Internal Development
Well, Guyfawkes has a pretty even hand; if it comes push to shove, GF can shove real hard 
skeezix posted on Feb 28 2006 at 07:24 PM said:Well, Guyfawkes has a pretty even hand; if it comes push to shove, GF can shove real hard
DaveC posted on Feb 28 2006 at 06:50 PM said:Glad you guys like it.
It seems TheHive at Emuboards being the total tosser dickwad that he is has decided to slander me by raping the sig picture. What an arrogant fuck huh? What a powertrip. And this guy is a MOD? :blink:
How do you all feel being called "mentally impared" ?
Actually, I think it's kind of funny, and I have one of your caps.DaveC posted on Feb 28 2006 at 07:50 PM said:Glad you guys like it.
It seems TheHive at Emuboards being the total tosser dickwad that he is has decided to slander me by raping the sig picture. What an arrogant fuck huh? What a powertrip. And this guy is a MOD? :blink:
How do you all feel being called "mentally impared" ?
FluffyPanda posted on Feb 28 2006 at 12:32 PM said:Actually, I think it's kind of funny, and I have one of your caps.DaveC posted on Feb 28 2006 at 07:50 PM said:Glad you guys like it.
It seems TheHive at Emuboards being the total tosser dickwad that he is has decided to slander me by raping the sig picture. What an arrogant fuck huh? What a powertrip. And this guy is a MOD? :blink:
How do you all feel being called "mentally impared" ?
Also, it can't actually be slander unless he said something bad (and untrue) about you.
Regardless, I think you should use the following image as your sig, at least for a while.
I have no idea, I was in foods class and i was spinning it while listening to music like I always do. Then I looked at the teacher doing the demo and a few mins later I noticed it was gone... I was sitting next to only my brother. I checked everwhere at the end of class, like under stoves and such and no luck... Maybe one of the wiggers picked it up or something, oh well.Jarska333 posted on Feb 28 2006 at 12:59 PM said:How can you lose it? It's still rather well in place...
Mikey242 posted on Feb 28 2006 at 09:17 PM said:I went over to emuboards with all the intention in the world to give thehive a piece of my mind, but I just couldnt do it, sorry DaveC.....
Anyway. Very comprehensive review you have there skeezix, im liking it. Makes me want to buy a cap!
Besides shouldn't a concave odject be regarded as female,nickspoon posted on Feb 28 2006 at 09:12 PM said:Couldn't that guy think of a better insult for a joystick cap design than 'gay'?
Dontcha mean Rico?FluffyPanda posted on Feb 28 2006 at 09:32 PM said:
I have no idea, I was in foods class and i was spinning it while listening to music like I always do. Then I looked at the teacher doing the demo and a few mins later I noticed it was gone... I was sitting next to only my brother. I checked everwhere at the end of class, like under stoves and such and no luck... Maybe one of the wiggers picked it up or something, oh well.
*snickers under breath*lhnz posted on Feb 28 2006 at 04:42 PM said: