Xbox 360 Core System Questions?


Jul 12, 2004
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i'm after the core system because its only £210 then getting fight night round 3 (imported from canada hopefully if the 360 will let me).

Does anyone have any screenshots so i can see the difference in quality between having a HDTV and a normal 28' widescreen tv.

is the 360 region coded for the games or can i play games from america like the psp can?

is there much difference between the core system and the £270 wireless system?

Xbox live for the 360 is it free?

are the freezing problems still there or were they blown out of proportion?

Cheers for any help guys/gals

shinneri posted on Feb 23 2006 at 01:22 PM said:
If I remember correctly, you can't play online without a hard drive, right? That would mean you'd be out of luck with Live using a core system.

And I know for sure it isn't backwards compatible.
The 360 is backwards compatible, but only partially. The list of games that it's compatible with gets bigger all the time, but without an HD I don't think you'll be able to use those updates.

And I'm pretty sure you can play online without the HD, but you can't buy games from the Live Arcade and the like.
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the way I understood it was that the HD was required for Backwards compatability as well as updates to fix games that didn't work well or didn't work at all. As for the core system I'd suggest saving up and getting the full one if you;re really pressed to get it at all, buying the core and then every thing else separatly mean you spend twice as much over the long run. it was a sneaky bit of pricing designed to gain more money from what seemed to be the cheaper choice.
yeah i've thought about it and im gonna get the premium one, it'll just take a little longer to get because i'm not paying for it out of my wages i'm selling some of the crap that's lying around like my MD. Saturn, Dreamcast etc. got £50 so far and i've only been saving a day so shouldnt take too long hopefully lol

just hope its not a letdown.

£50 for a game god i think i'm gonna have to go out and get drunk before i purchase one lol it'll make me cry otherwise
It will give you time to really investigate your purchase before you make it. seriously check the status of the games and hardware, see if others are saticefied enough with their own purchase before you personally take the plunge on something so expensive.

If it's worth buying it's worth taking the time to make sure it's worth buying.
yeah i'm gonna keep an eye out around the various forums and check out the reviews of the games and all that. main concern at the moment is the overheating/freezing and the "get hot quick power supply" as my computer's are layed out on the floor and i dont want a 360 PSU shaped burn on my floor or a gary shaped burn in my bed lol