"Very" Old Timer
I love you reesy I want to donate ... Oh wait a min I already have
C'mon peeps bung the man some groats DrMD is still a gem on GP32
Oh yes!!!! A true guru has spoken. Is this the start of a trend as the masters tire of their new mistresses and return to their first true love ? Let's hope so.Reesy posted on Feb 27 2006 at 09:06 PM said:Well I just dusted off my GP32 and fired her up...I'm in love again. Time to update a few of my GP32 emulators I think, lets see if I can squeeze a few more fps out of DrMD. GP32 forever!
Hanz™ posted on Feb 22 2006 at 08:18 AM said:Too be honest, the only thing to wait for is the GP2X devs to release a better firmware imo.Alpha2 posted on Feb 22 2006 at 08:11 AM said:
I thought there were lots of issues with the unit and was going to wait until after they were ironed out, but found I needed one due to the fact I am now coding for it. I am glad I did buy one as I found there's weren't many issues at all, one or two little things that did not detract from how good the unit is.darkman posted on Mar 9 2006 at 07:24 PM said:I have the GP32 and am loving every minute of Genesis, PCengine, Homebrew, Mame, SMS, NES, & SNES. I voted GP32 and wanting a GP2X. I have a NLU. I have been thinking of looking for a BLU to buy. I do want a GP2X but there seems to be too many issues with the unit. I would like to see a lot of those issues die down a bit before I take the plunge. Maybe if things cool off and begin to level off toward the end of the year and maybe the filmware becomes a non issue. I really want a unit like my GP32. I bought it and loaded it up and it works.![]()
May I ask, do you own a GP2X?nem posted on Oct 26 2006 at 04:17 PM said:GP32 all the way. The 2X is marred by that travesty that they call the joystick (the irony).
Sure do. Bought one when it came out.WarmFluffyUK posted on Oct 26 2006 at 10:31 PM said:May I ask, do you own a GP2X?
nem posted on Oct 27 2006 at 05:21 AM said:Sure do. Bought one when it came out.WarmFluffyUK posted on Oct 26 2006 at 10:31 PM said:May I ask, do you own a GP2X?
It's toss. I can't believe people enjoy using that joystick :blink: The MK2 might be a lot better, I don't know.