Can I Ask This Question...

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Recovering Sega Addict
Nov 14, 2005
Worcester, MA
Did we hassle him too much? I remember when his posts were the only posts worth reading around here... What happened?

If this is taboo, for whatever reason, please feel free to lock the topic.
I understand that, but I'm wondering if it's because he thought people here didn't appreciate him... If so, then I'm one soul who feels saddened by the word "Unregistered" under any of his posts.

I found him nothing but helpful when GPH's site was all in korean, and he gave us news whenever there was an update.
D.C. posted on Feb 21 2006 at 08:05 AM said:
He's gone, deal with it! :P

I wish you'd go.
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LHC posted on Feb 21 2006 at 02:26 PM said:
He said he'd never come back if more people voted 'leave' than 'stay' in that poll. That didn't happen though.

Thats because he is a prat.
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I'll admit Im still in shock that he just got up and left out of nowhere. But no real loss....just some getting used to.

He obviously took major offense to all the crap about him 'working for nintendo' and the like. Too bad for him.

He's gone now and has clearly moved on. Which we should all do too.
i also voted for him to stay. I liked his discussions and the chances to debate on gaming issues. All i'm saying is don't quote articles, then post information that is falsified from the articles, which he did on more than one occassion.
D.C. posted on Feb 21 2006 at 06:55 PM said:
Talk to the hand gramps....
I feel the urge to counter with a witty comment, but then again, someone who tries to annoy me without any apparent reason can´t possibly be smart enough to grasp it anyway. :lol:
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Nice one. But I think we sidetracked this post enough and I'm to lazy to comment with something "witty", so let's leave it at that.
sorry for another off topic post but here's a great smiley:


Let me get this post on topic. The poll if codeninja should stay or go says about 67% stay and 33% go. I really thought he'd be back, because the majority of the people would have liked him to stay. I don't really understand why he left. Even if some people say shit to you, just ignore them or snap back at them. Don't pack your bags and leave. Thank you for watching, God bless you all and good night.


PS: hehe :D, nice simley.
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