fix every car around me? If I'm a bartender, should I fix all the drinks myself all the time? The first post was rather asking about NES emu with a hint of complaint, but I wasn't demanding for it. Who was I demanding it for? I don't even know who to ask for.

Now, it turns out to be a totally different beast, and I still don't get why I'm getting so much personal attacks. I'm used to debates and the debate can heat up at times. However, I'm not used to arguments that immediately start out with naming calling and f-words. The last time that I experienced that was when I was in high school.

daclassicgamingmaster posted on Apr 30 2006 at 08:19 PM said:
whos saying he was a second class citizen? he was an arrogant n00b. period.
I don't understand why you keep calling names on me, but FYI name calling usually is a sign of lack of intellectual quality of the person. :P
You say should a mechanic fix all cars.


If a mechanic has a broken car and want it fixed straight away. Should he stand by the side of the road shouting that someone fix his car or do it himself.

He should do it himself.

Its your demand for yourself. You say you have the skills required to create such a emulator. Then do it!
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Maybe the hardcore GP32 crowd wasn't prepared for the influx of new members that the '2x brought into their territory.

Maybe it has something to do with new members coming in and seeing the level of SpamFisher's(tm) (and other) posts that they think that kind of attitude is alright here.

What we should have is a level playing field for all members and not allow some members get away with stupid posts just because 'well, that's how they are' while flaming others for doing the same.

I guess that it's gonna be a load of extra work for the mods to warn off everyone who jumps on the flaming bandwagon to lay off and let them deal with it. But that's what it's going to take to ease new members into the right way of doing things without scaring them away.

I certainly hope that itsme won't been scared away and that he will rise above the playground insults and become a valued member of the community
perhaps if he admitted that he was being an arrogant "member", then all would be well. He seems to think what he did was right, which it wasnt. it was a waste of time as well.

I dont need to repeat myself, but demanding things is wrong. especially when they're free and people do them at their own accord. I worry perhaps he thinks it's ok to demand of our devs and talk to them as though they are shit (which was the vibe I got). It's not.

Understand, I dont meant ocall you names. I just would like you to realize the tone of the post was EXTREMELY rude. Telcolou felt the same way.

Shikaku, its a forum where you express feelings. In other words, shut up; I can voice my opinions :P

Im willing to forgive him without a second thought if he realized how rude he came off as being. So far all I hear is him giving analogies of what his situation is.
gp32rich posted on May 1 2006 at 10:43 AM said:
Maybe the hardcore GP32 crowd wasn't prepared for the influx of new members that the '2x brought into their territory.

Maybe it has something to do with new members coming in and seeing the level of SpamFisher's(tm) (and other) posts that they think that kind of attitude is alright here.

What we should have is a level playing field for all members and not allow some members get away with stupid posts just because 'well, that's how they are' while flaming others for doing the same.

I guess that it's gonna be a load of extra work for the mods to warn off everyone who jumps on the flaming bandwagon to lay off and let them deal with it. But that's what it's going to take to ease new members into the right way of doing things without scaring them away.

I certainly hope that itsme won't been scared away and that he will rise above the playground insults and become a valued member of the community
If you read that post then you would see its not a flame. Its a list of logical statements proving that, in the words of Spock and so many other vulcans "his logic is flawed". Also I only act like a twat occasionally and in the off topic forum. Never any other place. This happened in the GP2x forum. So please get your facts straight. Live Long And Prosper.


I agree with you completely, how unusual :P
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"Arrogant"...I agree with completely, but why do you insist on making it known several times. It's obvious we realize that.. Ever heard of "if someone slaps you, turn the other cheek?". It's much easier online than it is when someone is really slapping you.
Loubear posted on May 1 2006 at 01:19 PM said:
"Arrogant"...I agree with completely, but why do you insist on making it known several times. It's obvious we realize that.. Ever heard of "if someone slaps you, turn the other cheek?". It's much easier online than it is when someone is really slapping you.
Have you ever heard the expression 'An Eye For An Eye'?
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As I see it, itsme expected a NES emulator to be made soonish when he brought a gp2x. Maybe if he has read some of the early information from GPH, then he would hold such expectations. Meaning that he paid for the GP2X thinking that a nes emulator was guarteed.

I mean, in a way we all assume that emulators will be made and homebrew produced; if not, the GP2X would become a very ordinary handheld. Originally, I expected a CD full of cool software to come with my GP2X. When I got my first GP2X, I was a little dissapointed and spoke to people online about it and discovered that this was a mistake by GPH. So maybe itsme had very grand assumptions about the quality of emulators which has given him more fusteration then you or I. I'm quite happy with the current emulators and think fishynes is just great. obviously not so for itsme.

I think it's a valid point that if written in a more polite tone, the topic could have developed some interesting debate on the expectations of GP2X owners as to what free software will be volenteers by volenteers.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on May 1 2006 at 11:50 AM said:
perhaps if he admitted that he was being an arrogant "member", then all would be well. He seems to think what he did was right, which it wasnt. it was a waste of time as well.

I dont need to repeat myself, but demanding things is wrong. especially when they're free and people do them at their own accord. I worry perhaps he thinks it's ok to demand of our devs and talk to them as though they are shit (which was the vibe I got). It's not.

Understand, I dont meant ocall you names. I just would like you to realize the tone of the post was EXTREMELY rude. Telcolou felt the same way.

Shikaku, its a forum where you express feelings. In other words, shut up; I can voice my opinions :P

Im willing to forgive him without a second thought if he realized how rude he came off as being. So far all I hear is him giving analogies of what his situation is.
What you are saying is that you either haven't read the opening post or are incapable or unwilling to see how what he said, with the right, playful, intonation was neither arrogant or rude. It was just an enquiry into the state of play concerning NES emulation.
I can understand why you would not want to accept this view of the matter, after blundering into this witch-hunt, but you would come over as a more balanced individual if you would at least give him the benefit of the doubt.
Someone who doesn't need to repeat themselves yet does, ad nauseum, and doesn't mean to call people names but apparently can't help themselves, does not really command the respect that would give your forgiveness any weight.
It is very magnaminous of you to offer to bestow your forgiveness on someone if they conform to your warped interpretation of their motives.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition ! Our chief weapon is bigotry and a fanatical devotion to the pack....Our two chief weapons are........

Sam 'Mr.Spock' Fisher - How can distinguishing newbies from established members by giving them less credence not be interpreted as him viewing them as second class citizens ? Seems a perfectly logical deduction to me. I didn't start this thread so you could continue your witch-hunt but to expose it. The point is that, read as intended, his post was an innocent query. If you can refute that do so. Instead of continuing your hateful little vendetta try and see it for what it was.
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Objection! - This evidence clearly contradicts that statement! (Yes I have played too much Phoenix Wright... and I couldn't resist, since that last post... well... yeah you get the idea.)

I agree that how something is said, cannot be conveyed in a textual format, I will say that I also read itsme's post and thought "You cheeky little ratbag!". So a blunderous post, perhaps... But if you are a relatively new member to a forum, you shouldn't risk credibility of humour at first anyway... it's just common sense.

Ah well... my opinion probably doesn't count anyway, since I haven't been here al that long either, I'm probably considered to be one of these second class citizens. ;)
daclassicgamingmaster posted on May 1 2006 at 03:50 AM said:
perhaps if he admitted that he was being an arrogant "member", then all would be well. He seems to think what he did was right, which it wasnt. it was a waste of time as well.

At first, I was going more of casual with a slight tone of complain, and somehow that ticked off quite a few people, here. I think, I felt too comfortable at the time. Now, I got the message. As in my libertarian comment, I think I made a mistake of expecting free stuffs to work out for me. I'll stay with my usual buy what I want route.

daclassicgamingmaster posted on May 1 2006 at 03:50 AM said:
Understand, I dont meant ocall you names. I just would like you to realize the tone of the post was EXTREMELY rude. Telcolou felt the same way.
Apology accepted, and I'd like to offer my apology on offending you guys with the original post. I didn't realise it was THAT sensative issue around here. Now, can we all have a group hug? :rolleyes:
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I don't care about emulators because I don't own any games I could emulate, so I don't follow it too closely, but I was under the impression that FishyNES was pretty good and improving. Is that wrong?
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