Albion. Big Project, But Now Slightly Plausable?


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2005
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Hiya, Khato here.

Now, when I first got my GP2x, I thought it would be awesome to port Albion to it. It's my absolute favourite PC RPG of all time, and deservedly so. So I set about trying to contact Blue Byte, Ubisoft (Blue Byte takeover =), and Jurie Hornemann, the lead programmer of the project.

This turned up false with every turn. I was disheartened, but I saw on sourceforge the AmberWorlds project. On there was a programmer named Flo, who I got in contact with - they had made scripts for extracting the data from the Albion XLDs and a 3D map viewer. It's not quite full source, but some of the major obstacles have been overcome. I tried, I really did. =\

I now have them, but as I'm not a programmer, I haven't the faintest clue what to do with them. I would so dearly like to see Albion on the Gamepark, and if this takes us one step further towards it, I think that's awesome.

Tech stuff.
Click here to get the information (16mb)
I don't give any disclaimer to this stuff. I wrote very little myself (I tested out the script functions, that's about it), and most of it is in German.

If any bored and experienced coder(s) want to take up this task, I implore you, go forth! It shall be a great conquest in the history of mankind! For great justice!
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Doesn't Albion already run on Dosbox? Atleast, someone posted a screenshot of it running on their gp2x. (No idea about speed though)
I love Albion, great rpg. :)
That was me who made the screenshot. It was April 1st, remember? XD.

And VGA runs SLOWWWW on DOSBox. Not to mention that Albion's native resolution is 360x240, rather than 320x240. And that makes it nigh unplayable. Couple that in with MIDI emulation and SB emulation and mouse and keyboard and the fact that it doesn't run that great all the time in the 3D areas running on DOSBox on a 2.8Ghz computer...

FluffyPanda posted on Apr 4 2006 at 07:39 AM said:
I think you're answering your own question.

Not really. He's detailing how poorly it runs in DOSBox, and other difficulties related to it. Running anything in DOSBox is fairly slow, which is why I'm not too excited about it (most of my old DOS faves needed a 486 at least to run well). I'd be willing to bet that Doom runs like crap in DOSBox, too, but we've got a pretty damn good port of that going. Who knows if Albion would run that well as a native port? It'll definitely run better than in DOSBox, though.

Without source, it's an uphill battle. The stuff Khatoblepas linked to will help for sure, but I wouldn't count on it overnight, if ever.
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Khatoblepas posted on Apr 4 2006 at 02:07 PM said:
That was me who made the screenshot. It was April 1st, remember? XD.

And VGA runs SLOWWWW on DOSBox. Not to mention that Albion's native resolution is 360x240, rather than 320x240. And that makes it nigh unplayable. Couple that in with MIDI emulation and SB emulation and mouse and keyboard and the fact that it doesn't run that great all the time in the 3D areas running on DOSBox on a 2.8Ghz computer...


Ah, that explains some stuff. :P
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