Revolution To Play Megadrive/tg-16 Games

trooper posted on Mar 23 2006 at 05:21 PM said:
PS1 is probably the highest they should go (maybe n64 if not already mentioned).

Imagine the revolution emulating a Sony system!! :P That would be indescribable. I'm sure they'll have an N64 emulator on there, though.
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Isn't there an N64 emulator on the Gamecube or something?

Besides that, my PS2 can emulate Megadrive, TG-16 and all sorts of stuff.
Yes.. it's the Zelda bonus disc.

Someone has ripped the emulator out and you can "inject" other ROMs into it... it's not too hot for compatibility though. I managed to get all 120 power stars on Mario 64 on it though.
I was sure sega was on board, but its big news that Hudson is joining forces as well. I can see the Revolution being much much more popular than anyone previously thought. This is really turning out to be an excellent year for Nintendo.

And no, you wont see ps1 emulation on the revolution. Sony is a competitor, so thats a pretty fishbrained idea.
Thats true, but your average consumer is a moron. Nintendo has a history of making things easily accessible to anyone. Anyone can buy a Revolution and play classic games, whereas i probably only know 2 people out of a hundred that has any idea what emulation is (let alone how to mod an xbox).
possible megadrive/genesis and sms was a rumor from a long time ago after the Sega president said he would love to have Genesis avaible for the rev, glad it's actually happening too

hope they have Wonder Boy
Shikaku posted on Mar 23 2006 at 10:48 PM said:
shinneri posted on Mar 23 2006 at 09:56 PM said:
Make the Rev Dreamcast compatible now!  :D  :P

No, really.  That would be one hell of a console then!


Sarcasm. :rolleyes:
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Anyone remember way back when colecovision had the atari 2600 adapter. I never had to buy one since I had Colecovision. I forgot whether Atari ever won their law suit against Coleco (the lack of their existance today is not evidence that the won or lost.)

I after Bleem! I always wondered if Sony might try and emulate DC or Xbox on the PS3 just to be real bastards, but that would have made them just as bad as they claimed Bleem to be back then, too bad though.

This revo thing is actually pretty smart, they're capitalizing on the fact that if there's a market for old NES games their should be one for thei opponents games. it dosent garauntee brand new content though which would better help the system.

The one major problem I see with this additional level of content is that they'll be weeding out games they dont concider classic, which makes me wonder how can you judge your former competitors games and decide which are classic and deserving of a revivial and which arnt? I expect there to be dissapointment.
Well if they are aiming to prohibit roms even more then already possible, then that means everybody should get their complete romsets now :D Anyway, if the revolution can do all this, I know what I am saving my money for now! Sounds like a great concept. I already loved the fact that it was going to play snes games and had eventual n64 support!!!
Here's the way i see it....

Nintendo knows its not going to win game for game with the PS3 and 360. It's already been said that the Rev is only a few times more powerful than the Cube. So what do you do when you have lackluster games on a next Gen console? You have downloadable classic games for $2 a download. Or 5 free games with purchase of a $40 Revolution game, its pure genius.

Nintendo will make MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars off the classic games, even at $2 a pop, or bundled with Rev games. It ensures the success of the console when the games and or controller fails.

Thats my speculation, I think Nintendo realizes the risk of the Rev and is putting this in as an "insurance policy" if you will. I think they realize they are not going to have the 3rd party support like the other 2 will have, and other than first party games, the downloads will be a major source of income. But until the actual numbers are given, this again, IS JUST MY SPECULATION.