Community (slashdot-style) Moderation?


I have 6 little blue things. W00t.
Nov 25, 2005
From a post to the "DaveC for Guru" thread:
FluffyPanda said:
If the Guru badge is supposed to stand for knowledge and an informed opinion, I think DaveC well deserves one, as do Radek and Theoddbot.

On the other hand, it would be cool to let the community rate its members.

Something like a button at the bottom of each post that you can click if it was particularly helpful. Kind of like slashdot moderation. Then people with 10 helpful posts can get a star, 100 posts gets you 2 stars and so on.

People like squidge and theoddbot would soon float up to the top of the "helpful and well informed"charts.
Anyway, this would be a huge task to add to the boards, but I was wondering if anyone thought it was a good idea, and also who is actually responsible for maintaining these boards (meaning, has access to the code).
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I am not so sure, it may make some members 'compete' with each other for one up manship
yaustar posted on Feb 24 2006 at 03:31 PM said:
I am not so sure, it may make some members 'compete' with each other for one up manship
thats true, but I think in overall it would be a nice system :)
I think that the only maintainer is Hando, try sending him a PM.
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FluffyPanda posted on Feb 24 2006 at 04:01 PM said:
From a post to the "DaveC for Guru" thread:
FluffyPanda said:
If the Guru badge is supposed to stand for knowledge and an informed opinion, I think DaveC well deserves one, as do Radek and Theoddbot.

On the other hand, it would be cool to let the community rate its members.

Something like a button at the bottom of each post that you can click if it was particularly helpful. Kind of like slashdot moderation. Then people with 10 helpful posts can get a star, 100 posts gets you 2 stars and so on.

People like squidge and theoddbot would soon float up to the top of the "helpful and well informed"charts.
Anyway, this would be a huge task to add to the boards, but I was wondering if anyone thought it was a good idea, and also who is actually responsible for maintaining these boards (meaning, has access to the code).

Idea of additional ratings (I called them "silver/gold" bars plus to the blue ones) isn't bad one. They could be awarded for some kind of achievements and could have that advantage over "Guru status" that would be both available for more members yet as they would weight less than "Guru" (so not making "Guru" watered down). However it would be another complication and I'm starting to thing that we are too focusing on that topic already.


Perhaps the simplest things would be to just add extra blue bars to the existing poster's status? After all no rating can reflect a person accurately so why bother with more sophistication?
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Basically, to encourage people to post polite, helpful, interesting things and avoid stuff like this:

Ok, so the mods would still be selected as they are now, but at least a newbie could see at a glance who has the respect of the forum.

Plus I think a lot of people are really helpful, but tend to fade into the background a bit. A per-post rating system would show up those people who post rarely, but are extremely helpful when they do.

Like you, Radek :)
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Good grief, NO! We don't want this place turning into GameFaqs now do we? .... If the incentive to post something changes from an actual contribution to a topic, to a post made only to gain "points" or "Karma", it would be bad indeed :(
Yeah, because everyone now only posts when they have something important to say ;)

Still, it could go either way, making people shut up to avoid karma loss or make them speak up whenever possible to try to grab a few more points (kind of like slashdot in fact).

I only thought about it since there was so much discussion about alternate guru rankings in the davec thread.

Can I have one of these?
DaveC is a Guru :blink: it came as a bit of a shock to all of us, but its time to accept it and move on.
Cyclops posted on Feb 28 2006 at 05:45 PM said:
DaveC is a Guru :blink: it came as a bit of a shock to all of us, but its time to accept it and move on.
what are you talking about, half the forum nominated him
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Rico posted on Feb 28 2006 at 07:50 PM said:
Cyclops posted on Feb 28 2006 at 05:45 PM said:
DaveC is a Guru :blink: it came as a bit of a shock to all of us, but its time to accept it and move on.
what are you talking about, half the forum nominated him
I think that is the point. All of the other guru decisions have been very clear cut this time about half the forum did not want him to be a guru, anyway. It's over now.
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